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Name: _________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ______
Chapter 5 Notes
Characteristics of Waves
1. Although Rutherford explained the location of the protons, questions
remained as to where the _______________________ in an atom were located and
why the _____________________ did not pull them into itself.
2. Visible light is part of a range of ________________________ radiation, a form of
wave energy that travels through empty space and is propagated in the form
of alternating electric and magnetic fields.
3. All waves exhibit certain common characteristics including:
a. .
b. .
c. .
d. .
4. The rate of vibration of a wave is called the _______________________and is
defined as the number of waves that ______________ a given point per second.
The units of frequency are the ________________________ (________); or (_______-1).
5. The velocity and the frequency of the wave determine the _____________________
of the wave. The equation that shows the relationship between velocity and
frequency is __________________.
6. In this equation, c equals the speed of _____________________, 3.0 X 108 m/s, 
equals ________________________ in meters, and is the ____________________ in hertz.
Particle Nature of Light
7. Light behaves as both ___________________ and _______________________________.
8. Einstein’s photoelectric effect says that ____________________ are
___________________ from the surface of a polished metal plate when it is struck
by light.
9. Particles of light called ___________________ at the high-frequency (or violet) end
of the spectrum had greater energy and could therefore dislodge many more
10. The energy of a photon of a certain frequency can be calculated by using the
equation: Ephoton= h where h is ________________ constant = _________________ J s.
Atomic Emission Spectra
11. When atoms of an element are excited by _________________, they emit light.
This emitted light can be broken into a __________________ consisting of discrete
lines of specific frequencies, or colors.
12. This pattern of frequencies is unique to each element and is known as the
element’s atomic _________________ spectrum.
13. According to the Bohr model, _____________________ can only orbit at specific
distances from the atom’s nucleus and, therefore, can only occupy
__________________________ allowed orbits.
14. Electrons that are excited by an input of energy only ____________ the amount
needed to jump to a higher energy orbit. When it falls back to the lower level,
it emits a ____________________ of energy equal to the difference in energy
between the two orbits.
Name: _________________________ Date: _____________ Period: ______
Modern Atomic Model
15. Because hydrogen emission spectra contained several frequencies, Bohr
designated them using integers called _________________________ numbers.
16. The first quantum number is the ______________________ quantum number (n). It
is the same as the row number of the element. The higher the energy level
the ___________________ the energy.
17. Each energy level consists of energy _____________________ that have different
energy values. These are designated by s, p, d, and f respectively. [The
number of sublevels depends on the ____________________ energy level number]
18. Each sublevel has a certain number of _________________________, which can hold
no more than ________ electrons. All of the __________________ in the same
sublevel have the ____________________ energy.
19. Atomic orbitals are regions of space in which there is a high ____________________
(90 %) of finding an electron. The electron can be anywhere in an orbital
and there is a 10% chance they will be outside the orbital.
Electron Configurations
20. The number and arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of an atom
determines its _____________________ properties. The electron arrangement is
called the electron _______________________.
21. To write the full electron configuration of an atom the number of electrons
in each energy sublevel must be stated and the number of electrons in the
sublevel is shown using a __________________________.
22. Aufbau principle states that each successive electron occupies the
_______________________ energy orbital available. Therefore, on the third energy
level, since the 4s sublevel has a __________________ energy than 3d, it fills first.
23. Electron configurations are written by increasing _______________________, not in
numerical order.
24. In the Noble gas configuration, the symbol of the previous noble gas to
denote all of an atom’s ____________________________________________ electrons.
25. When elements combine chemically, only the electrons in the
________________________________principal energy level are involved. These
outermost electrons are called ___________________________ electrons, and they
determine most of the chemical properties of an element.
26. The __________________________-dot structure only shows the valence electrons.