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Nonverbal Communication
From the moment you were born, you began to communicate. As you
know, for the first year of your life you had no language, but you did have
the ability
How do infants communicate their needs using non-verbal communication?
communicate your wants and needs.
Today, non-verbal communication is just as important as it was when you were a baby. Your
ability to understand the importance of non-verbal communication will help you become a
more effective health care professional.
Non-verbal communication includes:
Facial expressions
Body language
Eye contact
Tone of voice
Most people agree that non-verbal communication is more believable than the words you use.
Experts tell us that it accounts for between 70-% - 90% of the meaning of your message.
As future healthcare providers, non-verbal communication plays a critical role in your ability to
provide effective care. For many people, entering a healthcare facility is like entering a foreign
country. The language can be unfamiliar, people are dressed differently, and the whole
experience can be rather intimidating. It is up to health care professionals to understand the
importance of effective communication, and to assure that they are using non-verbal
communication effectively in both sending and receiving information.
Small Group Discussion and Practice
Work through each question and activity given. Be sure everyone in your
group contributes. You will be writing your results and observations in the
space provided, and handing in your work to your teacher.
Group Members
Analyzing Nonverbal Communication
1. Can a healthcare worker’s facial expression create anxiety for a patient? How?
2. Do you think healthcare workers smile enough? In what type of setting or situation should they
smile a little more? Why?
3. When would a healthcare worker need to control his/her facial expression?
4. What type of body language sends the message that you are impatient and do not care to hear
what the person is saying?
5. What type of body language would send the message “I care about what you are saying.”?
6. A physician turns toward the door and takes a step while asking “Did you have any questions?”
How do you think most patients would respond? Why?
7. What is a gesture?
8. A receptionist is on the phone when a patient enters the office. How can the receptionist use
gestures and other non-verbal communication to let the patient know that he/she will be
attended to shortly?
9. How would you describe the effective use of eye contact in a health care setting?
10. Let’s explore your personal space. Have two group members stand and face each other. How
close can the other person get while you still feel comfortable? Measure the distance (toe-totoe) at which you are comfortable, with anything closer entering your “personal space.” Does
everyone in your group need the same amount of personal space? Would your personal space
needs change when talking to a teacher? A stranger? A child? An elderly resident you are
caring for in a nursing home?
11. When is the use of touch appropriate in a health care setting?
12. When is the use of touch NOT appropriate in a health care setting?
13. It’s time to practice using tone of voice. Consider the sentence – “I’m ready to go home now.”
Have each person in your group say the same sentence, but with a different meaning by adding
one of the following emotions (or make up one of your own):
 Happy
 Sad
 Impatient
 Angry
 Questioning (you really don’t want to go home)
 Resigned (you are ready to give up)
 Other _________________________________
14. Young people today use the following forms of communication: face-to-face, telephone,
computers (e-mail, FaceBook, blogs, etc.) and text messaging. Based on what you have learned
about non-verbal communication, would you say that technology has improved communication,
negatively impacted communication, or both?
15. If you wrote “Ten Rules for Teens” related to the development of effective communication skills,
what rules would you recommend?