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Proceedings of the 7th Internatumol Workmg Conference on Stored-proiuct Protectwn - Volume 2 Host selection or mate selection? Lessons from Prostephanus truncatus, a pest poorly adapted to stored products Hodges R J1 ,BIrkmshaw L. A. land Smrth R H.2 Abetract Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) ISpnmanly a wood bonng msect that IS pre-adapted to mfest only certaun stored products, specifically maize and dned cassava. LIttle IS known about host selection of ItS typical woody hosts However, a number of studies of ItS response to food matenals, pheromone biology and sexual interactions have shed light on how stored-product hosts are colonized Pnmary host selection ISachieved by either males or females at random usmg the 'land and choose' behaviour while secondary selection occurs as either sex IS attracted to the pheromone produced by males that have found food Females and males are preferentially attracted to the pheromone released by particular males although on contact females select mates accordmg to other features For females, host location would appear to motivate response to the pheromone although mate selection could be an additional advantage of bemg able to distmguish between the pheromone secretions of different males. Aggregation pheromones are a common feature of many of the Coleoptera found mfestmg stored products. Compared WIth other species, P truncatus IS relatively poorly adapted to the 'explOItationof stored products, and may there offer some insights mto the early stages of the evolution of a well-adapted storage pest. Introduction Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostnchidae) ISa well-known pest m farm storage although generally restncted to only maize and cassava. It was mtroduced into Mrica from Meso-Amenca m the late 1970s and smce then has spread WIdelym that contment (Hodges, 1994) where It has been the cause of substantial food losses P. truncatus appears to dIffer from many of the well known storage pests III that It has large populations away I Food Secunty Department, Natural Resources InstItute, Ulliversity of GreenwIch, Chatham Mantlme, Kent ME4 4TB, UK 2 Department of BIologIcal Sciences, Ulliversity Ulliversity Road, Leicester LEI RH7, UK of Leicester, from storage systems where It IS believed to live on woody hosts Observations m both Kenya'( Nang'ayo et al , 1993) and MeXICO(Ranurez-Martmez et al , 1994) confirm that this pest can reproduce on dead wood, and m a laboratory study Nang'ayo (1996) demonstrated vanable abrhty to breed on the wood of 24 species of tree, belongmg to eight famihes, at moisture contents ranging from 8.5 % to 14.8% However, desprte considerable efforts It has rarely been found m the wild, even m places where high catches in pheromone traps indicate that the beetle IS abundant. In both MeXICOand Kenya It has been suggested that common hosts of P trumcatus include branches of trees that have fallen victim to girdhng cerambycids (Ramrrez-Martmez et a1. , 1994; Nang'ayo , 1996) Evidence that P. truncatus Is Pooryly Adapted to the Infestation of Stored Products The strong aSSOCIatIOn of P truncatus With woody hosts has led biologists to conclude that it has evolved as a wood borer (Chittenden, 1911; Nang'ayo et a1. , 1993; RamirezMartmez et al , 1994). It IS known that many typical storage pests, includmg the closely related species Rhyzopertha dommica , are strongly attracted from considerable distances to the odours of stored products (Barrer , 1983), a behaviour WhIChthey do not share with P truncatus (Hodges, 1994) Prostephanus truncatus would, therefore, appear to be a forest species that in some measure IS preadapted to life in maize and dned cassava should It reach them by chance Its explortation of stored products IS sporadic and concentrated within relatively few stores where It can cause enormous damage (Hodges, 1986 and 1994; Markham et aI., 1991) compared WIth welladapted storage pests such as Siiophalu« zeamais , Tribolrum cosianeum., Ephestia cautella and Rhyzopertha domuHca, WhIChpose a constant threat of mfestatIon and whIch may attack a Wide range of food lots wlthm a gIven localIty A tentative host selection hypotheSIS for P truncatus has been proposed by Hodges (1994). An Important component of this hypotheSISIS the aggregation pheromone released by the male. There have been some