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Dynamis World Ministries a.k.a. Christopher Alam Ministries International
September 2007
Pentecostal Fire Fell Upon Chegutu!
Dear Friends,
people who live there.
hegutu is a town located
in central Zimbabwe. It is
situated on the highway
connecting Harare and Bulawayo,
the two largest cities of Zimbabwe.
Only a small part of Chegutu
straddles the highway. Most of the
community is spread out behind the
trees making it invisible from the
road. It is not a very large place, but
it is important because it serves as
a central point for the large farming
villages in that region.
Many believers attended the Mobile
Bible School, which is a pre-crusade
training program we run six days
a week for several weeks prior to
each crusade. This program is very
important because it ensures good
and effective post-crusade followup of the new believers. Because
we believe this is a powerful tool
to empower the local church,
we require that the participating
churches suspend all programs
except their Sunday morning
Most people zip through Chegutu
without even stopping. So, although
most know where it is, very few
know much about the place or the
Additionally, we expect pastors,
their leadership, and a sizable
percentage of their membership to
attend the Mobile Bible School. If
there are churches that do not want
to engage wholeheartedly in the
entire event, then we do not accept
them as a participating church.
Our team, led by Pastor Mavondo,
Director of Operations for Africa,
efficiently prepared the crusade
together with local participating
pastors and their congregations.
It was extremely cold at the start
of this crusade. This has been the
coldest winter in Zimbabwe in 100
years, with temperatures just a few
degrees above freezing. Despite the
cold, multitudes of people attended
the crusade every night.
Pastor David Newberry, an
experienced missionary with 35
Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Go ye into all the world and preach
years of service in Africa, was very
excited about the turnout and
measured the size of the crowd. The
tightly packed mass of humanity
stood shoulder to shoulder filling an
area at least 200 by 100 yards.
It is important to note that African
crowds differ from American
crowds. Americans do not like
physical contact with others in
crowds, but Africans don’t mind
crowding together six to nine people
per square yard! In addition to this,
there were thousands packed in the
streets between the houses along
edge of the field, as well as in the
area behind the platform. You can
just imagine what it was like!
I share this with you in an attempt
to convey the tremendous hunger
for the Gospel of Jesus in Zimbabwe
today. We have seen this each time
we have been to Zimbabwe during
the last couple of years. The US State
Department is issuing warnings
about going to Zimbabwe, but I go
there all the time and I have felt safer
there than I would in the streets of
New York City!
The safest place to be is in the will
and the presence of God, and one
thing I have learned is that it is
always the will of God to go to dark
places to preach the Gospel! He
never intended us to use the “will of
God” excuse to stay out of difficult
places and remain only in areas of
It is harvest time in Zimbabwe, and
we have to preach the Gospel and
bring souls into the kingdom of God.
As Christians, we are the salt of the
earth and light to a dark world, and
if we are afraid to go to places like
Zimbabwe, how will people hear the
Gospel and be saved?
Multitudes responded to the Gospel
message every night of the crusade
and received the Lord Jesus – there
is nothing like seeing sinners being
gripped by conviction and coming to
the Savior!
God also confirmed His Word with
wonderful signs, wonders, and
miracles. There was a paralyzed
woman carried by her children to
the Saturday crusade service. Jesus
healed her, and she rose up and
danced! The crowd praised the
risen Christ who alone can do such
A young paralyzed man dragged
himself to the crusade where Jesus
touched him and he began to
There was a little girl, who was
brought by her sister and had never
stood nor walked since birth. God
healed her and she stood up and
walked all over the platform. The
crowd went absolutely nuts praising
God! O’ the power that is in the
mighty Name of Jesus; the Name
that is above every Name!
There were many deaf people
healed. One little boy who was born
deaf and mute began to hear when
Jesus touched him, and he was then
able to repeat every word that I
spoke. There were paralyzed and
blind people, those with tumors and
cancers, and multitudes with other
diseases who were also healed. God
was showing the people of Chegutu
that His son, Jesus, is alive!
