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MCAT Physics Review
Grant Hart
[email protected]
Historical areas of emphasis -probably similar in the future
Fluid Mechanics
Waves, Optics, Sound
Electricity & Magnetism
Nuclear & Atomic Physics
Important Ideas about the
Chemical and Physical Foundations
part of the MCAT
• The problems are not complicated. They
usually involve just one or two concepts,
but you may have to dig a little in the
reading material to find what you need.
– You may also have to apply some common
sense to what you read.
– The majority of what you read is probably not
going to be relevant to the questions.
Important Ideas about the MCAT
• The problems are almost all conceptual
and can be answered with fairly basic
physics. The reading may involve more
complicated ideas, but the questions are
based evaluating based on simple
Important Ideas about the MCAT
• Most of the time if you have to do more
than add or multiply a couple of numbers
together, you are probably on the wrong
Suggestions for doing well
1. Read everything carefully.
2. There is a lot of unused information in
the reading. Don’t worry if you don’t use
3. If you are weak in a topic, don’t just pass
it over. There are several techniques to
improve your chances when you guess.
If you aren’t familiar with a topic:
1. Use your common sense.
2. Eliminate unreasonable answers.
3. Guess, but mark the problem number so
that you can come back to it if you have
If you are familiar with the topic:
1. Simplify.
2. Round your numbers.
3. Calculate.
You cannot use a calculator, so any
calculations will necessarily be simple. You
can use scratch paper if you need to.
4. Check for reasonableness. This is often
a very good way to eliminate answers!
How to Prepare
• Study the prime areas:
– Mechanics/E&M,circuits/Fluids/Radioactivity/
• Understand the concepts – complicated
problems are not the MCAT way. The
context may be complicated, but the
problem itself is not.
How to Prepare
• Know the important equations. They are
generally closely related to the basic
– Memorize the ones that are related to basic
concepts. Secondary equations won’t help you!
– Often they are used as ratio-type problems. For
example, some quantity is known to be inversely
proportional to the temperature, so when you
increase the temperature by a factor of 1.5, that
quantity decreases by a factor of 1.5.
How to Prepare
• You should know (to 1 significant figure)
some important physical constants:
6.63 10
J∙s 7 10
1.6 10
C 2 10
2.99 10 m/s 3 10 m/s
9.8 m/s2 10m/s2
• Know how to read graphs and tables.
There will be a number of them on the
From the MCAT instructions:
• Neither the passage-based questions nor
the independent questions test your ability
to memorize scientific facts. Rather, both
types of questions assess knowledge of
basic physical and biological science
concepts and your facility at problem
solving at using these concepts.
Format of Physical Science Section
• 95 Minutes
• 59 questions. About 1/4 will be on physics
and 3/4 on chemistry, biochemistry and
biology. They may be mixed together in
the same reading.
• 10 readings of about 250 words each with
4-7 questions about each one. All will be in
the context of biology (defined loosely.)
• 15 questions unrelated to any reading.
Exam Preparation
• The purpose of this class is not to teach you
physics – you should know most of what you
need to know already.
• The purpose of this class is to help you organize
that material in your mind so you can get more
points on the exam.
• It is essential that you practice thinking physics,
that is the only way to recognize when the
principles come up in the reading.
How to approach a Physics
1. Read
Answers – are they reasonable?
2. Organize your thoughts
Visualize and sketch it.
Decide what physics principles are
Note given any needed information.
How to approach a Physics
3. Simplify the problem
Ignore extraneous information. The important
principles in step 2 will help recognize this.
4. Solve
Concepts are used to select the method.
Equations are only useful in two ways:
They organize the concepts – a good summary. This often
shows up as ratio problems.
You need them when you need a numerical answer.
Be careful – make sure your units are compatible and
watch the signs of things.
Be quick – most of the time you can round to 1 figure and
do a quick calculation.
How to approach a Physics
5. Think
Reasonable in magnitude?
Units match?
6. After about 1 minute
Eliminate the unlikely answers
Mark the problem if there is hope.
Sample MCAT physics problems
• These sample questions are from an old-style MCAT,
but they illustrate many of the principles above.
• sampleitems.pdf
• A paradigm is a model or typical pattern
that can be followed, particularly to solve
• I will talk about several paradigms that can
be used to solve various classes of
problems in physics.
Notes on the Web
A printout of these notes can be found at the
following url:
Paradigms we will use
• Block on Inclined Plane
(Energy Conservation)
• Porsche (Power)
• Braking Car (Kinematics)
• Lifting a box (Equilibrium)
• Circuit (Resistance,
Current, Capacitance and
• Charge in Capacitor
(Electric Forces)
• Water Tank (Fluids)
• Wave (Waves and
• Ball hitting wall (Optics –
• Cart going into sand
(Optics – refraction)
• 14C (Radioactivity and
Paradigms we will use
• Block on Inclined Plane
(Energy Conservation)
• Porsche (Power)
• Braking Car (Kinematics)
• Lifting a box (Equilibrium)
• Circuit (Resistance,
Current and Voltage)
• Charge in Capacitor
(Electric Forces)
• Water Tank (Fluids)
• Wave (Waves and
• Ball hitting wall (Optics –
• Cart going into sand
(Optics – refraction)
• 14C (Radioactivity and
Block on Inclined Plane Paradigm
• This is a paradigm for conservation of energy.