recent studIes on the sexual behaVIOurof P truncatus (BIrkmshaw, 1998) and new observations on the pheromone mteractIons of thIS pest (SmIth et al , 1996; Scholz et aI., 1997 a&b; 1788 Proceedings of the 7 th Internatwnal Hodges et al , 1998; Hodges and Dobson, therefore m press). timely to update the host selection to because unrelated mdrvtduals (competitors) may have m the fitness mcreased. A mutation at the host and/or m mate selection by females. Selection thinking of thmkmg when discussmg features such and the the mutation would as aggregation population or species. along the lines of 'aggregation pheromone more frequently through Whatever group-selected are untenable for one traits are not evolutionanly stable and Will be rapidly replaced by mutant benefit the individual rather than Illustrate tlus general pnnciple functions of aggregation traits group. by reference unrelated mdividuals, e. 1. km the food medium through communal feedmg (Wood 1982), (unphcitly suggesting group selection) than or ma "condinonmg ' to Improve the quality of selection), or ina attraction the spread mdrvidual SIgnaller. ThIS benefit might be, for example, via inclusrve fitness (If close relatives were attracted to food has evolved to help other members of the species fmd food' simple reason: mevitably mamtamed m the face of mutation If there IS a benefit to the that the umt of selection IS the individual msect or gene and not the group, Loose arguments mcrease the fitness of the mutant relative to other members of the population, It IS therefore clear that pheromone SIgnalling can only be the We Wish here to emphasize the central tenet of modern evolution: will have thetr causmg an individual not to produce pheromone would, therefore, have not always followed the logic of modern evolutionary function The population. Stored product entomologists pheromones. by a kairomonal effect). at the same time, and, attraction adaptive because a predator IS attracted SIgnaller will certamly suffer a reduction in relative fitness to consider what role pheromone of beetle aggregations It IS hypothesis mclude the latest observations development Working Conference on Stored-product Protectum - Volume 2 ultimate that of a potential the proximate benefit mate (Birkinshaw mechamsm, m terms there of mcreased 1998) must mdividual ThIS lOgICIS known as "selection thmkmg ' (Charnov, We WIll be an fitness. 1982) and has been expressed very lucidly and forcibly by Dawkms to the possible (1976) pheromone. Primary Host Selection Beetlesdisperse by /ftYlng Or",alkJn~ In P. Pheromonedetected Pheromonenot detected ! especially Beetleselects substrate for bonng ! Male Female locat! food locat! food Mall arnve not 'Tted walk or fly from food sources, are depleted 1997). Most flight actrvity around dusk (Tigar of the beetle et al., 1993), personal observation ) and most already mated are IS therefore dispersal Female P. (Scholz, truncatus (maize or cassava) by Prostephanus truncatus attracted food source, that all mdividuais in a population produce when they fmd food. ThIS pheromone mdividuais but also proVldes for entomologIsts of both sexes to the food, a attracts male and female beetles alight on a surface and make test soap, sIgnaller) The producing SIgnaller absolute terms (perhaps may suffer the pheromone reduced fItness (a m because energy used to syntheSIse pheromone IS not available for growth and reproduction, leather, penetrate nature or 1). The test burrows are usually not more than about 1 cm m depth and may be made mto almost any solid matenal, mdividual et For primary host selection, burrows m search of SUItable food (FIgure and thIS mvestIgating to stored products over a long range (Wright benefIt an an truncatus was that the adult beetles are not specifIcally somehow benefIts other members of the speCIes but IS of no to It 1998). mtended for for the selectlOn of new mates al , 1993; Tigar et al , 1994). unrelated (Birkmshaw, hkely that such flight is pnmanly to a new opportunity P. Suppose S. Addo have an extended Reproduction Strategy for the selection of stored products hosts pheromone dispersing 1997; penod and have been found to mate multiply One of the fIrst surpnses Fig. 1. IS also Such flight (Birkinshaw reproductive ) Males stop pheromone productIon there 1991). females unpublished) contmres Femalesamve - population IS concentrated but a peak at dawn (NovlIlo, WIth