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2.2. Integrity and Security Matrices
A frequent requirement in database classes is for students to implement a prototype database application where several design documents
are required. One such document is a matrix, such as the one shown in Figure 2 which displays the possible operations that an input form
performs on a table. This type of matrix serves two purposes. First, it provides an overview of the system as well as identifies
implementation difficulties. The example, Figure 2 clearly shows that the ORDER form is by far the most difficult because it accesses five
different tables, while the other forms only access one table. A second advantage is that the matrix visually depicts rules of integrity. For
instance, if any change such as change in a datatype, were made in any of the tables, all forms affected by this change can easily be
identified by parsing the table’s column in the matrix. Although this type of matrix appears simple, students have tremendous difficulty
creating it. The matrix animation allows a user to select an operation inside the matrix and then a simulation of the form/program
performing the operation on the table will be displayed. For example, if a user clicks on ‘U’ of the customers form on the customers table, a
simulation of an update of customer data will be presented.
Columns are objects:
Rows are represented:
Authorization cell:
Advantages Quiz
Objects/Tables/Files, etc.
Intersection of a Row and a Column
1) Overview of system. May Answers questions such as which are the most difficult programs to implement.
2) Maintenance Tool. When we modify a table, we know which form to go in and alter.
3) Security; helps implement security features as to prohibit access that are not explicitly allowed in the matrix.
Each individual operation (C, R, U, or D)
should have a different hotlink and should
display a different message/operation
Displays message on the right. For example, if C in Access Cell
Categories/Categories is clicked, the “Categories Form Creates a new row in
Categories table.”. Show a categories table with a new row being created.
Displays message on the right.
Columns are objects:
Objects/Tables/Files, etc.
Rows are represented: Programs/Forms
Authorization cell
Intersection of a Row and a Column
Column, Rows and Authorizations will appear with a hotlink. If you click on
Columns, all the Tables will be highlighted. If you click on Rows, all rows
will be highlighted. If you click on authorization cell, all authorization cells
will be highlighted.=
Displays message on the right:
1) Overview of system. May Answers questions such as which are the most
difficult programs to implement.
2) Maintenance Tool. When we modify a table, we know which form to go
in and alter.
3) Security; helps implement security features as to prohibit access that are
not explicitly allowed in the matrix.
Starts a quiz with. Below are the description of each question
1) Which is the hardest Form/Program to Implement ?
2) When we modify the Customers a datatype in the customers table, what 3)
3) Forms/Programs may need modification ?
4) The Orders Form/Program accesses how many tables ?
5) The Employees Table is accessed by how many programs ?
Figure 2. Integrity Matrix
2.3 Row Level Security
Row level security is a fundamental database concept. It is a very common practice to restrict user access to data such that, for instance, a
user is only able to view or modify the row or rows of data that correspond to them. For instance, when a student registers for a course,
they should only be able to access their own personal information. A common way to implement row level security is through the use of
views. A prototype animation depicting the construction of views is shown in Figure 4. In a data window, table data is shown as well as
the SQL code for creating a view. In the input window, a user is able to make a choice from a dropdown box. This choice is used to
restrict the data which will be displayed. The output window displays the results of the view given the selections made by the user.
Figure 4. Row Level Security via a View
Initial Screen:
The window on the top left with Students Data Table and Student_View is displayed.
A login window is displayed on the left (usename and password through drop down buttons).
Usernames: Smith, Knight, Brown, Jones, Garcia, Taylor.
Ok button of User Login
Displays the view that corresponds to the respective user.
2.4 SQL Injection
SQL injections are a major security threat. They embody one of the most important security issues -- risks inherent to non-validated user
input. A SQL injection exploits a vulnerability in a database through the passing of malicious code in a SQL query/command. The
vulnerability occurs primarily because of the features of the SQL language that allow such things as embedding comments using double
hyphens ‘- -‘, concatenating SQL statements separated by semicolons and the ability to query metadata from database data dictionaries.
The manipulation is to ‘trick’ the database into running code that is not intended for a particular situation and SQL injections occur when
SQL queries are created dynamically using user input. Students need to build an understanding of and an appreciation for unintended
consequences that might arise as more access to data contained in databases is being made available over public networks such as the
Internet. There are many ways that a SQL injection might be constructed so as an instructional aide, a simple set of concrete animations
examples might prove to be most useful in explaining how an this type of vulnerability works. The animation scenario chosen for this
demonstration exemplifies a commonly published SQL injection from a login web page.
Figure 5. Valid User Input
This example depicts what might occur when a login process is
employed on a web page connected directly to a SQL server
database. The web page allows a user to input text and that text is
then used to build a query executed against a database. If a
malicious user enters malformed data into the textbox which
changes the nature of the query, they have, in essence, found a way
to either gain access to information (that he/she doesn’t have
privilege to access) or delete or alter data in the back-end database.
In this case, the intended use of the web form is to validate userentered data against a username and password in the database. A
dynamically created SQL statement is used to search the database
for matching records. Valid usernames and password combinations
are authenticated and the user is permitted access to the system.
