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The Order of Enoch
Understanding the Ministry of Enoch in
a Fulness of Priesthood Context
Genesis 5:21-25
Moses 6:25
116 verses of JST!
Moses 8:5
Comparisons Between Enoch and Joseph Smith
“Enoch, was the seventh in a chain of patriarchs
extending back to Adam. Joseph Smith stood at the
head of the seventh and final great gospel dispensation.
Both men taught the same doctrines and held the same
priesthood; both were seers, having had a magnificent
vision of future events; both were opposed by great
wickedness; both had performed miracles; and both
had stood in the presence of God. Each prophet had
gathered the faithful for the purpose of building a great
temple city, and each of them taught a doctrine that
would prepare the faithful to enter into God's presence
while yet in the flesh.”
Timeline of Enoch’s Life
25 Ordained to the Priesthood (D&C 107:48)
65 • Begat Methuselah (Moses 6:25)
• Blessed by Adam. Saw Christ (D&C 107:48)
• Called to be a Prophet (Moses 6:26-36)
305 • Joined the faithful in Adam-OndiAhman. Saw the Lord. (D&C 107:48)
365 Year Ministry
430 Translated with his city (D&C 107:49)
Timeline of Enoch’s Life
25 Ordained to the Priesthood (D&C 107:48)
65 • Begat Methuselah (Moses 6:25)
• Blessed by Adam. Saw Christ (D&C 107:48)
• Called to be a Prophet (Moses 6:26-36)
305 • Joined the faithful in Adam-OndiAhman. Saw the Lord. (D&C 107:48)
365 Year Ministry
430 Translated with his city (D&C 107:49)
Ezra Taft Benson
Quorum of the Twelve
("What I Hope You Will
Teach Your Children About
the Temple,” Ensign, Aug.
1985, 6)
“Three years before Adam’s
death, a great event occurred. He
took his son Seth, his grandson
Enos, and other high priests who
were his direct-line descendants
[including Enoch], with others of
his righteous posterity, into a
valley called Adam-ondi-Ahman.
There Adam gave to these
righteous descendants his last
“The Lord then appeared to
“The Prophet Joseph Smith said
that Adam blessed his posterity
because “he wanted to bring
them into the presence of God.”
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph
Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co.,
1938, p. 159.)…
Ezra Taft Benson
Quorum of the Twelve
("What I Hope You Will
Teach Your Children About
the Temple,” Ensign, Aug.
1985, 6)
“How did Adam bring his
descendants into the presence of
the Lord?
Ezra Taft Benson
Quorum of the Twelve
("What I Hope You Will
Teach Your Children About
the Temple,” Ensign, Aug.
1985, 6)
“The answer: Adam and his
descendants entered into the
priesthood order of God. Today
we would say they went to the
House of the Lord and received
their blessings.”
Ezra Taft Benson
Quorum of the Twelve
("What I Hope You Will
Teach Your Children About
the Temple,” Ensign, Aug.
1985, 6)
“To enter into the order of
the Son of God is the equivalent
today of entering into the fullness
of the Melchizedek Priesthood,
which is only received in the
house of the Lord.”
Timeline of Enoch’s Life
25 Ordained to the Priesthood (D&C 107:48)
65 • Begat Methuselah (Moses 6:25)
• Blessed by Adam. Saw Christ (D&C 107:48)
• Called to be a Prophet (Moses 6:26-36)
305 • Joined the faithful in Adam-OndiAhman. Saw the Lord. (D&C 107:48)
365 Year Ministry
430 Translated with his city (D&C 107:49)
“Those holding the fullness of
the Melchizedek Priesthood
are kings and priests of the
Most High God, holding the
keys of power and blessings.”
