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Principles of Fourier Transform
Optical Measurements
Chapter 7
Time Domain Spectroscopy
• Encode spectral information about a source in the
form of a time dependent electrical signal called
• The interferogram is the time dependent function of
the intensity of the source.
– Time domain signal: Intensity versus Time/Distance
• The spectrum- the interferogram, when appropriately
analyzed, yields the spectrum of the source.
– Frequency Domain Signal: Signal versus Frequency.
The Michelson interferometer
• Converts a high frequency signal to a measurable low
frequency signal
– Signal/frequency modulation
• Interferogram is analyzed to obtain the spectrum
Components of a Michelson Interferometer
Two plane mirrors at right
Fixed mirror
Movable mirror
Beam splitter at an angle
of 45° to the mirrors:
divides incoming light
(ideally 50 % transmitted
and 50 % reflected)
Compensator: equalizes
the optical path lengths in
both arms
Simple Case of Idealized Monochromatic
• Assume for simplicity that there is a monochromatic input to the
interferometer adjusted so that the optical path lengths in both arms
are identical.
• The two beams will be in phase when they return to the beam
splitter and, as such, they will constructively interfere.
• Looking into the interferometer at the output, the field will appear
• Move one mirror back 1/4 of a wavelength. The two beams will be
180° out of phase and they will destructively interfere, the field will
appear dark.
• If the mirror is continuously moved, the field will oscillate from light to
dark for each quarter-wavelength movement of the mirror.
• One cycle of the interferogram occurs when the mirror moves a
distance equal to 1/2 λ.
Relationship between the Frequency of
Interferogram and Optical Frequency
Let τ be the time required for the mirror to move 1/2 wavelength,
VM the constant mirror velocity, f
the frequency of the
inteferogram, and ν the optical frequency.
= VM × τ
f =
ν = 2VM ν
(τ is the period of the interferogram / time required to complete a
if the mirror velocity is 1 cm/s, the frequency of the interferogram
f = 6.67 × 10 −11ν
The equation for the interferogram
P (δ ) =
P (ν ) cos(2πft )
It is a simple cosine wave, the amplitude of which depends on the
intensity of the monochromatic source
δ :retardation: difference in path travelled by the two beams
P (δ ) : radiant power of the output as a function of retardation
P(ν ) :
radiant power of the source as a function of optical
frequency (source spectrum)
Modified interferogram equation
P(δ ) = B (ν ) cos(2πft )
The modified equation accounts for unequal splitting of the source
power and the frequency dependence of the detector response
by equation 2, then substitute VM by
P(δ ) = B (ν ) cos(2πδ ν )
δ /2
The frequency of the oscillation depends on two factors:
1) the frequency of the incoming electromagnetic radiation
2) the velocity of the mirror
Thus, using an interferometer a very high optical frequency can
be uniquely encoded in the form of a low-frequency oscillation.
Simple Interferograms and Spectra
What is the nature of a broadband spectral input?
• Each input can be treated independently
and hence the output will be the
summation of cosine functions.
• At zero path difference, all the waves are
in phase
• As the mirror is moved away from zero
position the waves rapidly sum out to a
steady average value.
• The resulting ac signal/ the interferogram
can be expressed mathematically as:
(1) P (δ ) =
∫ B(ν ) cos(2πδν )dν
Fourier Transformation
• The Fourier transform of the integral (1) is integral
• Integrals (1) and (2) form a cosine Fourier transform
(1) P(δ ) =
∫ B(ν ) cos(2πδν )dν
(2) B (ν ) =
∫ P(δ ) cos(2πδν )dδ
Effects of finite mirror movement and digitization
• To reconstruct the exact spectrum of the source, the
interferogram must be measured from - ∞ to ∞+.
However, the mirror movement is finite.
• Digitization of the interferogram requires use of
finite-sized sampling interval.
• These two practical constraints limit the resolution
and the frequency range.
• The width of the signal is inversely related to the
maximum extent of the interferogram, hence the
mirror movement.
• Resolution depends on the width of the
interferogram (mirror travel distance)
• The minimum mirror travel distance required
for two lines to be resolved is given by:
∆ν = ν 2 − ν1 =
Advantages of FT Methods
Multiplex or Fellgets advantage
Throughput advantage
High accuracy and reproducibility of frequency
High resolution
Controlled resolution function
Multiplex or Fellgets advantage
In scanning each resolution element is "seen"
during a fraction of the total scanning time (T).
If M is the number of resolution elements, then
Number of resolution elements =(λmax − λmin )
Signal ∝
Noise ∝
Fellgets advantage
• With the interferometer, each resolution element is "seen" all
the time (all optical frequencies are incident on the detector at
once). The spectral information is said to be multiplexed.
Signal ∝ T
Noise ∝ T
∝ T
• Superior by a factor of
Throughput advantage
Throughput is the amount of light that one can get through
the spectrometer.
One of the factor that limits the throughput of a grating or
prism instrument is the necessity for an entrance slit.
The interferometer has a large circular entrance aperture,
roughly the size of the mirrors and, as such, has greater
The improvement is a factor of 100.