* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
A Digitally Controlled Isolated Power Converter Introduction Digital power conversion has been identified as a practical approach to the implementation of Switched Mode Power Converters. To reduce the size of passive components, high switching frequencies of 100KHz–1MHz are utilised. The design of digital compensators and Digital Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM) circuitry to support such switching frequencies is possible in modern CMOS processes. The digital SMPC approach may also be successfully extended to isolated power converters. This invention describes an enhanced bidirectional digital communication scheme for use in isolated AC-DC and DC-DC SMPC digital power converters. Technology In order to achieve reliable transfer of serial data across the isolation barrier a robust communication protocol is required. For use within a power conversion application several specialised requirements must be met. Firstly the communication protocol data rate must be fast enough to transfer the error voltage data corresponding to the current switching period. Secondly sufficient time must be allowed to calculate the duty cycle for the next switching period. Figure 1 details the use of the technology within an isolated power converter. The technology enables the use of primary side control of the power converter. Secondly serial digital transmission of the digitised analogue error signal avoids opto-coupler aging issues. ADC data Start Conversation Programmable Reference Voltage Clock Reference Value ADC ADC data Clock Auxiliary signals The bi-directional communications scheme has been implemented on FPGA technology and demonstrated within a digitally controlled isolated power converter. Commercial Opportunity The University of Limerick is interested in seeking partners to exploit the commercial potential of these technologies by entering into licensing agreements and/or innovation partnerships that mutually benefit both parties. It is envisaged that this technology would be of interest to companies engaged in power converters, embedded power conversion design or mixed-signal IP. IP Status COM Primary Side Start Conversation Clock COM Secondary Side Auxiliary signals Loop Controller (DSP with DPWM) Reference Value SMPS Secondary Side Barrier Isolation SMPS Primary Side output. The start of the received data package triggers the ADC sampling process. The secondary side uses the encoded data to adjust a programmable reference voltage to produce the selected output voltage. Clock recovery on secondary side allows synchronisation of primary and secondary side. The communications system may be used with any coupler technology. Additionally both sides can send auxiliary data to the opposite side. This data is appended to the main data. This auxiliary data may include safety signals like over-voltageprotection (OVP), over-temperatureprotection (OTP) and power failure (PF) but also arbitrary end-user data The invention is the subject of a patent application that is currently undergoing examination Figure 1: Isolated power Converter with Bi-drectional Communications system The novel features of this approach are: The primary side controller can determine instant when the ADC samples the secondary side voltage. This allows sampling of a settled Contact Dr. Tony Scanlon Dept of Electronic Eng. University of Limerick Limerick Ireland t: +353-(0)61-203343 e: [email protected] John Gleeson Technical Transfer Office University of Limerick Limerick Ireland +353-(0)61-234683 e: [email protected]