* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
8th Grade Integrated Science II Syllabus Mrs. King Textbooks: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Short Course K – Introduction to Matter Short Course C – Cells, Heredity, and Classification Short Course D – Human Body Systems and Health Short Course F – Inside the Restless Earth Course Description: The main goal of this course is to give students a basic understanding of life, earth, and physical science. The main topics that the students will be investigating are introduction to matter, cells, heredity, classification, human body systems, health, and planet earth. Introduction to Matter Text: Cells, Heredity, and Classification Text: Human Body Systems and Health Text: Inside the Restless Earth Text: The Properties of Matter States of Matter Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Introduction to Atoms The Periodic Table Cells: The Basic Units of Life The Cell in Action Heredity Genes and DNA Body Organization and Structure Circulation and Respiration The Digestive and Urinary Systems Communication and Control Reproduction and Development Body Defenses and Disease Minerals of the Earth’s Crust Rocks: Mineral Mixtures The Rock and Fossil Record Plate Tectonics Earthquakes and Volcanoes Various methods will be used in teaching this class including lecture and homework, audio-visual aids, notebook, performance-based assessment, and laboratory. Supplies: Pencil Paper 3-ring binder and dividers Textbooks – Short Courses K, C, D, and F Notebook: You will be expected to keep an organized notebook in a 3ring binder with all of your work. The Notebook must have at least three sections: assignment log (calendar), work, and notes. Notebooks will be evaluated and graded at the end of each quarter. The notebook will checked more often if needed. Class Rules: 1. Treat others as you want to be treated. RESPECT! 2. Be in your seat prepared to work when the bell rings. 3. Listen quietly and attentively while others are speaking. 4. Talking must be appropriate to the activity. Talk only when the teacher has given you permission. 5. Follow the directions of the teacher the first time they are given. * You are responsible for YOUR actions and attitude. Character Matters: Respect Responsibility Caring Honesty Courage Assignments/Late Work: I must be able to read your work to grade the assignment. You will need to write down your assignments daily in your assignment log that is placed in the calendar section of your binder. Write your name, the assignment (page number and/or description), and the date in the upper right hand corner on each assignment. ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN PENCIL. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED! Homework Passes: When you pay attention in class and complete all your work, you will usually do good on your tests. When you work hard, you can earn a homework pass on a test. The homework pass can be used on an assignment, but you cannot use the pass on study guides, quizzes, or tests. Make-up Policy: You will have one day for every day of school that is missed to hand in make-up work for full credit. Make-up work should be placed in the appropriate tray. Grading Scale: 95-100 = A 86-89 = B+ 76-79 = C+ 66-69 = D+ 59 and lower = F 90-94 = A- 83-85 = B 73-75 = C 63-65 = D 80-82 = B- 70-72 = C- 60-62 = D-