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Province: Guangdong
May 2017
Basic facts
Land area, km
Nom. GDP, RMB bn
GDP per capita, RMB
Population, m
Real GDP, % yoy
Inflation, % yoy
Sources for all data: CEIC, China Statistical Yearbooks
Macroeconomic indicators
Size of provincial economy in perspective
% of national total
Real GDP growth in comparison
% yoy
Inflation rates in comparison
CPI, % yoy
GDP per capita in comparison
Nominal, RMB th
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China Chartbook
Deutsche Bank Research
Growth of trade flows
% yoy, 6M MA
Provincial trade share in national total
Foreign direct investment
Utilised FDI inflows
FDI in national context
Utilised FDI inflows, % of national total
Economic structure
Sectoral composition of GDP
Sectoral composition of GDP
National total
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China Chartbook
Deutsche Bank Research
Wages and income
Labour market developments
Rural & urban income
% yoy
Public finances
Revenue & expenditure
RMB bn
Sources of funds
km per 1 m people
Freight traffic
tons m
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China Chartbook
Deutsche Bank Research
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