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Parts of Speech
There are Eight!
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
1. Nouns
Ideas (love, honesty, truth)
• Proper Nouns are CAPITALIZED!
Ms. Wardell Mexico,Maine Thanksgiving
• Can function as the subject in a sentence.
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
2. Pronouns
• Take the place of nouns
I, he, she, it, we, they, you
• Can function as the subject in a sentence.
Ex. She went to the store.
Commands: the Implied You
Ex. Take out the trash.
Translation: (You) Take out the trash.
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
3. Verbs
1. Action verbs – jump, kiss, swim
2. State of being (linking verbs) –
is, was, feel, taste
3. Verb phrases (auxiliary verbs) –
was eating, can work, must
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
4. Adjectives
• Describe nouns
Ex. The small, tiny, brown mouse
ate the sugar coated donut crumb.
***Adjectives + Adverbs = Modifiers
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
5. Adverbs (often ends in “ly”)
• Describe:
another adverb
Ex. An unusually large crowd quickly
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
6. Prepositions
• Relates a noun or pronoun to some
other part of a sentence.
• Always travel with a noun or pronoun.
Ex. I gave the gift to him.
Sally put the dinner on the
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
Sing the preposition song to
the tune of Yankee Doodle!
about, above, across, after, against, among, around,
at, before, behind, beside, between, by, and down,
during, except, for, from, in,
near, of, off, on, over,
through, to, toward, under, up, with,
These are some prepositions.
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
7. Conjunctions
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS
8. Interjections
• A word or cry expressing sudden or
strong feelings and usually lacking
grammatical connection.
Ex. “Oh no!”, “Yikes”, “Ouch”
Mary K. Wardell/ Hammond HS