Users who enter an invalid username and password are not
authenticated. However, a malicious user can enter the following
malformed text into the username textbox to gain access to the
system without having to know either a valid username or password:
' OR 1=1 -- This hack works because the application generates a dynamic query that is formed by concatenating fixed strings with the
values entered by the user.
For example, the model SQL code might be:
SELECT Count(*) FROM Users
WHERE UserName = 'contents of username field'
AND Password = 'contents of password field'
When a user enters a valid username, such as ‘Mary’ and a password of ‘qwerty’ then the SQL query becomes:
SELECT Count(*) FROM Users
WHERE UserName=’Mary’
AND Password=’qwerty’
However, when a malicious user enters the following as a username: ' OR 1=1 -- the SQL query becomes:
SELECT Count(*) FROM Users
WHERE UserName=’ OR 1=1 -AND Password=’’
The expression 1 = 1 is always true for every row in the table, and
OR will always return true if one of the expressions is true. The
double hypens comment out the rest of the SQL query string. This
query will return a count greater than zero, assuming there is at
least one row in the users table, resulting in what appears to be a
successful login. In fact, it is not. The malicious user gained
access to the system without having to know either the username
or password.
Figure 6. Malicious User Input
The animation for this example uses four windows: an input window, a code window, an output/results results window and a message
window as depicted in Figures 5 and 6. It also includes a ‘Next’ button and a ‘Reset’ button. As is common practice in the ADbC
animations, the user controls the pace of the animation with the next button. The user-interface window presents a sample web page
containing two input fields. Dropdown boxes are used for input rather than textboxes to constrain user choices. One dropdown box
contains a short list of potential usernames and the other a short list of potential passwords. Included in the list is the suspect string ' OR
1=1 - -. Users make a selection from the username and password dropdown boxes and then press the ‘Next’ button. Each time the Next
button is clicked, the instruction in the code window is executed, changing the results in the output window when appropriate and
providing information in the message window. The Reset button resets the animation to its beginning state. Figure 5 shows an example of
correctly-entered user data and Figure 6 demonstrates the entry of a malicious entry string.
2.5 Inference
A subtle vulnerability found within database technologies is inference, or the ability to derive unknown information based on retrieved
information. This often occurs when doing on-line analytical processing of data with statistical databases such as census data. The
problem with inference is that there are no ideal solutions to the problem. The only recommended solutions include controls related to the
queries (suppression) or controls related to individual items in a database (concealing). In other words, data values of sensitive queries are
either not provided or answers given are close but not exact preventing the user from obtaining enough information to make inferences.
Neither of these represent ideal solutions as they are restrictive in nature. However, it is important for students to understand the risks of
inference and how it might occur.
Inference often happens in cases where the actual intent is for users to generate or view aggregate values, but not have access to individual
data items. However, given the fact that the users are exposed to information about the data, they are sometimes able to infer individual
values. Take for example a scenario where a user is asked to summarize organizational salary data averaged across specific criteria (i.e.,
salary averaged by gender). This same user knows particular information about someone in the organization, for example, that Goldberg is
a female and has 11 dependents. Based on inferences that can be made, this user is able to discover Goldberg’s salary. The animation for
this scenario is depicted in Figure 7. The data window displays the data contained in the employee table. The input window depicts the
construction of the requested or allowed query to ascertain salary averages and also depicts the query which is built based on inferences.
The output window displays the resulting output and a message window describes the event.
Figure 7. Inference Scenario
Many database topics are difficult to convey through traditional teaching methods such as textbooks or classroom lectures. Database
security is one of those areas. We have proposed a series of animations that we believe will facilitate the teaching of database security
concepts. These animations are part of an Animated Database Courseware project, initially funded by the NSF, designed to supplement
existing database textbooks and other instructional materials. Incorporating the use of animations in the instructional process helps to
enhance and enrich the standard presentation of important concepts. Instructors can use the animations to present new material with
greater richness and flexibility and students can use the animations to reinforce concepts learned in class.
The ADbC project is an ongoing initiative. The first phase focused on providing support for fundamental database concepts such as
database design, SQL and transaction processing. As the project goes forward more advanced topics including database security are being
added. Areas identified for inclusion in the database security module include integrity, application security (SQL injection and buffer
overflow), database security (row and column level security using views and triggers), encryption and auditing. As presented in this paper,
prototypes of animations related to referential integrity, integrity and security matrices, row level security, SQL injection and inference
were demonstrated.
The amount of information that students need to learn in any computing technology continues to increase. It was only a few years ago that
database security was not included as a major topic in introductory database courses. The issues surrounding computer security are well
publicized and the need to mitigate risks that arise as more data is retained in databases accessible over the Internet is known. However, it
is still challenging to add another topic into the curriculum. The purpose of the ADbC is to address this issue by providing instructional
support for the teaching of this important topic. Our preliminary research into the instructional effectiveness of this medium has been
positive. We hope to extend this positive outcome to the database security animations by using an iterative approach for development and
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