* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Python Exercise Set 1: Basic Concepts Some exercises adapted from “The Python Tutorial”, by G. van Rossum, and “Introduction to Programming using Python: Programming Course for Biologists at the Pasteur Institute”, by K. Schuerer, C. Maufrais, C. Letondal, E. Deveaud, and M. Petit Terminology The operating system command shell (e.g. bash) will be referred to as the command shell and will generally have have a $ sign in the prompt. The Python interactive shell will be referred to as the Python shell and will have a prompt of >>>. Some commands are executed using the command shell, while others from the Python shell. Please check the instructions carefully to know which to use. >>> float (1 / 2) >>> 1 / 2.0 >>> 1/ float (2) # Floating point math operations >>> 3 * 3.75 / 1.5 # Numeric variables >>> width = 20 >>> height = 5*9 >>> width * height # Group initialization >>> x = y = z = 0 >>> a ,b , c = 5 ,10 ,20 # Use of " _ " variable for the last result >>> tax = 12.5 / 100 >>> price = 100.50 >>> price * tax >>> price + _ >>> round (_ , 2) Part A: Starting Python 1. Start the standard Python interpreter using an icon on the desktop or Dock, or via a Terminal command shell session and the command python. To exit from the Python shell, type CTRL-d. 2. Sometimes you want to know what kind of variable you are dealing with. This can be achieved by the type() method. >>> >>> >>> >>> 2. At the command shell, execute python -V to check the python version installed. Part B: Literals, Expresions, Variables, and Syntax type (3) type (3.0) type ( ’3 ’) type ( tax ) 3. For the next set of questions, consider the sample Python code below: 1. Execute the following commands from the Python shell, but try to guess the result of each operation first. Ask an instructor if you don’t understand. # if / elif / else import random grade = random . randint (1 ,100) # Integer math operations >>> 2+2 >>> 7/3 if grade >= 80: print " top student " elif grade >= 60: print " pass " else : print " fail " # Use float () to coerce value # from integer to floating point : 1 Python Exercise Set 1: Basic Concepts nested blocks and lists. Note the special characters by putting a blue dot below them. # while loop : Fibonacci a, b = 0, 1 while b < 1000: print b , a, b = b, a+b print " done " 11. There are a few other aspects of the Python language which show up in the example but are not included in the categories above. Are there any parts of the example Python program # for loop : using implicit iterator do you not understand, in terms of syntax or mylist = [ ’ cat ’ , ’ window ’ , ’ defenestrate ’] behavior? mylist . sort () for item in mylist : print item , len ( item ) Part C: Literals, Expresions, Variables, and Syntax 4. Reserved words: Along with special characters and operators provide the framework for a programming language. Highlight these in the code. 1. Python has powerful and easy to use “grouped object” functionality. Square brackets are used to define Lists, and for indexing into lists. Note that Python indexes from zero (the first element in a group is accessed with [0]). Look at each statement below and try to guess what the output is before entering it yourself into the Python interactive interpreter. 5. Literals: These are strings and numbers. Underline these in red. 6. Variables: Provides a named reference to an ”object”. The object may be a string, a number, a list, or some other ”data type”, or ”object class”. Underline these in blue. >>> numbers = [12 , 35 , 4 , -32 , 81 , 24] >>> mixed = [3 , ‘‘ Tuesday ’ ’ , 7.8 , (45 , 72)] >>> more_numbers = [ -5 , -3 , 7 , 12 , 4 , 9] >>> add_numbers = numbers + more_numbers >>> mult_numbers = numbers * 3 >>> len ( numbers ) >>> 12 in numbers >>> 99 in numbers >>> numbers [0] >>> numbers [4] >>> numbers [ -1] >>> numbers [ -2] >>> numbers [ len ( numbers ) - 2] 7. Comments: These allow the programmer to include arbitrary text describing a variable, a function, an algorithm, or just to leave a note saying a particular part of a program needs to be fixed, or has some shortcoming. Place a red dot beside all comment lines. 8. Functions: These encapsulate a set of operations, possibly with a set of parameters which vary the behavior. Function calls in Python are always indicated by a word (the function name) followed by round brackets, even if there are no parameters. Put a red box around each function call and a blue box around the function parameters. 