the same and different partners ~~~~~~~e or msect 1986; Fadamiro , 1995a; Scholz, smce matmg can occur m the tummels of the food source Backsout IncreaseIn populatIon densrty decreaseIn foodquahty Femalesarnve these would not appear to be required for the act of mating itself \'oo~ Beetlesarnve at 7rornone ~ce when sometimes Food Eggs laid Pheromrne released dispersal away from stored product hosts density IS high (Hodges, Beetlemakestest burrow In searct of food ~ / truncatus, occurs as adult P. truncatus of etc., that Short-range (1997b) test-bormg behavlOur chemIcal/visual 1789 plastic, IS not but the suggests cues are not a prereqUIsIte such as wood, too hard to mdIscnminate that speCIfIC to tunnellmg Proceeimq« of the 7th Internatwnal Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volurne 2 If a beetle falls to find food in Its test burrow then behavior. It will back out and continue the search. It IS not certain which food matenals truncatus P most m search of. It can digest cellulose (Vazquez-Ansta al. , 1997), et al , 1994; al , 1998). Similarly, not volatile and IS normally starch. In expenmental & Dobson, grain ( Hodges male P. truncatus truncatus, although the median number of beetles attracted dunng this experiment two (Birkmshaw , 1998) Interestingly, these beetles was significantly m favour of females (64%). one week, truncatus possibility m fhght (Fadamlro that the volatiles et ai, emanatmg product insects might also attract P studied by Scholz et al , (1997b) results. However, these researchers beetles, 1998) The from other stored truncaius wtth walking beetles respectively, their 76% m l'fevlce traps. smce P. sex ratio 1S beheved to favour the hosts that cerambyc1ds have attacked of pheromone favour by wh1ch behaVIour may and be concentration thereby poSSIble that males, the small colony male P attract Unhke they release conventional perpetuatmg truncatus only t!J.e oPpos1te sex aggregation (Borden, pheromones are an aggregahon to that of the attractIve to 1985) and m the case of P. are medIated from the m flight However, sex ratio dIstortIOn m by that a although attracted m traps. on sex ratio dIstortIon In landmg pheromone It IS therefore to the pheromone, view and hence of similar of the catch m creVice where the beetles would locate the trap by walkmg rather than flymg, sexes male lower dIstance from It than females, traps (Hodges et al , 1998), SIgnaller, truncatus, beetles the sexes so suggested under-represented observatIon whIch both of threshold than that for females. settle at a greater so as soon sex pheromones, Samples lure showed greater of females tIme some of her progeny would have reached adulthood and pheromone. of the catch 65% m fhght traps and Fadanuro (1995) reported no differences could mate with her and each other, as they locate a food source the preponderance Scholz( 1997) found that traps loaded With greater quantitIes by herself as she would be albe to On the other hand, In flight traps or crevice designed to catch flying or actIvIty or duratIon of fhght between Once pnmary host selectIon has taken place, a female can can not create a colony in the absence of females, 60 female biased population being trapped WIth the crevice traps had an equal truncatus lay fertIhzed eggs for up to 46 days (L1, 1988), pheromone, and left for of about whose sex ratio was also sigmficantly was female (Hodges et al. , 1998); studies to typical forest pests such as girdling cerambycids, explOIt the food reserve population (65 %) (Scholz et al , 1997b). has been wh1ch mIght well prov1de more posItive results an average traps WIth synthetic no conclusive plan to extend accrued was only the sex ratio of of suitable food. It is probably for tlus reason of P. a single feeding on marze has been observed to Maize cobs imtially baited With a single male, that maize of the beetles to fly. only when in towards the pheromone. attract up to 35 other P volatiles. the orientation 1998). Fadarruro ( 1995) found that the presence These volatilize would thus be no sure SIgn of the presence volatiles do not appear to influence to males In a penod of one night m the field (Ghana), Starch IS encountered maize 1993 a&b) . fhght do beetles orientate et hidden below layers of plant that would errut commonly inside by (PIke, pheromone will not stimulate when maize and dned cassava roots are the latter being almost enttrely matter once