On the last night, thousands were
baptized with the Holy Ghost
and with Fire. People speaking in
tongues, falling, weeping, shaking,
and shouting as Pentecostal Fire
came down upon the multitude.
After this impartation of the Holy
Ghost, literally thousands testified
that they were healed by God’s
power during the meeting!
From Left: This little girl was born paralyzed and
had never stood nor walked in her life - Now she
walks! God healed this deaf girl’s ear! This boy, who
was born deaf and mute, can now hear and speak!
the gospel.
IMPORTANT!!! Please do uphold
us in your prayers. In October, we
will have two crusades in Southern
Zimbabwe. In addition to this, there
Clockwise from left: This
woman was paralyzed and
carried to the crusade by her
children. For several years this
man was paralyzed and could
not walk! Jesus touched this
blind womans eyes!
will be a School of Ministry for 1,000
pastors that will be coming from
all over Zimbabwe, Zambia, and
Botswana. During their time with us,
we will take care
of these pastors
and feed them.
The economy
is very bad
in Zimbabwe
with over 80%
and 5,000%
inflation. Many of
these pastors have
little to eat, and
we want to bless
them with good
food while they are with us, which
will cost us about $10,000 to feed
In addition to the added food
expense, we need to purchase a
reserve generator for our crusade
operation. This is approximately
$10,000 for this additional generator.
If you or your church can stand
up and sponsor these needs in any
amount, it would be a great blessing
for us!
Thank you for your love, prayers,
and support!
In Christ,
Christopher and Britta Alam
Belinda Matekia, 15, was born totally
deaf in both ears. Jesus healed her,
and now she can hear perfectly!
Judith Kangungu, 42, was completely
deaf in one ear in addition to being
nearly blind, and Jesus opened both
her eyes and her ear!
A deaf and mute boy, Tinashe
Musonza, 10, had never heard nor
spoken a single word his entire life.
When Jesus healed him he could hear
perfectly and repeated every word
that I spoke to him!
Jesus completely healed Thelma
Mazarire, 10, who was lame since
birth and totally unable to walk
or move.
Jesus healed Brighton Moyo, 18,
who was totally deaf in one ear.
Now he can hear perfectly!
She was crippled and now dances for joy!
Brought to the crusade by her
granddaughter, Raiza, Tsingwe,
65, was totally blind in one eye
For a long time, Tapfuma Kapita,
and saw only slightly with the other.
49, was unable to walk. His brother
Jesus healed her, and now she can see
brought him to the crusade where
Jesus healed him and he is now able
to walk again!
Agnes Saidi, 64, had been paralyzed
in her legs and back for three years.
Jesus healed George Erani, 34, who
Jesus healed her, and now she walks
was unable to get out of bed or walk
trouble free.
for three years due to severe pain.
Christopher’s Itinerary
September 23
October 16-21
Maranatha Ministries
Pastor Stanley Hofwijks
Crusade - Magwegwe, ZIMBABWE
October 24-28
Crusade and School of Ministry
September 30
Cornerstone Bible Church
Dothan, AL, USA
Pastor Bobby Marks
October 7-8
November 4
State College Assemblies of God
State College, PA, USA
Pastor Paul Grabill
Crossroads Church
Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Pastor Gary Bohanon
November 11
Victory World Harvest
Atlanta, GA, USA
Pastor Dennis Rouse
November 18
Family Worship Center
Springfield, VA, USA
Pastor Eddie Trayers
Nov 24 - Dec 2
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Heb 13:8
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“Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8
Dynamis World Ministries a.k.a. Christopher Alam Ministries International
2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601
Tel: (717) 656.0362 Fax: (717) 390.0363
Email: [email protected]
Lundvallsvagen 5, S-70233, Orebro, SWEDEN
Tel: 46.(19).225483 Fax: 46.(19).223959
Email: [email protected]
P.O. Box AP73 Harare Airport, ZIMBABWE
Tel & Fax: 263.(4).480.467
Email: [email protected]