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Progeny Notes
Venkat Ramana, India
Volunteer: Maurício Avila, Brazil
is a law graduate and post
graduate in management. He has studied
Jyotish visharada in the ICAS (Indian
council of astrological sciences) and is an
honorary faculty in one of its branches at
Hyderabad. He has been studying
palmistry for more than 10 years and
over a period of time his interest drifted
towards astrology. He has developed a
deep interest in the subject and
endeavors to do service to the people. A
friend of Saptarishi’s Astrology and a
very humble yet extremely dedicated
student of this subject.
ne among the various
important events which an
astrologer is asked to predict
in a nativity is begetting children.
Whether a native will have children or
not depends on the promise in the
charts of two people, Husband and
Wife, unlike other events which can be
predicted with the help of individual
chart. There is a lot of literature on this
particular aspect and all the books
without any hesitation declare that
Jupiter is the planet and from 5th house
this event can be predicted. A question
arises, is it enough if these two aspects
are looked at for the purpose of
prediction? In my opinion and
experience it is not so, there are so
many factors required to be kept in
mind for this purpose.
Further, certain rules have
exceptions without knowing them
applying them in predictions may go
wrong. For example, as per the principle
“Karako Bhava Nashaya” if a planet who
is karaka for an event if present in the
house which represents the event it
spoils the house. To be more elaborate,
Jupiter is the karaka for children and 5th
house is the house which represents it.
If this rule is applied straight away we
will fail because, there are so many people in whose charts Jupiter is in 5th house
having children. If one thinks that this principle is not correct he is right as he is not
aware of how to apply this rule. I came to know how to apply this rule when I read
New Techniques Of Prediction I & II written by Late Shri. Sheshadri Iyer (a great
astrologer who claims that he has given only those principles in his book which he has used and
work without any failure) clarified that this works when the karaka is in the Ascendant
of the relevant Divisional chart. Another great astrologer Shri Vadrevu Suryanarayana
Murthy after study of more than 50,000 charts comes out with one of the best books in
astrology (Jataka Narayaneeyam), has given certain points applying Jaimini principles
to study the Child Birth. So on so forth, there are so many scholars who have given
some of the points which are required to be kept in our kitty for the purpose of
prediction. As student one may not go through many books but as a teacher (student)
I felt one should know maximum points on each aspect. With this aim I tried to
compile points pertaining to Progeny which are scattered and brought them in the
form of notes for use in general. If one follows the following rules/steps for predicting
birth of children a fairly good prediction can be given.
Sputa calculation based test for having children:
Fundamental analysis that should be done before predicting children
 Kshetra Sputa is calculated for female natives.
Kshetra Sputa= Longitude of (Moon+ Mars+ Jupiter) expunged by 360˚.
 Beeja Sputa is calculated for male natives.
Beeja Sputa= Longitude of (Sun+ Venus+ Jupiter) expunged by 360˚.
To find the Sputa, the resultant longitude should be counted from 0 degrees of Aries.
The location of Sputa in D-9 (Navamsha) must be done according to the degrees
obtained. Ex.: If the resultant longitude is 133 degrees counting from Aries in the D-1
chart, the Sputa will be placed in Leo at 13 degrees. As this is the 4th Navamsa in Leo
sign, in the D-9 chart Sputa is located in Cancer sign.
Analysis Female Chart:
If Kshetra Sputa falls:
a) In even sign both in D-1 and D-9, definitely possibility of having progeny can be
b) In even sign in D-1 and in odd sign in D-9 or vice-versa then birth of children with
difficulty (by following remedial measures) or delay can be predicted.
c) In odd sign both in D-1 and D-9, there is no possibility of having children.
Analysis Male Chart:
If Beeja Sputa falls:
a) In odd sign D-1 and D-9, having progeny can be safely predicted.
b) In odd sign in D-1 and in even Sign in D-9 or vice-versa then birth of children with
difficulty (by following remedial measures) or delay can be predicted.
c) In even sign both in D-1 and D-9, there is no possibility of having children.
Santana Tithi
Deduct the longitude of Sun from the longitude of the Moon, multiply the result by 5
and then divide the multiplication result by 12.
Santana Tithi= ((Long of Moon-Long of Sun) ×5) /12.
 If Santana Tithi falls in the Brighter Half (SP) (when Moon is ahead of Sun in
Longitude) then progeny is indicated.
