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Resources, Agents and
Processes in the context
of Next Generation World
Wide Web
Dr. Evgeny Osipov
Head of Communication Networks group
Luleå University of Technology
The World Wide Web
This dissertation is about:
• Resources
• Agents
• Processes
• Context
The contribution is…
The WWW ’smartness’ evolution
Where are we going?
” By 2029, sufficient computation to simulate the entire human
brain, which I estimate at about 1016 (10 million billion)
calculations per second (cps), will cost about a dollar. By that
time, intelligent machines will combine the subtle and supple
skills that humans now excel in (essentially our powers of
pattern recognition) with ways in which machines are already
superior, such as remembering trillions of facts accurately,
searching quickly through vast databases, and
downloading skills and knowledge.”
Raymond Kurzweil. A pioneer in the fields of optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech
synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He is the
author of several books on health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological
singularity, and futurism.
How to make the
The Internet
The dissertation takes a new turn on the spiral of scientific development
The major categories in the
dissertation are…
“The Way to a Man's Heart is
Through His Stomach”…
Problem: to find an effective way of
communicating the functionality between
heterogeneous objects to achieve a certain
Humans always wanted to identify an
”ambassador” in their social relationships.
Some uncited references:
The Matrix (1999)
In artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent (IA)
is an entity which observes and acts upon an
environment and directs its activity towards
achieving goals
Some uncited references -2:
The Golden Compass (1997)
• Heterogeneous resources are
involved in complex goal driven
inteactions (processes)
• Agent is a representative of a
• Behavior of agents is
different in different contexts
Some uncited references -3:
Hobbit – Tolkien (1937)
Agents provide interfaces to their
Fundamental questions…
How to describe a resource? –solutions exist for ’traditional’ web
New type of resources that exist in physical world emerged –
The most complicated intelligent agents are rational, thinking human
The dissertation adapts the resource description framework to
include smart physical devices and makes humans as a native part
of the electronic information exchange process
Fundametal questions…
How to involve resources in a complex
Some solutions exists: SOA, Middleware
The dissertation describes a novel framework for
integrating heterogeneous resources in the global
understanding environment.
Fundamental questions…
How to make resources adaptable in different
This is a challenge.
The dissertation describes a resource
description language that allow to reflect the
dynamics of resource interactions.
The dissertation of
Oleksiy Khriyenko…
• Considers Semantic Web as a holistic ecosystem –
• Addresses a broad and challenging task;
• Contributes to the knowledge of building more versatile and
intelligent systems out of interacting intelligent agents in a
multi-agent system.
Resources, Agents, Processes in the context
of Next Generation World Wide Web
Evgeny Osipov
Luleå University of Technology
This dissertation looks at…
Well this question is not new:
Artificial intelligence (1956) is the intelligence of machines and
the branch of computer science which aims to create it. Major
AI textbooks define the field as "the study and design of
intelligent agents,"[1] where an intelligent agent is a system
that perceives its environment and takes actions which
maximize its chances of success.[
(Spiral development)
Look at language semantics!! Languages describing languages
This makes this topic challenging
Another turn