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AIM: Why did Napoleon’s Empire collapse?
(1) What countries did Napoleon take over during his conquests?
(2) What event occurred in 1812?
(3) Why would Britain, Russia and Portugal oppose Napoleon?
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Foreign Policy Under Napoleon
Foreign Policy: The way in which one nation interacts and deal with other nations.
Example: America is trading partners with Great Britain, however, we do not allow
trade with Cuba.
Napoleon organized France and any
areas that he annexed (to take over
and became part of your country).
He quickly divided the areas into smaller
pieces called administrative zones. This
allowed him to have more control over his
empire and divided power up amongst
those that would be more willing to
support him.
Napoleon also tried to put in place the “Continental System” in order to hurt Great
Throughout most of Europe
many countries were resentful for how
strong the British were, so Napoleon
tried to take advantage of this. He cut
off trade to the British by blockading
ports in Europe. This eventually
backfired and led to the Napoleonic
Wars in 1806. This caused the British
and French to seize American ships
which caused the War of 1812. The
French lost a lot of its navy which also
caused to fail some years against Egypt.
“Napoleon also had a large, but indirect effect on the history of Latin America. His
invasion of Spain so weakened the Spanish Government that for a period of several
years it lost effective control of its colonies in Latin America. It was during this period
that the Latin American independence movements commenced.” - From The 100:
Ranking of the Most Influential People in History
* Napoleon also re-instituted slavery in Frances colonies.
Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia
After waging wars throughout most of Europe, Napoleon turned his attention to
Russia. In 1812, Napoleon decided to invade this enormous country in Eastern
The Grande Army of France quickly stormed western Russia and was able to
invade with little resistance. Napoleon
had about 500,000 troops at his call.
In late 1812, the “General Winter” hit
Russia and the conditions became
unbearable. At the same time, the
Russians, used a Scorched Earth
policy to burn everything as they
retreated in order to destroy their
Napoleon entered Moscow, but with
less than 30,000 troops decided to
abandon the invasion and return to Paris in order to keep his Empire in tact.
Name: _________________________________
Period: _________
Date: __________
The Last Days of Napoleon
After his defeat in Russia, Napoleon’s enemies decided to band together.
Austria, Russia and Great Britain will defeat Napoleon.
This caused Napoleon to briefly step down as Emperor of France. He was
quickly exiled to an island off the cost of Italy called Elba.
The other monarchs tried to institute King Louis XVIII (the former Kings
brother) as ruler of France.
The French people did not take to kindly to this
restoration of the Old Regime, and Napoleon
took advantage and escaped Elba in March of
He found many loyal soldiers and
marched into Paris to adoring crowds. This
would last for 100 days.
Then, on June 18th, 1818, at the Battle of
Waterloo, Napoleon made some grave strategic
errors against the allied forces and was promptly
defeated. He was then exiled to another island
called St. Helena in the South Atlantic.
Napoleon would not return and died in 1821.
Directions: Analyze the political cartoon below and
explain how it shows the end of Napoleon’s reign.