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SS7G8-The student will describe the diverse cultures of
the people who live in SW Asia (Middle East)
c. Compare and contrast the prominent religions in SW
Asia (Middle East): Judaism, Islam, and Chrisitanity
Monotheistic—belief in one God
Oldest of the three major religions-Known as Jews
Descended from Abraham—called Israelites
Believe that Moses is a prophet—messenger of
Lead the Israelites out of Egypt
Holy book is called the Tanakh or the Hebrew
Monotheistic religion
Founded in 30 AD by a Jewish teacher
named Jesus
Holy Book—The Bible (The New
World’s largest religion—2 billion
followers worldwide
Monotheistic religion
Founded by Muhammad ( 570 A.D.—632 A.D.)
in the 7th century.
Muhammad was a merchant from Makkah (Mecca)
According to Islamic teachings, he heard messages
from an angel telling him to preach about God
Holy Book—the Koran or Quran
5 Pillars of Islam—the rules for the faithful
5 Pillars of Islam—acts of worship that are
required of the faithful
1st— Belief--To make the statement, “There is no God but
Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.”
 2nd—Worship--Muslims must pray 5 times a day facing
 3rd—Almsgiving-- give money to people in need
 4th—Fasting--To fast (or not to eat or drink anything)
during daylight hours of the holy month of Ramadan
 This is the month in which Muhammad received his first
message from God.
5th—Pilgrimage--The Hajj (holy journey of Muslims)
 Each Muslim, at least once in his/her life travel to Mecca to
pray, if able
ALL have a Holy Book
ALL believe in one God (monotheistic)
ALL have prophets (messengers of God)
ALL believe Abraham is the father of
their faith
ALL have holy sites in SW Asia
Each has a different view of Jesus Christ
Each has specific places of worship
 Judaism—synagogues
 Christianity—churches or cathedrals
Each has specific religious practices
 Judaism—Yom Kippur
 Christianity—Easter