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Can you pronounce this now?
 Definition: A gerund is a verb form that
ends in –ing and functions as a noun.
 A gerund phrase consists of a gerund
plus any other words used to complete
its meaning, such as modifiers.
 Since a gerund functions as a noun, it
will act as one of the following in a
sentence: subject, direct object, indirect
object, predicate nominative, or object of
a preposition.
Gerunds function as nouns.
Like nouns, gerunds can be used as
Flying got Icarus into trouble.
Direct Object
Icarus tried using wings made of wax.
Indirect Object
He wanted to give flying like a bird a chance.
Predicate His mistake was straying too close to
Nominative the sun.
Object of
The result of doing so was melted
Preposition wings and a dip in the sea.
Why do we have gerunds?
 Gerunds and gerund phrases let you turn
verbs into nouns so that you can talk about
actions and activities as things.
 Using gerunds can improve the fluency of
your sentences and make them more
 Student example: Some people write poetry.
Pegasus—the mythical horse with wings—
could be ridden. The two experiences have
often been compared.
 Revised using gerunds: Writing poetry has
often been compared to riding Pegasus—the
mythical horse with wings.
 When a noun or pronoun comes
immediately before a gerund, the
noun/pronoun is in the possessive form
and is considered part of the gerund
phrase! (This is different from other
Example: Demi’s whistling woke the
Example: When he’s awake, the baby
likes her whistling.
 Don’t confuse a gerund with a present
 Gerunds can be replaced by the word
something; participles never can. (In
the case of a gerund phrase, the whole
phrase could be replaced with
Examples: Which one is the gerund?
 Rob
enjoys swimming.
 Rob is swimming in a meet today.
DIRECTIONS: Underline the gerund
or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Write the gerund’s function.
Horseback riding has many benefits for people
with disabilities.
People with physical or emotional problems
can enjoy moving around.
One horse, named Silver, was especially good
at walking slowly and carefully.
Waiting took patience, but Silver let the
teachers lift a woman named Maria onto his
When Maria started riding, she had never
walked in her life.
DIRECTIONS: Underline the gerund
or gerund phrase in each sentence.
Write the gerund’s function.
6. Her activity had been limited to rolling
in her wheelchair.
From Silver, she learned balancing.
After building her strength, she could
even walk (with a little help).
Silver contributed to Maria’s healing.
As a result of training with Silver, Maria
now lives independently.
Participle Vs. Gerund?
 Remember: Participles, gerunds, and
verbs can all end in –ing.
 You will have to be able to tell them all
 Use the following tips to tell them apart.
Try substituting the word “something” for
the phrase. If the sentence still makes
sense, you have found a gerund.
Participle Vs. Gerund ?
Try substituting a noun, adjective,
and present tense verb for the
 If the noun makes sense, the word
is a gerund.
 If the adjective makes sense, the
word is a participle.
 If the present tense verb makes
sense, the word is a verb.
2. Substitute noun, adjective,
or present tense verb.
We were annoyed by
the moth’s fluttering.
Could be replaced
by a noun, such as
Participle The moth’s fluttering
wings were white.
The moth was
Participle fluttering in the breeze.
of Verb
Could be replaced
by an adjective,
such as pretty.
Could be replaced
by a present tense
verb, such as soars.
You must replace the
whole phrase!!
Participle Vs. Gerund ?
Ask the following questions about each sentence:
1) Is the –ing word used as an adjective?
 If so, it is a participle in the present tense.
 Ex: Climbing the tree, Amy did not look
 The phrase, “climbing the tree” is modifying
“Amy,” so the phrase must be an adjective.
2) Is the –ing word preceded by a helping verb?
 If so, it is a verb. Present participle tenses of
verbs are ALWAYS preceded by a helping
 Ex: Amy was climbing the tree for the first
3) Is the –ing word used as a noun?
 If so, it is a gerund.
 Climbing a tree can be scary.
 The phrase “climbing a tree” can be replaced
by “something.”
Let’s try it together!
1. Diving into shallow water is dangerous.
2. She, dropping the heavy book, was
startled by the noise.
3. Do your parents object to your going to
the show?
4. The boy was wearing a faded pair of
blue jeans.
5. A cape is a point of land projecting into
the water.
Let’s try it together!
The breaking waves dashed against the
jagged rocks.
Work done carelessly will not be accepted.
Running an electric sewing machine is not
Having rung the bell, Miss Quick began
Music in the home has an ennobling
influence on everybody.
Now you try it.
Give ~ing word. Tell if participle,
gerund, or verb.
11. His chief difficulty was making a
The picture hanging on the wall was a
beautiful snow scene.
Loam is soil composed of clay, sand,
and decayed vegetation.
Voting is an important civic duty.
Loud talking is prohibited in the library.
Let’s try it together!
16. A paragraph is a group of sentences telling
about one thing.
The traveling cobbler went from place to place
making shoes.
Hoping to win, they challenged their rivals to a
Eating too quickly makes for indigestion.
Having a wonderful sense of smell, the dog
found the lost child.
Let’s try it together!
21. Coffee requires careful watching while it is
The children are viewing the parade between
from the window.
A valley is a lowland lying between hills or
Nearsightedness means seeing clearly only at
short distances.
Overstretching the muscles and tendons
produces strain.