Joseph Smith
(“Three Orders of
Priesthood,” 27 August
1843, The Words of
Joseph Smith, p.243-248)
Equivalent Terms
The Order of Melchizedek/Enoch/Son of God
The Fulness of the Priesthood
Kings (Queens) & Priests (Priestesses)
Calling and Election Made Sure
More Sure Word of Prophecy
Sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise
Of the Church of the Firstborn
A Son (Daughter) of God (implied heirship)
Three Orders of Priesthood
Joseph Smith
(“Three Orders of
Priesthood,” 27 August
1843, The Words of
Joseph Smith, p.243-248)
There are 3 grand … orders of Priesthood….
1st Levitical…
2nd Abraham's Patriarchal power…
3rd That of Melchizedek, who had still
greater power—even power of an endless
life—of which was our Lord Jesus Christ….
[This is] not the power of a Prophet, nor
apostle, nor Patriarch only, but of King &
Priest to God, to open the windows of
Heaven and pour out the peace & law of
[an] endless life to man.
The Three Orders of Priesthood
3. Melchizedek Priesthood
2. Patriarchal Priesthood
1. Levitical Priesthood
“All priesthood is
Melchizedek, but
there are different
portions or degrees
of it.”
~Joseph Smith
(Teachings, p.180)
The Three Orders of Priesthood
3. Melchizedek Priesthood
2. Patriarchal Priesthood
1. Levitical Priesthood
“There are 3 grand …
orders of Priesthood ...
namely the priesthood
of Aaron, Abraham,
and Melchizedek.
Abraham's priesthood
was of greater power
than Levi's, and
Melchizedek's was of
greater power than
that of Abraham.”
~Joseph Smith
(The Words of Joseph Smith,
The Levitical Priesthood & the Temple
3. Melchizedek Priesthood
2. Patriarchal Priesthood
1. Levitical Priesthood
“All priesthood is
Melchizedek, but
there are different
portions or degrees
of it.”
~Joseph Smith
(Teachings, p.180)
The Levitical Priesthood & the Temple
Exodus 40:12-13
And thou shalt bring Aaron and his sons unto the
door of the tabernacle of the congregation, and wash
them with water.
And thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments,
and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may
minister unto me in the priest's office.
The Levitical Priesthood & the Temple
Robert D. Hales
Quorum of the Twelve
(Return: Four Phases of Our
Mortal Journey Home, p. 246)
When we enter the house of the
Lord, the ordinances and the
Spirit that attends us sanctify our
souls. This sanctification begins
with the initiatory ordinances of
washing and anointing. These are
preparatory ordinances. They
provide the cleanliness and
purification we need to receive
the endowment.
The Levitical Priesthood & the Temple
Harold B. Lee
(Teachings of Presidents
of the Church: Harold B.
Lee, 99)
“The receiving of the
endowment requires the
assuming of obligations by
covenants which in reality are
but an embodiment or an
unfolding of the covenants
each person should have
assumed at baptism.”
The Patriarchal Priesthood & the Temple
3. Melchizedek Priesthood
2. Patriarchal Priesthood
1. Levitical Priesthood
“All priesthood is
Melchizedek, but
there are different
portions or degrees
of it.”
~Joseph Smith
(Teachings, p.180)
The Patriarchal Priesthood & the Temple
“It is in the temple that we
enter into the patriarchal
order, the order of priesthood
that bears the name ‘the new
and everlasting covenant of
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(A New Witness for the
Articles of Faith, p.315)
The Patriarchal Priesthood & the Temple
D&C 131:1-4
1 In the celestial glory there are three heavens or
2 And in order to obtain the highest, a man must
enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the
new and everlasting covenant of marriage];
3 And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
4 He may enter into the other, but that is the end of
his kingdom; he cannot have an increase.
The Patriarchal Priesthood & the Temple
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
("The Promises Made To
The Fathers," in Studies in
Scripture: Vol. Three The
Old Testament, p. 61)
“And so I go to the Salt Lake
Temple and marry my wife for
time and for all eternity, and so
begins a new kingdom of God. And
if we are faithful, that marriage
exists here and it exists hereafter.
