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The “eSecMed” app: Secure medication through
NFC-solutions for a longer, safer & autonomous
life of seniors
INFuture Conference
The beginning
The „eSecMed“ app
 50% of all chronically ill patients are compliant to treatment recommendations (WHO)
 $100 billion per year estimated cost of avoidable hospitalizations
 44% of men and 57% of women above 65 take  5 different medications each week
58% probability of adverse drug effects for  5 different medications
 10% of all medications worldwide are falsified (up to 50% in some countries)
 unexpected side effects (FDA)
 63% of all compounds which were purchased from more than 100 online pharmacies
were counterfeit or at least substandard (Counterfeiting Superhighway report)
The beginning
The „eSecMed“ app
 50% of all chronically ill patients are compliant to treatment recommendations (WHO)
 $100 billion per year estimated cost of avoidable hospitalizations
 44% of men and 57% of women above 65 take  5 different medications each week
58% probability of adverse drug effects for  5 different medications
 10% of all medications worldwide are falsified (up to 50% in some countries)
 unexpected side effects (FDA)
 63% of all compounds which were purchased from more than 100 online pharmacies
were counterfeit or at least substandard (Counterfeiting Superhighway report)
The beginning
Information-and-Communication-Technology (ICT)-based solutions put themselves
forward for countering the described situation.
Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled mobile phones
to facilitate data management and exchange
patient monitoring
with the additional benefits of
reducing time and errors
high availability of the technology
The beginning
Resulting objectives
 To increase the health adherence by application of NFC as a user-friendly
technology suitable for seniors, to assist secure medication and to provide
additional information for increasing acceptance, usability & compliance.
 To minimize undesirable side effects and harmful interactions of drugs for seniors
by the development of a NFC supported virtual medicine cabinet as a smartphone
app for mobile devices.
The beginning
Our team
PharmaKnow How
RCPE: Research Center for Pharmaceutical
Infineon: producer of semi-conductors
Mobile Solutions
Insights in the pharmaceutical process- and
Development of an NFC-enabled smartblister
evolaris: competence center for mobile
communication and innovation
Development of mobile application
Execution of a user experience test
The „eSecMed“ system
What is it?
Prototypical system
Thin perforated circuit board + NFC-chip attached
to pill blister
Application retrieves data from the blister
Expiration date
Active substance
Pill count (electrical resistance)
Temperature (built-in sensor)
The „eSecMed“ app
The „eSecMed“ app
Virtual Medicine Cabinet
supports patients in taking the right amount of medication
at the right time
add different medicines by scanning the blister with the
smartphone (NFC enabled) or manually
enter the prescribed dosage and time of day
information on how many pills are left in the blister
expiration date
last documented intakes
storage conditions (temperature)
The „eSecMed“ app
Documentation of intake
Check for adverse effects
Also by means of a database, the genuineness of medications
can be proved (ePedigree data)
Daily reports
Scanned medicines are checked for adverse effects by
utilising a dedicated database
Check for authenticity of medications
Time and dosage is compared with prescription data
Compliance nonconformities (dosage or time) are highlighted
Medi Buddies
Daily reports can be shared with caregivers (emotional
The study
The study - method
Goals of the study
Evaluation in regards to usability of the application and usage barriers.
Focus is the usage of the NFC technology, blisters with NFC tag and an evaluation of the
acceptance of NFC technology in the medical context.
Characteristics of respondents
10 persons (6 men, 4 women) aged between 52 and 69 years (mean: 58,5)
Medical treatment for a longer period of time within the last 12 months
Owner of a smartphone with experience in using it
Design of study
Semi-structured interviews, performance of tasks, observation
Duration: approx. 60 minutes
The study - method
The tasks
Task 1: Add this medication to the virtual medicine cabinet
Task 2: Perform an authenticity check
Task 3: Push a pill out of the blister and document the intake
Task 4: Perform a check on adverse effects with two different medications
All of these tasks could be performed by using NFC
Respondents were NOT told how the tasks could be accomplished (at first)
The study
The study - results
Task 1: Add this medication to the virtual medicine cabinet
Once scanned, no major problems with entering the prescription data
Appreciation for amount of information provided
None of the respondents was able to successfully
scan the blister on the first attempt
Blister on top of smartphone
Short swipe
Cancellation of the scanning-process to read
the info „Scanning in progress“
The study - results
Task 2: Perform an authenticity check
Respondents expected the drug authentication in the
medicine cabinet
Usage of manual input in order to find the function drug
Information about the product is appreciated (esp.
expiration date)
Nice-to-have feature
Medicine is only bought at the pharmacy  which is trusted
The study - results
Task 3: Push a pill out of the blister and document the intake
One half embraced the speed and convenience
Other half insecure whether the documentation was
completed or conducted successfully
Info message was displayed not long enough to read
completely or was not noticed at all
Manual documentation was experienced to be tedious
The study - results
Task 4: Perform a check on adverse effects with two different
Respondents expected the feature in the medicine cabinet
NFC was not used right away
Once used the feature itself was reported to be helpful
Color codes was found useful (geen = OK, yellow = warning, red = caution)
For some respondents difference between warning and caution not entirely clear
The study - results
Post-test: overall experience
Room for improvement
Main menu too few options
Menu navigation not intuitive (2 menues: “NFC” and “Manual input”)
Scanning process takes too long
Text partly too small
No or unsufficient description of specific buttons
App is easy to use
Function: medicine cabinet
Function: adverse effect
Function: To give caregivers insight (Medi Buddies)
Function: Documentation of the intake of medicine
Utilisation of NFC technology for retrieving data from a pill blister
The study - results
Although the target group knew about the existence of NFC technology, the majority
was not familiar with alternative domains of NFC besides payment solutions.
Also handling this technology is still an unknown territory and causes respect.
However confidence increased rapidly after introducing users to the technology
and the correct way of handling it.
Integrating the target group in the design and development process (“cocreation”) can eliminate the stated shortcomings.
A glimpse
at the future
A glimpse at the future
The future…
Further miniaturization allows for an integrated battery
data logging e.g. temperature and humidity sensing across the entire supply chain
to monitor transport conditions
Integration in fully automated primary and/or secondary packaging process
Thank you very much
Stefan Raschhofer, MSc
Smart Commerce Solutions
evolaris next level GmbH
Hugo-Wolf-Gasse 8-8A, 8010 Graz, Austia
Spittelberggasse 3 II/6, 1070 Vienna, Austria
T +43 316-35 11 11
M +43 664 8414 415
[email protected]