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East of England Cancer Alliance Board
Information Pack for Patient and Public Voice Board Members
What is the East of England Cancer Alliance?
The East of England Cancer Alliance is made up of everyone involved in cancer services
across the region (see map in Part Two). The Alliance area is large, covering one ninth of
the UK in size and with a population of 6.3 million people. Cancer services across this area
are multiple and varied, but are brought together within six Sustainability and Transformation
Plan footprints, called STPs. The ambition of the Alliance is to transform cancer services
across boundaries and patient journeys through their treatment (called pathways). It will be
focussed on what is important for patients and families in terms of their experiences of care
and of living with and beyond cancer, as well as improving early diagnosis and outcomes –
ie more people surviving a diagnosis of cancer. Please see the accompanying Terms of
Reference (ToR) for the Cancer Alliance Board for more information, including objectives,
organisational structure, purpose, responsibilities and membership.
What is the role of the Patient and Public Voice Board Member?
The Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Board member will bring valuable patient insight to the
work of the Cancer Alliance Board. They will understand the need to transform cancer
services for the benefit of all. They will be prepared to network with other patients and bring
their own and others’ views to influence the work of the Board. They will understand the fastpaced nature of this work and that all views will be taken into consideration as well as their
own. They will be an active, voting member of the Board and will understand the need for
confidentiality. In addition, they will commit to membership of the Cancer Patient Advisory
Board. Meetings will be held quarterly at either end of the M11 corridor (ie
Essex/Cambridge) and travel expenses will be paid. In addition, this role attracts Expert
Advisor payments of up to £150 a day for Cancer Alliance Board meetings, in line with NHS
England expenses guidance.
Part One: how to apply
Please read the applicant information details below and complete the Cancer Alliance
Board PPV Member Application Form that came with this email. Please ensure you
demonstrate how you meet the skills and experience required for this position.
Applications should be returned to [email protected]
If you require help completing the form please email [email protected] or phone
0113 825 5038 – or ask someone to do this on your behalf.
If you would like an informal chat about the role before applying please do not hesitate to
contact Justine Thompson as above.
Applicants who have demonstrated how they meet the skills and attributes as outlined
below will be invited for interview in the first week of March. These may be conducted by
Part Two: information for applicants
Background, context and aims of the Cancer Alliance and Cancer Alliance Board
The EoE Cancer Alliance is committed to ensuring that patients and public are
supported to have a voice in the transformation of cancer services. Patient and public
participation is a principle embedded in the NHS Constitution. NHS England is
committed to hearing the views of patients, carers and families at every level of the
health service, including commissioning, provision and service development.
For further information about the governance and membership of the East of England
Cancer Alliance, including objectives, organisational structure, purpose,
responsibilities and membership, please see the Cancer Alliance ToR attached with
this email.
The East of England area covered by the Alliance is illustrated on the map below.
The six coloured areas are STP footprints, while the blue numbers are Clinical
Commissioning Groups and the red lines donate former cancer network areas.
What are the responsibilities of PPV members of the Cancer Alliance Board?
Contribute to Board governance to ensure the effective delivery, monitoring and
review of implementation of the National Cancer Strategy in the East of England.
Commitment to attend meetings on a regular basis. These are likely to be quarterly,
alternating at either end of the M11 corridor (Essex/Cambridge). The next scheduled
meeting is March 20. In addition, task-and-finish groups may be established, which
members may wish to join.
Commitment to read papers and to keep in touch with developments of the Cancer
Alliance. This is an exciting, four-year cancer services transformation programme
and so will be fast-paced. Members will need to be flexible to adapt to changes and
to put in the time required for background comprehension.
Commitment to maintaining links with other cancer patients and carers so their views
may be reflected. This can be through involvement or support groups, but may also
be via personal contacts or organisations such as Healthwatch.
Commitment to also being an active member of the EoE Cancer Patient Advisory
Board. This Board is currently under development but meetings will be 3 to 4 times a
year along the M11 corridor.
Adherence to the Nolan Principles of Public Life. Details can be found here:
Members will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement and Declaration of
Interest. Content of meetings will not normally be confidential but there may be
occasions when it is – this will be indicated at the time.
What skills and attributes are we looking for?
Essential Attributes
Desirable Attributes
Demonstrable experience of cancer
services as a patient, carer, relative
or member of the public within the
past five years. This could include
recent membership of a cancer
support or involvement group.
An effective current member of patient
involvement groups and/or patient
support organisations.
Relevant experience from other roles
(these need not be paid roles) ie
parent/carer with listening & relationship
Previous membership of a Board and
familiarity with best practice governance
Ability to listen to others without
Ability to review complex documentation
for relevant information.
Clear and concise communicator.
Ability to understand the strategic
nature of the Cancer Alliance – ie not to
think only about local services or one
particular cancer disease site.
Empathy for others.
Basic knowledge and
understanding of the NHS.
Understanding of the patient
perspective in the wider context of
cancer services and health care.
Approachable with a constructive,
positive attitude.
Ability to listen to others and
express own view clearly and
Confident communicating within a large
mixed group of professionals and
Constructively questioning; inquiring
Ability to articulate a patient
perspective beyond personal
experience where necessary.
What is the role of a PPV Member of the Cancer Alliance Board?
The PPV member brings important views, perspective and challenge to the
Cancer Alliance. They will serve to champion a service user, patient and
carer/family viewpoint, ensuring that the needs of the patient/carer are
considered across all aspects of the Board’s work.
They will champion a diversity of patient and public views (not to only
represent their own experience).
To provide some critical friend challenge into the Cancer Alliance Board and
its constituent programmes of work.
To champion and advocate for increasing patient and public awareness of the
Board’s programme outcomes and achievements.
What support will be offered to PPV members of the Cancer Alliance Board?
Respect for your role and time taken to understand your individual
requirements for participation.
A named link will be provided. This person will be able to support PPV Board.
members with background or context material and other information they may
If necessary pre-meeting briefings will be provided either by email, post or
telephone call.
Meeting documents will be emailed by preference. Hard copies can be
provided by post on request.
Out-of-pocket expenses incurred as part of the work will be reimbursed in line
with NHS England’s Patient and Public Participation Expenses Policy. This
will include reimbursement for mileage or public transport costs.
Reimbursement is available for carers to cover the cost of caring duties (with
valid receipts). His role attracts Expert Advisor payments of £150 per day for
meetings. For further details go to:
If you would like to apply to be a PPV member of the Cancer Alliance Board
please complete the accompanying Application Form and return it to
[email protected]
If there is no form attached please email as above to request one.