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Date:___________ Hour:_________
Ch. 11: History of
Ancient Egypt
Ch. 11 Sec. 1: Geography and Early Egypt
1. The ______________ _______________ is the longest river in the world.
2. Ancient Egypt included two regions. The southern region was called
_______________ _______________ and the northern region was called
_______________ _______________.
3. The Nile River created a 13 mile wide ______________ ______________
4. Egypt’s rocky, hilly land created ____________________, or rapids on in
the Nile River.
5. In Lower Egypt, the Nile River divided into several branches which formed
a _______________, a triangle-shaped area of land made from soil
deposited by a river.
6. Little rain fell in the region, giving Egypt a __________________ climate.
7. _______________ _______________ first moved into the Nile River
Valley more than _______________ years ago.
8. By 4500 BC, farmers grew _______________ and _______________.
9. Egypt’s location meant that it had _______________ _______________,
making it difficult to invade.
10. Menes _______________ Upper and Lower Egypt, making them one
11. _______________ is the term used by rulers of ancient Egypt, meaning
_______________ _______________.
12. A _______________ is a series of rulers from the same family.
Ch. 5 Sec. 2: The Old Kingdom
1. What did ancient Egyptians believe about the gods?
2. What were some of the responsibilities of the pharaoh?
3. Think!: With the role of the pharaoh, what kind of government do you
think ancient Egypt had? Why?____________________________________
4. Describe the social classes of Egyptian society:_____________________
5. Explain ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife:__________________
6. How did ancient Egyptians prepare bodies for burial?_________________
7. What are pyramids?___________________________________________
8. Why did Egyptians put so much effort into building pyramids?
Ancient Egypt Map Activity
Directions: Use the Interactive Map Maker from to label the following. Use pages 279 and
293 in your textbook and the Resources Link to help you.
Under the Region tab, select Africa
Under the Country tab, select Egypt
Under Basic Map Elements, remove Map Title and Grid Lines
Under Borders and Names, remove Capital Symbol, Province
Boundaries and Country Borders
Under Other Features, remove Points of Interest, River Names and
Water Body Names
 Color Fertile Areas Light Green (page 279)
 The Nile River - Blue
 Nile Delta - Blue
 Lake Moeris - Blue
 Sinai Peninsula
 Western Desert
 Eastern Desert
 Red Sea
 Mediterranean Sea
 Memphis
 Nubia
 Arabia
 Use the 3 Pine Trees Marker to Show Timber
 Use the Single Oak Tree to show Oasis
 Use Fire to show Copper
 Use the Yellow Building to show Gold
 Optional: Draw in the trade routes in Red
You Pick the Symbol:
 The Great Pyramid of Giza
 Valley of Kings
 The Pharos (Lighthouse) at Alexandria
o Use the World Book Tab and search Alexandria Egypt.
The Writing of Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphics
Hieroglyphs are part of a system of picture writing called hieroglyphics.
When picture writing first began, the pictures represented the actual object
they depicted. These were called pictograms. For example, a picture of a sun
within a family scene signified that the sun was part of that scene. Later,
pictures came to represent ideas, so that if you saw a sun in a scene, it
might symbolize not only the sun, but also daytime, warmth, or light. These
were known as ideograms.
Draw a Pictogram of River
Draw an Ideogram of Love
Finally, the pictures began to represent not only the appearance of an object
and related ideas, but also the sound of a spoken word used to it describe it.
Sun, then, might also mean son, or be part of the word Sunday. So each
picture took on a unique sound that could be used to form thoughts and
ideas. If you used everyday objects to do the same thing, you would write
the word "hi there" as follows:
The simplified code below shows you what each sign sounds like using our
alphabet. Actual Egyptian hieroglyphics have no vowels (pictures for them
have been added here to help you with your translation). Also, unlike these
simple hieroglyphs, each hieroglyph found in pyramids and tombs often
symbolized more than one consonant. Not only that, but actual Egyptian
hieroglyphs were a combination of sound-signs, pictograms, and ideograms.
No wonder it was so hard to decode them!
Can you use the code below to figure out what they mean? (Note that some
pictures represent more than one letter. You need to pick the one that works
Now try to decipher these hieroglyphs:
Can you use the code below to figure out what they mean? (Note that some
pictures represent more than one letter. You need to pick the one that works
If you had trouble, you’re not alone. That's the same problem researchers
had when they first found the hieroglyphs. No one could agree on what each
picture meant. But then someone unearthed a stone table, the Rosetta
Stone (on the following page).
Mrs. Waite’s picture
behind protective
glass. Aug. 2011
Better Picture from
Online 
The Rosetta Stone contained the same passage in three different
languages—hieroglyphic, demotic Egyptian, and Greek. In 1799, a
Frenchman named Jean Francois Champollion, who knew Greek, was able to
match the Greek translation to the other two languages, and thus crack the
Can you figure out which type of writing is which?
Sample for the Rosetta Stone:
Type of Writing:
Directions: With your table partner or trio, read pages 298 and 299. Then
answer the following questions. Use the graphic organizer below to help you
define hieroglyphics.
