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Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the
fastest-growing technologies in the world. It is also a driving force in
global social transformations, pushing the world into a new era, the
information age. Although social changes brought by the new age are
noticeable on a daily basis, they often occur without any planning or
organization, bringing about a certain future shock. Scientific
research, especially in social sciences, is trying to understand the
evolutionary processes and to find optimal models of using the
technology potentials for improving the quality of life of humanity in
general. Being a part of social sciences, marketing is in constant
evolution and seeks optimal ways to satisfy customer needs that are at
the centre of its interests. As a result, marketing has evolved into a
new variety, marketing of relations, which is the origin of the new
concept called Customer Relationship Management (CRM). There are
also new marketing techniques applied in the new virtual world under
the common notion of e-Marketing. On the other hand, natural
sciences are evolving as well. Bread-making technology is constantly
improving and finding new products that can satisfy consumer needs,
taking into account his nutritional requirements. Consumer is thus the
starting point in both marketing and bread-making technology, which
indicates that these two disciplines need to interact in order to satisfy
consumer needs in the best possible way. Mobile technologies, as the
fastest growing ICT, especially the Web and SMS, should be used for
this purpose so that consumer can be involved in the whole process, as
it is his needs that drive marketing and bread technology.