 Even if Santana Tithi falls in Brighter Half (SP) 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 12th and 14th tithis are
not good for progeny and similarly Visti, Chatushpada, Naga and Kinstughna
(Shakuni) Karanas are not good for begetting children.
 If Santana Tithi falls in the Dark Half (1 to 5th lunar day) then children will be born.
 If Santana Tithi falls on 6th tithi then children will be born but with difficulty and
through the help of remedial measures.
 If Santana Tithi falls between 7th and 10th (KP) tithis children will be born from the
second marriage after performing remedial measures.
 If Santana Tithi falls on 11th tithi of New moon then the chances of having children
are remote.
General Conditions for birth of children
 If lord of 5th house from Ascendant, Moon and Jupiter are well placed in good
houses and the 5th House is aspected by its Lord and benefic planets or 5th Lord and
Ascendant Lord are conjoined in an auspicious house or aspect each other, birth of
children is assured.
 If a malefic planet owns the 5th house and is placed there, the person will have
 If Saturn is in 5th house in Cancer sign, then birth of children is assured.
 When Sun, Mars or Venus (for Cancer or Pisces Lagna) is similarly placed a son
will be born from second wife.
 If Moon and Jupiter are placed in 5th House (Cancer) for Pisces Lagna, then only a
female child is born.
 If Mercury is in 5th house identical to Cancer then there are remote chances of birth
of children.
 If Sun is placed in 11th house then one son is assured.
 Many issues are indicated if Jupiter as Lord of 8th house is strong and is aspected by
Lagna Lord.
 Powerful Lord of 2nd house posited in 5th house and aspected by Jupiter indicates
birth of children.
 When the Lord of Navamsha occupied by the lord of 5th house is conjoined or
aspected by benefics or when the Lord of 5th house is in benefic Saptavarga or when
the Lord of Navamsha occupied by Lord of 5th house is in Ascendant, then birth of
children is assured.
 1st child should be seen from 5th house, 2nd children from 7th house and 3rd children
from 9th house.
 In D-9 dispositor of the 5th lord and Jupiter need to be considered. Their position in
Rasi chart should be strong.
 In D-7 Lagna and Lagna Lord need to be considered.
Birth of children indicated in old age:
 Mars placed in Lagna, Moon in 8th house and Sun in a barren sign (any of the
barren signs).
 Jupiter placed in 8th House, Mars in 12th house, and Saturn in Lagna and a barren
sign in the 5th.
 Malefic planet placed in 5th house from Jupiter, Moon in 12th house and a number of
planets in Lagna.
 Malefic placed in the 5th house and 5th Lord conjoined Jupiter in Kendra (Angle).
 Mars occupying 5th house identical with Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces and being
aspected by Jupiter.
Absence of Progeny
 Lord of Ascendant, Lord of Moon sign, Lord of 5th house, Lord of 7th house and
Jupiter are weak.
 Lord of Ascendant, Lord of Moon sign, Lord of 7th house, 5th House and Jupiter are
posited in 6th, 8th and 12th houses.
 The 5th house is occupied or aspected by malefic planet.
 Sun is placed in odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) and Moon in even Navamsha
(Virgo/Capricorn) with mutual aspect in D-1 chart.
 Saturn is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mercury in odd
Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) with mutual aspect in D-1.
 Sun is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mars in odd Navamsha
(Gemini/Aquarius) with mutual aspect in D-1.
 Moon is placed in Ascendant in an odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) aspected by
Mars from an even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn).
 Moon is placed in even Navamsha (Virgo/Capricorn) and Mercury is placed in
odd Navamsha (Gemini/Aquarius) aspect by Mars.
 When Venus, Ascendant and Moon are all placed in odd Navamsha
(Gemini/Aquarius) indicate the possibility of birth of transgender or eunuch.
 The 5th house from Ascendant, Moon and Jupiter conjoined or aspected by malefic
planets, surrounded by malefic or their Lords are posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th houses
then no children is indicated.
 The 12th house occupied by the lords of the 2nd, 4th, 8th houses and aspected by
 Mars occupying own Navamsha and in D-1 chart Mercury as Lord of 5th house is
conjoined with malefic planet.
 Saturn aspected by Moon in the 5th house and Lord of the 5th house conjoined with
 Sun posited in the 5th house in a barren sign, Saturn in 8th house and Mars in
 The 4th Lord in 8th house and Ascendant Lord and 5th Lord placed in 6th house and
6th and 10th Lords occupy the Ascendant.
