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1. Why is selecting an appropriate communication channel important to the
overall effectiveness of the message? Provide two examples.
a. Selecting and appropriate communication channel is important to the
overall effectiveness of the message because this process determining
the purpose of the message (central idea) and identifying how the
central idea affect the receiver. O examples of this are: Face-to-face
and telephone.
2. How does perception and audience analysis affect the communication
process? What factors about the audience should you consider?
a. The perception and analysis affected the communication process
because the receiver can determine the channel for sending the
message. The factors the audience considered are: age, economic
level, educational/occupational background culture and relationships.
3. What differences in the ideals of the older and younger generations may
explain communication clashes between these groups in the workplace?
a. The difference in the deals and younger generation in the
communication is: older have a 15% about of the value of the
communication process and the younger have a 10% about of the
value of the communication process.
4. What value is gained from cultivating a “you attitude” in spoken and written
messages? Give an example of a writer and a reader-centered message to
make your point.
a. Developing a “you attitude” involves thinking in terms of the other
person’s interests and trying to see a problem from the other’s point of
b. Example: “I want to take this opportunity to offer my congratulations on
your recent promotion to regional manager.”
5. Discuss five writing techniques that enable communicators to build and
protect goodwill.
a. Euphemism: doublespeak
b. Avoid condescending or demeaning expressions
c. Use connotative tone cautiously: denotative and connotative meaning
d. Use specific language appropriately
e. Bias-free language: avoid gender bias, racial or ethnic, age and
disability bias
6. When is the use of a euphemism appropriate? Detrimental? Under what
conditions are connotative words acceptable? Why are specific words
generally preferred in business writing and speaking? In what situations
would general words be preferred?
a. Should avoid euphemisms that excessively sugarcoat and those that
appear to be deliberate sarcasm.
b. To be sure that your connotative words are understood and will
generate goodwill, consider your audience, the context, and the timing
of the message.
c. Specific words are better to get in to the point and to avoid too much of
explanation, just to talk the information that is important.
d. Sometimes, using genera statements can be useful in building and
protecting goodwill. General words keep negative ideas from getting
more emphasis than they deserve. In addition, senders who don’t have
specific information or for some reason don’t want to divulge it use
general words.
7. Provide five guidelines for projecting a positive, tactful tone.
Adaptations include focusing on the receiver’s point of view;
 communicating, ethically and responsibly;
 building and protecting goodwill;
 using simple, contemporary language;
 writhing concisely;
 projecting a positive, tactful tone.
8. Why is conciseness valued in business communication? Provide at least
three suggestions for reducing word count without sacrificing content.
a. Concise writing is essential for information workers struggling to
handle the avalanche of information created by technological advances and
other factors.
 Concise messages save time and money for both the sender and
 The receiver’s attention is directed toward the important details and is
not distracted by excessive words and details.
9. What primary benefits does the writer gain from outlining before writing or
speaking? How does the receiver benefit?
Outlining before communicating provides numerous benefits:
a. Encourages accuracy and brevity.
b. Permits concentration on one phase at a time.
c. Saves time in structuring ideas.
d. Provides a psychological lift.
e. Facilitates emphasis and de-emphasis.
The preceding benefits derived from outlining are sender oriented.
Because a message has been well outlined, receivers benefit, too:
a. The message is more concise and accurate.
b. Relationships between ideas are easier to distinguish and remember.
c. Reaction to the message and its sender is more likely to be positive.
10. What three questions assist a communicator in the decision to organize a
message deductively or inductively?
a. What is the central idea of the message?
b. What is the most likely reaction to the message?
c. In view of the predicted receiver reaction, should the central idea be
listed first in the outline or should be listed as one of the last items?