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Biology EOC Teacher Key for pages 1-16
1. Water Cycle- Movement of water between the oceans, atmosphere, land, and living
2. Evaporation- the Sun’s heat causes water to change from a liquid to vapor.
3. Condensation- water vapor cools and returns to a liquid state.
4. Precipitation- water that falls from the atmosphere to the land and oceans.
5. Runoff- precipitation that falls on land and flows into streams, rivers, and lakes.
6. Groundwater- precipitation that seeps into the ground and is stored in spaces in and
between rocks.
7. Carbon cycle- carbon moves through the environment in cycles known as
photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and decomposition.
8. Carbonate- a rock where carbon is stored. It originally comes from shells and bones of
once living organisms.
9. Cell Theory: 1. All living things are made up of one or more cells, 2. Cells are the basic
unit of life, and 3. All cells come from preexisting cells.
10. Nucleus- control center of the cell, contains the DNA
11. Ribosome- the organelle where amino acids are hooked together to make proteins.
12. Endoplasmic Reticulum- organelle that makes lipids, breaks down drugs and other
substances, and packages proteins for the Golgi Apparatus.
13. Mitochondria- powerhouse of the cell. Breaks down food molecules to make ATP for the
cells to use.
14. Chloroplast- organelle that uses the energy from sunlight to make food. Plant cells only.
15. Golgi Complex- organelle that processes and transports proteins and other materials out
of the cell.
16. Central Vacuole- Stores water, nutrients, and other materials in the plant cell.
17. Lysosome- organelle that digests food particles, wastes, cell parts, and foreign invaders.
18. Prokaryote- smallest, single celled, simplest cell that lacks a nucleus and membrane
bound organelles.
19. Eukaryote- Plant / Animal, multicellular, have a nucleus and membrane bound
20. Flagella- Tail used for movement
21. Cilia- short hair-like structures that aid in movement
22. Light Microscope / Compound Microscope- uses two lenses to magnify an image and
has a light bulb in the base that shines light up through the specimen, which is mounted
on a glass slide.
23. Electron Microscope- uses electron beams to study small structure inside cells or on the
cells surface. Both the electron beam and the specimen must be placed in a vacuum
chamber so that the electrons in the beam, will not bounce off gas molecules in the air.
Cannot be used with living things.
24. Transmission Electron Microscope- electron beam is directed at a very thin slice of a
specimen stained with metal ions. Reveals the cells internal structure in fine detail.
25. Scanning Electron Microscope- electron beam is focused on a specimen coated with a
very thin layer of metal. Gives us a three dimensional image of the cells surface.
26. Pathogens- Disease causing agent such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protists.
27. Mutations- changes in genetic material.
28. Cell Membrane- outer membrane, selectively permeable, regulates what goes in and out of the
29. Passive Transport- movement across the membrane that does not require energy.
30. Diffusion-Movement of particles from high to low concentration until equilibrium is
31. Osmosis-Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane from high to low
32. Facilitated Diffusion-Carrier protein transports a substance across the cell membrane
down the gradient of the substance.
33. Active Transport- Movement of substances against the gradient requires energy.
34. Exocytosis- substances inside a vesicle are released from a cell as the vesicle fuses with
the membrane.
35. Endocytosis- substances move into a cell by a vesicle that pinches off from the cell
36. Cell Wall- composed of proteins and carbohydrates (mostly cellulose) and it surrounds
the cell membrane of plant cells.