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Reference number: R10/0995
Site address: Land to the rear of 90 Railway Terrace, Rugby
Description: Demolition of existing storage building and erection of two 1 bed residential
Site Description
The proposed site is located to the rear of 90 Railway Terrace which is located within the town centre
Rugby. The site at presents consists of a rear yard to a retail unit which also contains a large builder’s
storage building. Number 90 consists of a retail unit to the ground floor and also residential to the first
The existing building has two floors and has a gable ended roof. The building is enclosed both sides by
high walls which belong to an industrial unit one side and residential to the other. The site is accessed
via a small pedestrian access to the side of number 90 Railway Terrace. The access is enclosed by a
door to the front.
The character of the street is varied by the differing design and type of buildings and the uses that are
located within. On street parking on the road is also a common feature of the street.
Proposal Description
The proposal is to demolish the existing building and to erect two 1 bed residential units. The proposed
new units will be larger than the existing building in height and depth. The building would be restricted in
width due to the neighbouring buildings so would retain the same width as the existing.
The neighbouring properties either side of the new proposed building are taller than the existing. The
new building will match the heights of the neighbouring buildings with out exceeding them and will
project in line with the neighbouring building which is also located to the rear of the main building which
fronts Railway Terrace.
The two units will consist of lounge and kitchen to the ground floor with a bedroom and bathroom to the
first floor. The units will not completely in fill the whole of the rear yard leaving the area between the new
building and the existing property number 90 Railway Terrace for amenity space for the units.
The existing property number 90 with the residential use to the first floor has no facing windows to the
rear which would be affected as the only window that would overlook the properties is obscure glazed.
Technical Consultation Responses
WCC Highways – No objection
Environmental Services – No objection subject to conditions
Third Party Responses
Neighbour – Objection – The proposed roof will interfere with the structure of our roof, new roof should
be lower; The type of roof material is of great concern due to the aesthetics and
will be an eyesore; 88 and 92 are both commercial and could cause conflict with
residential use.
Relevant Local Plan Policies and Guidance
S1 – Urban Developments Priorities
S4 – Windfall Developments
GP1 – Appearance and Design of Development
GP3 – Protection of Amenity
T5 – Parking Facilities
Report Sheet
PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development
PPS3 Housing
Assessment of Proposals
The determining issues to take into account in this case are the principle of development in this location,
the impact on the appearance of the street scene and surrounding area, the impact on neighbouring
amenities and parking.
The site to which the proposed units are to be located is classed as previously developed land as the
mixed use that appears on the plot and also the presence of the builder’s storage building would remove
the residential element from the site. As the site is previously developed and located within Rugby Urban
Area the principle of this development would be acceptable as it is priority land complying with policy S1
of the local plan.
The buildings are to be located to the rear of number 90 Railway Terrace so will not be visible from the
public domain. As this is the case the proposed units will not impact on the appearance of the street
scene or the surrounding area complying with policy GP1 of the Local Plan. The appearance of the units
would be similar to that of the building which it is to replace although larger. The building will retain the
gable ended roof seen on that of the existing roof so overall will have minimal impact. The neighbours
concerns regarding the aesthetics of the property creating an eyesore due to the difference in roof
materials would not be significant enough to refuse the application.
The new units will be located to the rear of a hairdresser and residential flat above. The new units will
have facing windows which will look directly towards the rear of number 90. The distance between the
habitable first floor window of number 90 and the new units would be 15 metres which would allow for
some degree of privacy; however this would be improved upon as the window to number 90 would be
obscure glazed as part of the proposal. The two neighbouring properties due to the high walls of both
would screen the proposed units from view. The new units would project in line with the front of the rear
building at number 88 so would therefore not affect the amenities of this building. The two new units will
have access to the yard area to the front of them to use as amenity space however there are public
parks located close by which can be utilised for more expansive amenity space. Taking into account the
above it is considered that the proposed units would have minimal impact on the neighbouring amenities
therefore complying with policy GP3 of the Local Plan.
The site is located within a high access area (town centre) so the emphasis on providing parking spaces
is reduced. The street is characterised by on street parking so therefore it would be unreasonable to
request off street parking to be provided in this area, therefore it is considered that this proposal would
comply with policy T5 of the Local Plan.
The neighbours concerns of the new building affecting the roof his property is not a planning
consideration and would be a civil matter between him and the applicants.
Approval subject to conditions
Report prepared by: Owain Williams
Report Sheet