And I have been given through that
ordinance every promise that
Abraham received. It is given on
conditional basis. We must be true
and faithful and keep the covenant
that we make in the temple, but if
we are faithful, we will receive the
The Patriarchal Priesthood & the Temple
D&C 131:1-4
1 In the celestial glory there are three heavens or
2 And in order to obtain the highest, a man must
enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the
new and everlasting covenant of marriage];
3 And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
4 He may enter into the other, but that is the end of
his kingdom; he cannot have an increase.
The Melchizedek Priesthood & the Temple
3. Melchizedek Priesthood
2. Patriarchal Priesthood
1. Levitical Priesthood
“All priesthood is
Melchizedek, but
there are different
portions or degrees
of it.”
~Joseph Smith
(Teachings, p.180)
The Melchizedek Priesthood & the Temple
“[T]hrough the fulness of the
ordinances of the temple [we]
receive the fulness of the
priesthood and are ordained
kings and priests.”
Bruce R. McConkie
Quorum of the Twelve
(Mormon Doctrine, p.425)
The Melchizedek Priesthood & the Temple
“Those holding the fullness of
the Melchizedek Priesthood
are kings and priests of the
Most High God, holding the
keys of power and blessings.”
Joseph Smith
(“Three Orders of
Priesthood,” 27 August
1843, The Words of
Joseph Smith, p.243-248)
The Melchizedek Priesthood & the Temple
“For any person to have the
fullness of that [Melchizedek]
priesthood, he must be a king
and priest.”
Brigham Young
(History of the Church,
5:527; August 6, 1843)
Keys Restored
(D&C 2; 110)
Order of Power
Melchizedek/Enoch/The Son of God
= The “Fullness of Priesthood”
= Church of the Firstborn
Anointed King and Queen
(D&C 110)
John the
(D&C 13; 110)
= Temple marriage/“this order of the
priesthood.” (D&C 131:2)
= Preparatory Gospel
= Baptism
= Carnal Commandments
= Aaronic Temple Ordinances
All promises of salvation and exaltation
are made sure (unconditional).
Presence of God/Visions/Ask & Receive
Promise of King & Queenship
Land. Kingdom, Thrones, Principalities
Priesthood. Powers, Dominions
Posterity. “A fulness and continuation
of the seeds forever and ever” (D&C
Prepared/Anointed to Become K & Q
Remission of Sins
Ministry of Angels
Gathered into the Temple
Anointed to become Kings and Queens
Baptismal Covenant Unfolded
Signs/Tokens/Key Words Revealed
The Visions of Enoch
1. Moses 7:2-11. Enoch sees the Lord face to face.
Joseph Smith
(Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph
Smith, p.150-151)
“After a person hath faith in
Christ, repents of his sins, and is
baptized for the remission of his
sins and receives the Holy Ghost,
(by the laying on of hands,)
which is the first Comforter,
then let him continue to humble
himself before God, hungering
and thirsting after righteousness,
and living by every word of God,
and the Lord will soon say unto
him, ‘Son, thou shalt be exalted,’
Joseph Smith
(Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph
Smith, p.150-151)
“When the Lord has thoroughly
proved him, and finds that the man
is determined to serve him at all
hazards, then the man will find his
calling and his election made sure,
then it will be his privilege to
receive the other Comforter, which
the Lord hath promised the
Saints…. [see John 14:12-27]
“Now, what is this other Comforter?
