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By Max Mullen
*Jupiter was named after the king of the Roman
Gods, Jupiter.
*This is Jupiter’s symbol.
*Discovered by ancient civilizations.
*Discovered on an unknown date.
* Mass: 1.8981 x 1027 kg
* Volume: 1.43128 x 1015 km3
* Density: 1.326 g/cm3
* Gravity: 24.79 m/s2
* Jupiter’s atmosphere is composed of mainly
Hydrogen and Helium
* The atmosphere is extremely thick
* It is the fifth farthest planet from the sun
* Distance from sun (km): 778,500,000 km
* Distance from Earth: 4.2-6.2 AU or
591,000,000 km at its closest.
* It takes Jupiter 12 Earth years to orbit the
* Jupiter’s rotation on its axis is 9 hours and
55 minutes.
* Average temperature: -148 degrees Celsius
* Temperature range: -161 to -108 degrees
* There are many storms that travel thousands
of kilometers in just hours. Wind can reach
360 KPH. Storms can last hundreds of years.
Jupiter is covered with clouds that appear
yellow, brown, and white.
* Jupiter is a Gas Giant. Its surface is gas.
* Its interior composition is liquid Hydrogen.
* Jupiter has 90% Hydrogen and 10% Helium
in its atmosphere. When you look at it you are
seeing the atmosphere. It is mainly grey with a
big red spot on one side. The spot is a storm.
* Jupiter has rings. They were discovered by
Voyager 1 in 1979. Four rings have been
observed. They are made of mostly dust. The
rings are a reddish color accept the Halo Ring
which is blue.
* There is water vapor in the cloud tops of
* Jupiter has at least 63 moons
* They first ones were discovered in 1610 by
Galileo but we have discovered many more
since then.
* They would be crushed by Jupiter’s gravity
* They would be absorbed by its gas surface
* And they couldn’t breathe in the atmosphere
* It is the fastest spinning planet in the solar
* Its magnetic field is 14 times stronger than
* If it got any bigger it would shrink because it
would become so dense that it would start to cave
in towards its center.
* You can see Jupiter with your eyes from Earth
*Erickson, Kristen. "Solar System Exploration: Planets: Jupiter:
Overview." Solar System Exploration: Planets: Jupiter: Overview. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2013
*Cain, Fraser. "Interesting Facts About Jupiter." Universe Today RSS. N.p.,
19 June 2008. Web. 22 Dec. 2013.
*Coffey, Jerry. "Weather on Jupiter." Universe Today RSS. N.p., 17 June
2008. Web. 22 Dec. 2013
*"Atmosphere of Jupiter." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Dec.
2013. Web. 22 Dec. 2013.
*"Jupiter." L Facts, Pictures and Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec.