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HelpDesk &
HelpDesk Internet Edition 6.4
Technical Specification
Hardware and software specifications ................................................. 3
Technical information on MSDE .................................................................. 5
Issue Date: 15/04/03
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Hardware and software specifications
The table on the next page gives recommended minimum hardware and software specifications
for use with HelpDesk 6.4 and HelpDesk Internet Edition 6.4. The information is accurate for this
release only. Please read the notes below in conjunction with the table overleaf.
Important Notes:
The term “recommended minimum”, in the context of this document, means that Touchpaper
have tested this released version of the product against these specifications. HelpDesk may
work with lower specifications but it is best to aim for the maximum you can afford.
Performance may be influenced by factors other than the specification of the servers and
clients. For example, the level of network traffic, LAN/WAN configuration and the chosen
configuration of the Touchpaper products themselves. Furthermore, co-existence with other
applications and / or databases may cause unwanted performance issues. For this reason,
Touchpaper does not guarantee response times or overall system performance based on the
information contained within this document.
In the case of large network infrastructures or very specific requirements a detailed survey
should be taken and discussed with a Touchpaper Account Manager or Project Manager.
The running of Touchpaper AQuire with HelpDesk does not change the information supplied
within this document. Technical specifications for LANDesk can be obtained from Intel or
contact your Touchpaper Account Manager or Project Manager.
All examples assume dedicated Touchpaper Application, Database and Web Servers.
All examples assume a Windows environment for the Database Server. For information on
other platforms supported by Oracle please contact your Oracle supplier.
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Minimum recommended hardware and software specification
Entry-level system
Mid-level system
High-level system
MSDE 2000
Licenses: up to 10 client & end-users
SQL Server 2000 or Oracle 8i
Licenses: 10 to 50 client & end-users
SQL Server 2000 or Oracle 8i
Licenses: 50+ client & end-users
Web server
Client PC
Client PC
Client PC
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III 400
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III 500
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III
Pentium III 500
1 (GB)
Windows 2000 Server 1
Windows 2000
Professional 1
IIS 5.0
IE 6.0
Windows 2000 Server 1
Windows 2000
Workstation 1
IIS 5.0
IE 6.0
Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000
Professional 1
IIS 5.0
IE 6.0
with SP2 and SP2 Security Patch Release 1 (SP2SPR1)
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Technical information on MSDE
What is MSDE?
The SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000) is a data engine built and based on core
SQL Server technology. Microsoft developed this cut down version of SQL Server for embedding
into applications and is designed to run in the background so does not have its own user interface
or tools. The MSDE database may be independently queried by using MS Excel, MS Query, MS
Access or a reporting tool such as Crystal Reports. Database modifications are achieved via the
HelpDesk Designer tool. If any further database administration is required than Microsoft
Enterprise Manager (provided with SQL Server) or MS Access will provide the required
management tools.
How scalable is MSDE?
MSDE has been designed for use with small systems. Based on information from Microsoft,
Touchpaper recommends the following sizing limits: 
Up to 10 concurrent HelpDesk users. Although more concurrent connections can be
made you may experience performance degradation. Please note that Crystal Reports,
AQuire, Real Time Reporter, HelpDesk Internet Edition and Monitor will further load
connections to the MSDE database.
Database storage limit is 2GB. This is per database, meaning you can install multiple
instances of MSDE each running a database up to 2GB in size. The 2GB is based on
approximately 50,000 calls (reduce this calls figure if your calls typically contain multiple
assignments, action tracks, call notes and control points).
For a system that grows beyond the above connections and storage limitations, Touchpaper
would recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2000. If your organisation has in-house Oracle
expertise you may decide to migrate your MSDE database to Oracle instead. If you have any
questions regarding upgrading or migrating your MSDE database please contact your Account
Manager in the first instance.
Note: For systems of up to 10 concurrent HelpDesk users Touchpaper recommend you use the
supplied MSDE database system for the following reasons:
Ease and speed of installation. For example, no need for your Oracle DBA to create a
new database and migrate from MSDE.
Reduced costs. MSDE is included in the price of your HelpDesk system.
Ease of support for your database from Touchpaper.
MSDE vs. Sybase SQL Anywhere
Sybase SQL Anywhere was the default database shipped with HelpDesk version 5.x and as such
continues to be a supported platform. For new HelpDesk 6.x customers with small-scale systems
Touchpaper would recommend MSDE over Sybase SQL Anywhere for the following reasons: MSDE is…
 a more up-to-date database design
 easier to scale upwards (directly scalable to MS SQL Server)
 more compact
 comparable on performance
Note: For customers who are currently running HelpDesk 6.x on Sybase SQL Anywhere Touchpaper recommend upgrading to MS SQL Server 2000 if your HelpDesk concurrent users
exceed 10 and/or you are experiencing degradation in performance. However, please discuss
any intention to upgrade your database system with your Account Manager in the first instance.
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MSDE Authentication
MSDE 2000 defaults to Windows instead of mixed authentication. If you leave it at this default,
you will get an error when trying to attach the database. If you have the relevant SQL tools you
can change this to mixed authentication on the server. Otherwise, you will need to setup ODBC to
use NT windows Authentication.
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Legal Notice
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of
Touchpaper Software plc. The software and/or databases described are furnished under a license agreement or
nondisclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement.
No part of this manual may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or
machine-readable form, except with the express written consent of Touchpaper.
 Copyright 2003 of: Touchpaper Software plc, Dukes Court, Duke Street, Woking, Surrey GU21 5RT ENGLAND
For further information contact: [email protected]
All rights reserved. First edition printed 2003. Printed in UK.
Touchpaper, HelpDesk, AQuire, Hot Topics, Theme Designer, ActionTracks, Designer, DesignerPlus, EnVisage,
Ticker and InfoMine are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Touchpaper Software plc. Microsoft, Windows,
the Windows logo, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, BackOffice, the BackOffice logo, and SQL Server are
either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle is a registered trademark of the Oracle
All other product names are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.
Document Number 6031/TEC/054 Issue 4.0
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