Book Definition:
Your Definition:
Picture: (Your First Initial)
How is hieroglyphic writing different from our writing today? Be specific.
In your own words, why was the Rosetta Stone important?
Come Explore Ancient Egypt!
Creating a Travel Brochure of Ancient Egypt
Directions: For this assignment, you will be creating a travel brochure of the
monuments/buildings of ancient Egypt. For this project, we will assume that all the
monuments/buildings are in their original condition and are available for the public to see.
Content: Your travel brochure must be tri-fold. The front page must be the title page and
include a picture. The brochure must contain all seven (7) of the elements listed below.
At least 3 monuments/buildings – must have a picture and description of each
monument/building. The descriptions must include when it was built, what makes it
special, where it is located, what purpose it serves and what Pharaoh had it built.
Government practices – a picture showing some element of Egyptian government and
a detailed description.
Social Hierarchy – an image showing social hierarchy and a brief description.
Customs and Dress- Pictures and or depictions of traditional Egyptian customs and
dress. Include a caption explaining each.
Religion and Gods/Goddesses – brief summary of the religious practices and at
least threes (3) gods/goddesses. Each should have a picture/image, and a caption
explaining their role and who they are.
Title page
Religion and Gods/Goddesses
Tri-fold Brochure Format
Color (colored pencil, marker,
3 monuments/buildings
Government Practices
Social Hierarchy
Customs and Dress
crayon, or printed in color)
Neatness and Good Use of
Resources: Below are some suggested websites that you can use to research information
about the various monuments/buildings. Also use other websites, the textbook, and your
notes. Do not use Wikipedia.
 Egypt.html (This website has links to many other
Monuments/Buildings: This is a list of suggested monuments/buildings that you may
choose your three from.
The Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Sphinx
The Paros (Lighthouse) at
Djoser’s Step Pyramid
Akhenaten’s city at el-Amarna
Jubilee Chapel of Senusret I at
The Mortuary Complex of
Temple of Hatshepsut
Temple of Ramesses II at Abu
Senusret’s Nubia
The Tomb of Tutankhamun
The Pyramid of Khentkaus II
The Pyramid of Neferefre
The Pyramid of Neferirkare
The Pyramid of Niuserre
The Pyramid of Sahure
The White Pyramid of Amenemhat
The Bent Pyramid of Sneferu
The Red Pyramid of Sneferu
The Pyramid of Sesostris III
The Pyramid of Amenemhat III
The Pyramid of Qemaw
The Pyramid Complex of Khefren
The Tomb of Khentkaus I
The Pyramid Complex of
Valley of the Kings
Field Museum of Natural History: King
Tutankhamun’s Interactive Tomb Explorer
Directions: Visit and find the button for
the Interactive Tomb Explorer under the Textbook and Resources tab.
1. Where is the Valley of the King’s located in relation to Thebes?
2. Click continue, read about the Valley of the Kings, then click on the
Tomb of Tutankhamun on the map.
3. Who discovered King Tutankhamun’s tomb?________________________
4. Who was the tomb originally prepared for?_________________________
5. Using the legend, click on the icon for Chamber Descriptions in the
Annexe. What is the size of the Annexe?_____________________________
6. Click the X in the bottom right corner to close the box about the Annexe.
7. Click on the Chamber Description of the Antechamber. How long did it
take Carter’s team to inventory and clear it?__________________________
8. View the Chamber Description of the Burial Chamber. What was found
in this room that was not in any of the other rooms?
9. Click on the Chamber Description of the Treasury. The dog-like statue
of the ancient Egyptian god _______________ was found here. This is the
god of _______________.
10. Using the legend again, click on the Carter Photos and Quotes near
the bottom left corner of the Burial Chamber, then view this journal entry.
What made the coffin so heavy?___________________________________
11. Using the legend, view the Historic Photos and Artifacts in the
Treasury. Explore the descriptions (green circles) and detail photos (blue
squares). Chose the item from the Treasury that is the most interesting to
you and describe it:_____________________________________________
12. View the Carter Photos and Quotes near the center of the Burial
Chamber and view his journal. What do you think an effigy is?
13. View the Historic Photos and Artifacts near the center of the Burial
Chamber. View the artifacts (blue squares) that King Tutankhamen was
buried with. Choose the one that is the most interesting to you and describe
14. Click on the Carter Photos and Quotes in the bottom right corner of
the Burial Chamber. How many containers was King Tutankhamen’s body
placed in? What is the significance of this number?_____________________
15. Do you think that King Tutankhamen’s tomb was appropriate for him?
Why or why not?_______________________________________________
Flocabulary: Walk Like an Egyptian
Timeline: On a separate sheet of paper, create a timeline. Include the Old
Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom, when Egyptians started building
pyramids and when Ramses ruled.
Directions: Use the graphic organizer below for information on the Old
Kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom.
Old Kingdom
Middle Kingdom
New Kingdom
Why it ended:
Why it ended:
Why it ended:
Important people (23):
Important people (23):
Important people (23):