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Panel Presentation
Lessons to Learn from Our Victories
After spending __ million dollars and untold staff hours, three NPS units are at the center
of huge success stories in resource management. The population recovery of grizzly
bears in the Yellowstone ecosystem, and wolves in three States has resulted in these
species being removed from Endangered Species Act protections. These successes
follow on the heels of the peregrine falcon delisting and bald eagle recovery. It is
appropriate now for the NPS to ask “What should we learn from these efforts, and how
will that learning help us with other species?”
This panel will begin with an overview of factors that lead to species listing and how
those factors interplay with the NPS role in ecosystems. Panelists will briefly recap the
recovery of four species. Each panelist will then discuss, for their species, the time and
money spent, the general nature of the work, the role of partners and other land managers
in the recovery, the public perceptions, politics, and what is needed to keep the species in
a recovered status. They will also present how they would apply their learning to the
looming species needing management attention – Canada lynx, prairie dogs, Mexican
spotted owls, wolverine, sage grouse, black-footed ferrets, and others. The conclusion
will summarize NPS policy considerations for delisted species and the potential revision
of the ESA.
Panelists –
Jack Potter – wolves
Sue Consolo-Murphy or Glenn Plumb – Yellowstone grizzlies
Eagle and Peregrines – Cay Ogden
Cay Ogden
Wildlife Ecologist and T&E Coordinator
National Park Service, Intermountain Region
phone 303-969-2929
[email protected]