Starch can support the high rates of population increase observed infested, Borgemeister even virgm females would not respond IS 1990; Ramirez- Nang'ayo , 1996; close studies, et but It would seem that starch IS a particularly Important component of the diet (Detmers, Martmez released thIS effect may not be confmed solely to landmg behaVIour mitIate Successful the process of secondary host selectIOn. host selectIOn fmdmg food and attractmg by males depends eIther a mate or on respondmg on to the SIgnal of another male. In the latter case, they may have to Secondary Host Selection compete for both females and food For males the lowest nsk may be to respond to another male smce thIS WIll enable The aggregatIon pheromone released by male P. IS a blend of two components called Trunc-call trU'ncatus 1 and Trunc- call 2 (Cork et al , 1991; Dendy et al. , 1989,1991). release their pheromone from wlthm the host, a rapid locatIOn of a food source chances of attractmg Males a female and may Improve smce there the WIll now be multIple pheromone SIgnals from one locatIon. In practIce, and thIS dIffuses to the extenor through the small holes made by the SIgnals, but remam far enough away to aVOId competItIon beetles's Pheromone WIth other males for any female that is attracted tunnelling males on malze gram IS vanable, collected amountmg from sohtary to a dally total components rangmg for 1.0fJ-g conSIstent dIfferences between males m both amount for both ratIo of components (Hodges and Farman, Whether to 4. OfJ-g wIth unpubhshed) to hIm or not males actually settle at a speCifIc optimal distance from each other could be easIly tested by further and It expenmental work or fIeld observatIon. WhIle males appear to keep theIr dIstance from other males, females also appear would appear those only beetles m the process of dIspersal to aVOIdor repel each other (Hodges and Dobson, m press): respond to pheromone perhaps m both cases the behaVIour IS to hmlt same-sex smce, once mSIde a host, males nor females WIll leave It m response neIther to pheromone a male needs to be close enough to benefIt from the combmed competItIon. 1790 Although males respond to the pheromone Proceedings of the 7th International signal of other males, the opportumty be bnef as, once a female arnves Workmg Conference an Stored-product Protection - Volume 2 for them to do so may m close proxmuty of females, to a could be adaptations to hmit loss of patermty from other male suitors and to reduce the nsk of predation. male, pheromone production declmes rapidly (Smith et al. , The latter IS a particular 1996; Scholz et al , 1997a; Hodges and Dobson, m press) IS also This behavior Teretrius nutreecene (Lewis }, formerly Teretrioeoma niqrescens (Rees et al , 1990; Boeye et al , 1992). volatile: IS mediated males amputation The by a female factor that IS non- will respond to It even after antennal (Smith et al , 1996) fmdmgs pheromone, that only In summary, males produce for the host selection predatory in the a dechrnng food source and that males cease to SIgnal m the Thereafter, there may be pnmary selection, presence females, the response to as yet umdenufied of adult ornaments, be they visual, m the relative examples reproductive of such elaborate peacock's truncaius or traits pheromone signalling and cuurrent FIeld tnals have demonstrated attracted particular pheromone truncatus however, these charactenstics results from the to the pheromone pheromone come mto contact with a female, pheromone production IS stopped; SImilar behaviour only females, If females of potential females for their by males while males and females encounter the aggregation pheromone IS possible. are normally However, already mated screemng as dispersing and as even SUItable food source, It seems likely that motivates the response to the pheromone. some P matmgs mates virgin females WIll not respond to the pheromon once they are in a and Farman, that more It 1982). respond to the pheromone both to locate a host and potential mates (Btrkmshaw. a possible than were frequently addrtional advantage host location Mate selection IS of females bemg able to distmguish between SIgnals from different males. not those not always those selected of therr aggregation pheromone host selection in pairs to females m a matmg e 1 IS well known for killing trees (Raffa by males that have already found a food source. evolved to attract