2. Python has four “group” types: Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets. It is often desireable to operate on more than one element from the group, and to do this Python provides “slices” which select a subset of elements from the group, as illustrated in the following exercise. Notice that the second index for the slice is not included in the resulting group. 9. Operators: These typically use ”infix” notation with two operands and perform operations such as addition or comparison. Underline these in black. >>> numbers [0:3] >>> numbers [3:6] >>> numbers [:3] 10. Special characters: These provide delimiters (start and stop points) for tokens, such as 2 Python Exercise Set 1: Basic Concepts 5. Use the for <item> in <list>: loop to print out every item in long numbers, one per line. >>> numbers [ -4: -2] >>> numbers [ -3: -1] >>> numbers [ -3:] 6. Dictionaries (also called Hash Maps in other languages) are a powerful way to associate a value with a key. Create a dictionary as follows: Note three things: when a range starts from zero, the first index can be ignored; when a range finishes with the length of the list, it can be ignored; and that negative values index from the end of the list backwards (e.g. −3 is 3 elements from the end). >>> bob ={ " name " : " Bob " , " id " :3 , " age " :42} 7. You can access a dictionary value by using its key as the reference: 3. It is also possible to use slice notation to overwrite, insert, and delete parts of a set. Inspect long numbers after each operation to see the current value of the variable >>> bob [ " name " ] 8. Adding new key/value pairs to the dictionary >>> long_nums = ( numbers + more_numbers ) * 2 is simple: >>> long_nums [12:15] = [3 , 4 , 5] # replace >>> bob [ " gender " ] = " male " >>> long_nums [4:8] = [] # delete >>> long_nums [2:2] = [1 ,2 ,3] 9. Anything can be assigned as a dictionary value, # insert but only immutable types may be used as keys. # replace + insert For example here we add a key location which >>> long_nums [7:10] = [4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,0] is a latitude/longitude tuple: 4. There are more methods available for easily working with sets. Here you will see the object oriented nature of Python, as these are all methods on the list object. After each statement, print out long numbers to see what it contains. Note that methods that change the list object are not valid for immutable tuples or strings, although both of these can be coerced into a list with the list() function. >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> bob [ " location " ] = (42.19 , -71.05) You can equally add a list, another dictionary, or some more complex object. 10. Dictionaries have several special built-in operations. Execute the statements below to observe some of these: >>> >>> >>> >>> long_nums . count (4) long_nums . append (22) long_nums . extend ([8 ,27 ,64]) long_nums . insert (5 ,27) long_nums . count (27) long_nums . index (22) long_nums . reverse () long_nums . sort () long_nums . pop () long_nums . remove (27) long_nums . append ([100 ,200 ,300]) bob . keys () bob . values () bob . has_key ( " name " ) bob . has_key ( " address " ) 11. Write a for loop which outputs the key/value pairs for the dictionary variable bob. 12. Create your own dictionaries for two more variables named sally and stuart. Add these dictionaries to a list. >>> employees = [ bob , sally , stuart ] Notice the difference between the long numbers.append() operation and long numbers.extend(). If you are extending a list with another list, you want to use extend(). 13. Use a for loop which outputs the id value for all the employees. 14. Create a tuple to hold your birthdate. 3 Python Exercise Set 1: Basic Concepts >>> birthday = (05 ,02 ,1975) 15. Now try to extend this tuple to add your name at the end. What happens? Do you know why? Try changing the year by assignment. >>> birthday . extend ( " Ian " ) >>> birthday [2] = 1980 Part D: Bonus 1. We are now going to experiment with some of the examples shown in the lesson. To do this, you will need to access course files. 2. From the Terminal command shell, change to your Python directory, make the .py files executable, and then run them. cd / path / to / course / files chmod a + x program . py ./ program . py 3. Modify class to print out grades A, B, C, D, or Fail, depending on the result. Run it several times to test it. 4. Modify class to automatically run 30 times, printing out the letter and numeric grade for each student. Hint: Consider using for and range. Python Reserved Words and as assert break class continue def del elif else except exec finally for from global if import in is lambda not or pass print raise return try while with yield 4