This is the easiest way to work a problem – if it
• Energy and work:
Einitial  E final
E  KE  PE
PE  mgh
1 2
KE  mv
Block on Inclined Plane Paradigm
• There is no friction.
Block on Inclined Plane Paradigm
Einitial  0  mgh
E final
1 2
 mv f  0
1 2
mv f  mgh
v f  2 gh
Block on Inclined Plane Paradigm
• As long as there is no friction, the path
between start and finish doesn’t matter.
– Free fall is the same as sliding down
something without friction in terms of what the
final velocity will be.
• For springs the PE is
. You can use
this in place of, or in addition to the
gravitational PE.
Block on Inclined Plane Paradigm
• Use this technique whenever possible.
Key things to look for:
– Only conservative forces involved (usually
gravity, electric forces, and springs.)
– Time is not involved in the problem, you have
just an initial state and a final state.
– Usually just one object is moving.
Possible biologically related
• A spring-loaded lancet is used to pierce a
fingertip. How fast is it going when it hits
the end of the finger?
• A person is injured by falling off of a wall.
How fast where they going when they hit?
Paradigms we will use
• Block on Inclined Plane
(Energy Conservation)
• Porsche (Power)
• Braking Car (Kinematics)
• Lifting a box (Equilibrium)
• Circuit (Resistance,
Current, Capacitance and
• Charge in Capacitor
(Electric Forces)
• Water Tank (Fluids)
• Wave (Waves and
• Ball hitting wall (Optics –
• Cart going into sand
(Optics – refraction)
• 14C (Radioactivity and
Porsche Paradigm
• Power:
 E W
(Porsche speeding up)
Porsche Paradigm
• It can go from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds, what is the power?
 E K f  Ki
~1500 kg, ~ 25 m/s, so
~210 HP
• Divide whatever change in energy you have by the time
interval. That is the power, the rate at which energy changes.
You don’t use this for electrical power in circuits,
although it works at the microscopic level.
Work done
• Important ideas:
– Work-Kinetic Energy relation:
– Definition of Work (units: Joules):
– If you have a conservative force, then
Power expended
• Important ideas:
– Power is the rate of doing work (units:
Joules/sec or Watts)
• Since
, then the work done is
Δ .
– If an object is moving at speed , then the
power acting on it instantaneously is
Possible biologically related
• How many Calories do you burn climbing
to the top of a tall tower?
• How many horsepower can a person exert
if they run up a short flight of stairs?
• How deeply will a biopsy needle penetrate,
given the compression of the spring
shooting it?
Paradigms we will use
• Block on Inclined Plane
(Energy Conservation)
• Porsche (Power)
• Braking Car (Kinematics)
• Lifting a box (Equilibrium)
• Circuit (Resistance,
Current, Capacitance and
• Charge in Capacitor
(Electric Forces)
• Water Tank (Fluids)
• Wave (Waves and
• Ball hitting wall (Optics –
• Cart going into sand
(Optics – refraction)
• 14C (Radioactivity and
Braking Car Paradigm
• This paradigm is for kinematics – description of
• This is used when the following quantities are
- Position
- Velocity
- Force
- Time
- Acceleration
Braking Car Paradigm
• Basic Equations:
v  v0  a t
1 2
x  x0  v0t  a t
v  v0  2a  x  x0 
F  ma  F  ma
W  mg
F f  N
Braking Car Paradigm
• Typical Problem:
t = tf
Possible questions:
• What is the acceleration?
v 2  v02  2a  x  x0 
 v02  2ad
 v02
• What is the coefficient of friction?
F f  ma
 mg  ma
  ag
  F 
Possible questions:
• How big is the frictional force?
v  v0   v0
 t0 
F  ma
• Given μ and d, what was v0?
 mg  ma   g  a
 v  2ad
v0  2  g d
Braking Car Paradigm
• Remember – this is for anything speeding
up or slowing down, whether horizontally
or vertically.
• Use whichever equations have the right
variables in them.
• Make sure that conservation of energy is
not the easier way to do it.
Biologically related problems
• How long does it take a nerve impulse to
travel the length of a neuron?
• A person blacks out at an acceleration higher
than 7 g. How long would it take a car to go
from 0-60 mph with that acceleration? How
far would it travel?
– (0.4 sec, 5 m)
• A person lands after a fall high. Their legs
bend when they land. How much force do
their legs have to exert when they stop? Will
they break their legs?
Aside – Newton’s Laws
• A number of conceptual questions address
Newton’s Laws directly, not in the context of
• In many ways Newton’s first law is conceptually
the hardest.
– When an object has no net force acting on it, then it
moves at a constant speed in a straight line.
– It does not take a force to keep something moving!
An Example:
• A skydiver jumps out of a plane. His
speed increases until he reaches terminal
velocity. How big is the force of air
resistance on him at first?
– Greater than mg.
– Equal to mg.
– Less than mg.
Another Example:
• A skydiver jumps out of a plane. His
speed increases until he reaches terminal
velocity. How big is the force of air
resistance on him after he reaches
terminal velocity?
– Greater than mg.
– Equal to mg.
– Less than mg.
Still Another Example:
• A monkey slides down a vine. At the time
he reaches velocity v, he starts to tighten
his grip on the vine. The frictional force
increases with time. At the time that the
force of friction equals his weight,
– He moves with constant speed down the vine.
– He stops.
– He starts to move upward.