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Panel 41. Buddhist astronomy and astrology in Mongolia and Tibet
Panel proposed by Dr. L. Terbish, Senior Professor, School
of Mongolian Language and Culture (SMLC), National
University of Mongolia
Panel description
Astrology is one of the ten Buddhist sciences that spread widely in Buddhist countries
such as Tibet and Mongolia. The origin of Buddhist astrology is the teaching of
“Kalacakra” or “The Wheel of Time” and the doctrine of “Abhidharma kosa” or “The
Treasury of Abhidharma.” The knowledge of Astrology is divided into two subdisciplines: the first one is astro-science (skar rtsis/ dkar rtsis/), the second one is
elemental astrology (’byung rtsis/) or (nag rtsis/). The five-element theory based on
wood, fire, earth, iron and water, is used in the classical Buddhist grammar, physics,
medicine and philosophy.
The goal of this panel is to discuss the principles and knowledge of Buddhist
Astrology, to analyze and reinterpret Tibetan texts, such as the commentaries of the
Kalacakra teaching and the principles of Abhidharma kosa, and to highlight the
specific nature of Buddhist Astrology and to explain it in a modern scientific way.
Also, papers will be presented on the astro scientific calculation method of movement
and the position of planets and an explanation of the modern astronomic method in
this panel. We would like to call for papers on the calendar of particular seasons and
the lunar almanac, the calculation method for seasons of the year, the forecast
methodology for special changes in nature and climate. In addition, we welcome
papers related to the explanation of the theory of the five elements and its instructions
on Buddhist sub-disciplines in the panel.
In summary, the panel will bring together researchers who are interested in studying
the development of classical Buddhist astrology, in particular the countries of Tibet
and Mongolia.