of which IS known to vary in secure males at a distance, aggregation males It has also been observed others If they are presented Secondary until a land-and-choose released by closely located males then prehmmary males (Hodges males consistently Such seems probable that the release of the pheromone of host as a preference secretion, quantity and quality between IS found. IS shown by certam scolytids (Ips spp, Borden, other that males and females are ThIS has been mterpreted unpublished). to density. which mvolves behavioural cues causmg of both males and females When males releasmg beetles show a vanable to particular source 1993) released vanable determmant et al., attraction P male SIgnallers then the Identity colomsmg males could be an Important selection selectd these population land and nutiate test-burrows in those scolytid beetles responsible the mamtenance or mcreased behaviour , WIthout response to host volatiles, ClaSSIC in male that have produced If respondmg 1994) to different preferentially case, mclude the beetle to onentate, SUItable food differences Sexually selected traits are notonously (Andersson, arena in this m determmmg selected owes Its ongms ornaments Sex-specific tall and the large antlers of male deer. process SImilar to those response that tied to success of individuals sexually aggregation 1998) mdications acoustic, are often mstrumental Perhaps all truncatus biology of P the reproductive chemical, are pheromone signalhng IS mdeed mtnnately beetle would appear to proceed as field IS fernale-biased, aggregation pheromone histerid follows. It IS mitiated when beetles take flight m response to aggregation that the sex ratio of beetles attracted nsk as the aggregation a kairomone pheromone The Role and Evolution of Sex and Aggregation Pheromones in the Life Histories of Storage Pests on Thus the SIgnal appears not to the behaviour of the cockroach Nauphoeta ctnerea (Moore et al , 1997), where vanation m the pheromone signal IS the baSIS for mate selection on contact mcrease Male P. iruncaius their reproductive success by manipulation dIstrIbution through pheromone make contact, beetle signallmg but, once beetles of tunnellIng plant hosts sandWIched shown males form P between truncatus, paIr OVIposItmg female and mate repeatedly (BIrkmshaw, 1998) bonds have storage WIth an With that female a behaVIour they share WIth some speCIes of down of the aggregation pheromone guardmg to the and shut sIgnal, m the presence that rely strategy reproductive adult and a few storage pheromones of only the oppoSIte sex Coleoptera, the and non-feedmg that result m In contrast, long- that feed, such as most of the on (aggregatIOn) of both sexes IS that the pnonty locate the oppoSIte sex and mate rather tunnel system, Tunnel noted 30 days) such as the moths whIch lead to assemblages short-lIved When not copulatmg WIth the female, 1983). « lIved adult pests (>30days) males tend to SIt m the entrance (KIrkendall, 1990) IS mediated by (sex) the attraction P. truncatus scolytId msects, Coleoptera, m artifICial two glass plates, temporary (1982, biology of short-hved storage males are selected on other charactenstIcs Observations that Burkholder would appear to pheromones The lOgIC of the of the adults IS to than to fmd food. The female then spreads her eggs m an area perceIved to be SUItable for the development of larvae 1980) or after a certam time, m the absence of host cues, Just scatters 1791 the eggs The female (Barrer and Jay, IS responsible for Proceeduiq« of the 7th Internatwnal releasing the sex pheromone. longer-hved In contrast, Working Conference on Stored-proiuct Protectwn - Volume 2 on the adults of developmental stages and produce pheromone on such hosts. Generally, that leads to the aggregation. Most storage P the second. However, Levinson and pests fall into truncatus clearly into male-produced aggregation that provides OVIpoSItIon SItes, benefits from aggregation as well The truncatus, use a relatively the (Horn) (Col Angewandte Schaedmgskunde 65, 8,153 - 157 1982 Aggregation pheromones In: Bark eds MItton J. Band Sturgeon K, B, pp 74 - 139, University wluch insect Austm , USA have stronger evolved assocrations truncatus, It would WIth stored appear pheromone m order to attract the pheromone between quality to locate different mates pheromone males' and/or in those species that Males male G A., to obtam also respond IS