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Mesopotamia Study Guide!
Use GRAPES to remember what you learned about Mesopotamia.!
1. Where was Mesopotamia located? Hint: What does the word “Mesopotamia” mean? (G)!
between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in SW Asia in modern day Iraq - means land
between the rivers!
2. What physical features make Mesopotamia a good place to live? (G)!
the rivers!
3. Describe the religion of Mesopotamia. Was it polytheistic or monotheistic? (R)!
They believed in many gods - polytheistic!
4. Define polytheism and monotheism.!
poly -many!
6. Identify the achievements of Mesopotamia. (A)!
irrigation, plow, cuneiform, advanced math, arch!
7. Describe the political system (government) of Mesopotamia. What title did the leader have?
How was the leader chosen? (P)!
Kings were chosen by the gods - theocracy and monarchy!
8. What was the economic activity of the people of Mesopotamia? (E) !
farming was the main economic activity - they also traded!
9. Into how many social classes were the people of Mesopotamia divided? Who was at the
top? Who was at the bottom? (S)!
3 classes of people - upper, middle and lower - lower= slaves, upper = kings,
government officials, priests!
10. Be able to use latitude and longitude to determine the absolute location on a map.!
11. Be able to read a map of Mesopotamia to answer questions.!
12. Before the people began farming, how did they get their food?!
hunting and gathering!
13. How did irrigation help farming?!
irrigation brought water to the crops allowing for a steady food supply!
14. Why does the area of Mesopotamia contain fertile soil?!
the rivers flow from the mountains - as they flow they collect deposits of soil (silt) that
create fertile soil at the lower elevations ( see video on my webpage)