It is no more or less than the LORD
Joseph Smith
(Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph
Smith, p.150-151)
“… and this is the sum and substance
of the whole matter; that when any
man obtains this last Comforter, he
will have the personage of Jesus
Christ to attend him, or appear unto
him from time to time, and even he
will manifest the Father unto him,
and they will take up their abode
with him, and the visions of the
heavens will be opened unto him,
and the Lord will teach him face to
face, and he may have a perfect
knowledge of the mysteries of the
kingdom of God;
Joseph Smith
(Teachings of the
Prophet Joseph
Smith, p.150-151)
“… and this is the state and place the
ancient Saints arrived at when they
had such glorious visions—[such as]
Isaiah, Ezekiel, John upon the Isle of
Patmos, St. Paul in the three
heavens, and all the Saints who held
communion with the general
assembly and Church of the First
The Visions of Enoch
1. Moses 7:2-11. Enoch sees the Lord face to face.
The Miracles of Enoch
Moses 7:13
JST Genesis 14
The Visions of Enoch
2. Moses 7:20-67.
a. vs. 20-23. Enoch sees his people translated.
b. vs. 23-27. After Zion’s translation, wickedness
prevails, angels minister, more are translated.
c. vs. 28-41. He sees God weep for the inevitable
suffering the wicked will endure.
d. vs. 42-44. He sees Noah’s family saved, but the
wicked destroyed in the flood.
e. vs. 44-47, 55-57. He sees the coming of Christ,
His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
f. vs. 48-54. He hears the earth mourn. He prays
for the children of Noah & receives promises.
g. vs. 58-66. He sees latter-day wickedness, the
Restoration, the 2nd Coming, & Millennium.
Harold B. Lee
Quorum of the Twelve
("The Home,”
Conference Report,
April 1965, p. 12-16)
In his answer to Enoch's
question as to why he wept,
God replied that “... among all
the workmanship of mine
hands there has not been so
great wickedness as among thy
Then he added: “... behold,
their sins shall be upon the
heads of their fathers” (Moses
Evidently the parents of that
generation had committed the
great sin of failing to comply
with the command given to all
parents from Adam's day down
to our own day. They had failed
to teach the doctrines of
salvation to their children.
Harold B. Lee
Quorum of the Twelve
("The Home,”
Conference Report,
April 1965, p. 12-16)
Harold B. Lee
Quorum of the Twelve
("The Home,”
Conference Report,
April 1965, p. 12-16)
The Lord has warned us that,
as it was in the days of Noah, so
shall it be at the coming of the
Son of Man (Matt. 24:37). God
grant that this people will heed
the call of our prophet-leaders
and teach their children as the
Lord has commanded and
escape the chastening hand of
Almighty God.
The Visions of Enoch
2. Moses 7:20-67.
a. vs. 20-23. Enoch sees his people translated.
b. vs. 23-27. After Zion’s translation, wickedness
prevails, angels minister, more are translated.
c. vs. 28-41. He sees God weep for the inevitable
suffering the wicked will endure.
d. vs. 42-44. He sees Noah’s family saved, but the
wicked destroyed in the flood.
e. vs. 44-47, 55-57. He sees the coming of Christ,
His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
f. vs. 48-54. He hears the earth mourn. He prays
for the children of Noah & receives promises.
g. vs. 58-66. He sees latter-day wickedness, the
Restoration, the 2nd Coming, & Millennium.
The Last Days
Search Moses 7:60-61, 66.
What are some of the difficulties we can
expect in the last days?
According to Moses 7:61 the Lord will
“preserve” His people in the last days.
According to vs. 62, how will He preserve
Ezra Taft Benson
(Ensign, Nov 1986, 78)
The Lord promised … that
righteousness would come
from heaven and truth out of
the earth. We have seen the
marvelous fulfillment of that
prophecy in our generation.
The Book of Mormon has
come forth out of the earth,
filled with truth….
Ezra Taft Benson
(Ensign, Nov 1986, 78)
God has also sent down
righteousness from heaven. The
Father Himself appeared with His
Son to the Prophet Joseph Smith.
The angel Moroni, John the Baptist,
Peter, James, and numerous other
angels were directed by heaven to
restore the necessary powers to the
kingdom. Further, the Prophet
Joseph Smith received revelation
after revelation from the heavens
during those first critical years of
the Church’s growth. These
revelations have been preserved for
us in the Doctrine and Covenants.
Make Some Waves!