termmated truncatus to gam food resources and mates and aggregatIon as an unmtentIonal attractant beetles by-product (ScolytIdae) courtshIp where probably pheromones evolved and male-male m the competItIon beetles. lead to of mCldentally attracts Umverslty In summary, we suggest fIrst evolved as sex-attractant pheromones the VIews of Levmson and Levmson, 1991 pheromones W. C, Press, Barrer P. M., host-food Sexual SoClet, 17 U. S. Department of Bulletm No 96, 48 of major R. J and Pickett, J A , component of the male the role of the Dawkms R., truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Journal of ChemIcal Ecology, 1976. The SelfIsh Gene 17, 4, 789 - Oxford Umverslty Press. Dendy J. , Doble P. , Saidl J A. , SmIth J , and Urono B. , selectIOn. 1989 Trappmg the Larger Gram Borer, Prostephanus truncatus m maIZe fIelds usmg synthetIc pheromones. Entomologla expenmentahs et apphcata, 50,241- 244 Pnnceton New Jersey. 1983 A fIeld demonstratIon fmdmg gram msects, 1994. Prmceton, and warehouse Papers on msects affecting stored DIVISIOnof Entomology, Prostephanus 1995), and that the References Umverslty and The Theory of Sex AllocatIon Pnnceton Hall, D. R. Hodges, 803 Andersson biology storage produced aggregatIon pheromone of the Larger Gram Borer (m contrast with of other storage pests in thIS hght. Reproductive gram Pnnceton. IdentifIcatIon It would be worth attemptmg pheromones m -52 a mate and Bostnchldae), aggregatIon habitats et applicata, The larger gram borer response by other males IS part of the struggle for surVIval to remterpret ecological expenmentahs 1-10 F. H ,1911 Agriculture, Cork A., that aggregatIon Press, products. (Raffa et other males among Charnov E ,1982 al. , 1993). P. trunca tus would appear to fIt the pa ttern of a male calhng from ItS food source to attract 1998. Trees Prostephanus Journal of the GeorgIa EntomologIcal Chittenden and were elaborated different 1982 E, (II supplement), context further to the benefIt of both senders and receIvers W. communication to a sex that sexual of rrugratmg Entomologia Volume 9: pp. 257 - 285 87,285 - 294. ThIS IS also conSIdered to be the case m bark aggregatIon ongm collected Burkholder IS achIeved of the response The southern Benm. probable that other males are exploiting the smgal and pharmacology. New York C. , Tchabi A , and Scholz D., or m stores? It IS once a female has arnved Pergamon, Borgemeister high to the does not emit ItS SIgnal for the benefit of other males smce therefore biochemistry Behaviour as a means of locating a host but the SIgnaller signallmg and L I Gilbert physiology, discnmmate of Texas Press, 1985. 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Mate choice m Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostnchidae): The role of there are several exceptions hsted by in storage ability Products Research, Levinson and Levinson (1995) pheromones the response when feeding the male produces the pheromone one or other of these categories: to (Lepidoptera: species feed as adults on the same host as the behavIOur m several Journal of Stored Products of odour-based, Dendy J , Doble P , Saidl J. A. , SmIth J , and Urono B , 1991 Tnals to assess the effectIveness speCIes of stored Research, 9,3, pheromone 105-110. Barrer P M. and Jay E G , 1980. Laboratory observatIons 1792 mIXtures for trappmg of new synthetIc Prostephanus truncat'us (Horn) Products (Coleoptera: BostrIchidae) maize stroes. 27,1,69 -74. Journal of Stored Research, III Proceedmas of the 7th Internaiumal Detmers H B , 1990 Bedeutung des Untersuchungen holzes fur den MItteilungen aus Fortwirchaft. der Umversity of Readmg, UK Markham R H., Wnght V F , and RiOS Ibarra, zur biologischen Grossen Proetephomus truncatus Biologischen Worhng Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 2 Kombohre (Bostrvcludae Bundesanstalt for 1991 ) truncaius Land-und Flight untiation by Proetephan us truncatus in relation to time of day, temperature, relative hurrudrty and starvation, Entomologia Expenmentahs et Morre P communication truncatus Flight of the Larger (Horn) behavior (Coleoptera: TheSIS, Umversity Bostnchidae 1., PhD mediated by aggregation truncaius pheromone Nzeve (Horn) 1992. synthetic pheromone R. J, Prostephanus Hodges Bostnchidae biology iruncaius ) - mcreasmg 22,1-14 The range Journal of Stored pest with Products (Horn) 1994. 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