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If It’s Not Baroque, Don’t Fix It! Dates______________________________________ From the Portuguese word for_______________________________, a negative description of the heavily ornamented music of this period Clavichord The clavichord produced sound by____________________________________________________________________________against a_______________________________when a key was pressed. The sound quality was_________________________, but the instrument was able to produce some dynamics. It was mainly used in Germany and usually played as a solo instrument or in a small ensemble. Harpsichord The harpsichord usually had___________________________________________. Its tone was produced with _______________________which_______________________________________mechanically every time a key was pressed. The tone of the harpsichord was stronger than the clavichord but it could not produce dynamics. Organ Organs were mostly associated with church music and used as solo instruments or accompaniment instruments. Sound is produced with___________________________________________________________________________ Strings Woodwinds ________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________________ Johann Sebastian Bach _________________________composer, __________________________, harpsichordist, violist, and violinist of the Baroque Period. Bach's abilities as an organist were highly respected throughout____________________. He was not widely recognized as a great composer until a revival of interest and performances of his music in the first half of the_____________________________. He is now generally regarded as one of the main composers of the Baroque period, and as one of_____________________________________________________ Famous Work: _______________________________________ Antonio Vivaldi Antonio Lucio Vivaldi, nicknamed il Prete Rosso ("The Red Priest") because of his ________________________, was an________________________Baroque composer, priest, and virtuoso violinist, born in_________________________________. Vivaldi's health was problematic. His symptoms, strettezza di petto ("tightness of the chest"), have been interpreted as a form of_______________________. This did not prevent him from learning to play the violin, composing or taking part in musical activities, although it did stop him from playing____________________________. Famous Work: ____________________________________________________ George Frederic Handel ________________________Baroque composer, famous for his operas,__________________, anthems and organ concertos. Famous Work: _______________________________