 Jupiter placed in Leo, 5th Lord conjoined with Sun and malefics occupying the
Ascendant and the 5th house.
 Sun placed in 8th house, Saturn in 5th house and 5th Lord conjoined with Rahu.
Adoption of a child
 The 5th house falls in Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius and has association or
aspect of Saturn or Mandi.
 The 5th Lord is weak and has no connection with Ascendant Lord and 7th Lord.
 The 9th House is afflicted by Saturn with Mandi and Ascendant Lord badly
disposed to 9th house and it’s Lord.
 Lord of the 5th house is in a sign of Saturn in Navamsha and is in conjunction with
Mercury and Saturn.
 The 5th house from Jupiter in the AshtakaVarga of Jupiter contains more benefics
points contributed by planets occupying the signs of Saturn either in Rashi or
 The Moon is placed in 5th house either in Rasi or Navamsha in a sign owned by
Saturn and is associated with planets other than Saturn.
 If the Lord of 5th house is in Saturn’s sign in Navamsha and Jupiter and Saturn are
in their own sign then a son is born after adoption.
Karko (significator) Bhavnashay
In general, a significator of a particular house if present in this house it spoils the
significations it represents
 The karaka (significator) for children (Jupiter) should be placed in the Lagna of the
particular divisional chart for the blemish to take effect. Example: Jupiter placed in
5th house in D-1 and in Lagna of D-7 (Saptamsha).
Points from Jaimini Astrology
 In Jaimini system for children, the Pada of 12th House (Upa-pada) has to be
considered, and the 5th and 9th houses from him should be analyzed. (Upa-pada is the
Arudha of 12th house).
 If anyone among Jupiter, Rahu and Sun are placed in the 5th or 9th houses from Upapada children can be predicted.
 For Vrishchika (Scorpio) Lagna Rahu is Bahu Putra karka but if Rahu is conjoined
with Venus in 5th house and Moon is placed in the 8th house then the native may be
 If Moon is posited in 5th or 9th houses from Upa-pada it gives only one male child
(Ek-putra yoga).
 If Venus+Mercury+Saturn+Mars are posited in 5th or 9th houses from Upa-pada the
native will have no male child (Anapathya).
Analysis though Astaka Varga: Jupiter BAV (Bhinna AshtakaVarga)
 Any planet with 4 points in BAV has average strength.
 Any planet that has above 5 points in BAV is very strong.
 In Jupiter BAV the 5th and 9th houses from him should be examined. Check how
many points are there in these two places, if there are more than 5 points the native
will definitely have children.
Number of Children
 Take the 5th and 9th houses from Jupiter in Jupiter’s BAV.
 Let's say that 5th house has 4 points and 9th house has 4 points too.
The points contributed by the following planets must be excluded:
1. Jupiter’s enemy planets;
2. 5th Lord’s enemy planets;
As per Jaimini method though Sun and Rahu are natural malefic planets, but for the purpose of
children they are considered as Bahu Putra Karakas “Ravi Rahu Gurubhi Bahuputraha” (Bahu means
more than two, Putra denotes children (son) and Karaka is significator).
Planets in debilitation;
Planets placed in enemy house;
Planets owning the debilitation sign of Jupiter and 5th Lord;
Points contributed by Saturn (Since Saturn owns Capricorn, the debilitation
sign of Jupiter).
 The remaining count indicates the number of children.
Timing Child Birth
Transit – Both parents chart should be considered
 Jupiter and Saturn double transit aspect should be there.
 Saturn should aspect 5th House or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion .
 Jupiter should aspect 5th house or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion .
 Mars should aspect 5th house or its Lord; 9th house or its Lord either in direct or
retrograde motion within 75 days of the child birth.
 Sun should aspect one of the above four point within a month of the child birth.
 Moon should aspect one of the above points within 72 Hours of the child birth.
Dasa and Antar dasa
 Dasha of the Lagna or Lagna Lord, 5th house or 5th Lord, 9th house or 9th Lord.
 Dasha/Antar dasha of 2nd, 5th or 11th Lords.
 Dasha/Antar dasha of Lagna Lord in the Saptamsha chart.
Aspects of retrograde planets should also be evaluated as if they are placed in the previous house.