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STUDY GUIDE for Soils Test
Test is on Thursday, November 4th
S3E1c Observe Soils
Use observation to compare the similarities and differences of texture, particle size, and color in top soils
S3E1d Changes in Rocks/Soils
Determine how water and wind can change rocks and soil over time using observation and research
Clay: a type of soil made from certain types of rock dust
Loam: a type of soil that is a mixture of sand, humus, and clay that is good for plant growth
Humus: the part of soil made up of broken pieces of dead plants and animals
Silt: soil with grains of rock that are too small to be seen with your eyes alone
Sand: soil with grains of rock that you can see with your eyes alone and a type of soil that does
not hold water very well
Organic matter: parts of soil formed from decaying plants and animals
Particle size: the size of the tiny pieces that make up soil types
Topsoil: the uppermost layer of soil
Erosion: the movement of weathered materials by water, wind, or ice
Weathering: the breaking down of rock
The soil grains from largest to smallest are: sand, silt, and clay
Many farms have loam soil.
Silt soil is made up of powdery grains of rock.
The 4 things that make up soil are:
1. Water
2. Air
3. Tiny pieces of rock
4. Humus