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World History
Early Civilization Test
(Form # C)
TRUE/FALSE- Please fill in A for True answers and fill in B for False answers.
1. One has more perspective living in the Dark Ages.
2. The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest story ever told.
3. Hammurabi and Gilgamesh led their people by providing written rules.
4. The Akkadians were the first to create an Empire in Mesopotamia.
5. Hindus and Christians have similarities regarding their belief systems.
6. The process of slowly drying a dead body to prevent it from rotting is called hieroglyphics.
7. The Hyksos invaded Egypt during the last kingdom.
8. A vizier is an example of religion.
9. Mummification is a way to keep records in Egypt
10. Slaves built the pyramids during the Old Kingdom of Egypt.
11. Under the Aryan Caste system, Jews were considered Sudras.
12. Moses led the Jews into Egypt after the draught in Canaan.
13. The “Dark Ages” refers to a period of time in which the people think for themselves.
14. A studious student has their backpack on their desk at all times.
15. The Zhou Dynasty is an example of a pivotal moment in China.
Directions: Select the best possible answer for each of the following multiple-choice questions.
16. Historians have identified the basic characteristics to legitimize civilizations as
A. Vehicles, use of fire, nomadic lifestyle, hunting and gathering, and technology.
B. Villages, temples, trade, tools, use of fire, and armies.
C. Use of metals, weapons, houses, food, religion, and art.
D. Advanced cities, political structure, religion, social structure, writing, and art
17. Mesopotamia is located in which current day country?
A. India
B. Iraq
C. Africa
D. Egypt
18. Which was NOT a strong explanation why early civilizations were built along riverbanks?
A. The water was used in ceremonial practices
B. To irrigate fields for sustainable crops
C. To ship goods to other places
D. Fertile silt created sustainable crops
19. Which of the following individuals would most likely be polytheists at the time of their death?
A. Gilgamesh
B. Confucius
C. Siddhartha Guatama
D. Abraham
20. A strong reason why early civilizations believed in the existence of an after life was
A. To find comfort in a concept they did not understand
B. A reason to work hard in their physical life
C. To simplify death to young child
D. All of the above
21. A theocracy is NOT prevalent in which of the following forms of governing?
A. The use of oracle bones
B. Hammurabi Codes
C. The Indian caste system
D. Ramses II
22. Evidence of mathematics, marriage licenses, medical records and birth certificates are strong examples
for which characteristic of civilization?
A. Religion
B. Advanced cities & Technology
C. Record keeping
D. Social structure
23. The Himalayan Mountains separate which two civilizations studied?
A. Old & New Kingdom of Egypt
B. China & Mesopotamia
C. Mesopotamia & Indus River
D. China & Indus River
24. Which of the following is a stronger and more credible source regarding how the average person lived
in B.C.E?
A. Hieroglyphics in King Khufu’s tomb
B. Herodotus’ account of both Persia and Egypt
C. Brahmin interpretation of the Vedas
D. Archeologists excavation of the area surrounding the pyramids
25. Which of the following civilizations used slave labor according to your readings and class
A. All Egyptian Kingdoms
B. Abraham and the Israelites
C. New Egyptian Kingdom
D. Early Indus River Valley
26. The Fertile Crescent touches ALL of the following bodies of water except the:
A. Black Sea
B. Persian Gulf
C. Red Sea
D. Mediterranean
27 Which of the following is a strong reason why a theocracy might have more “by in” by the people
than an aristocracy during ancient civilization?
A. An aristocracy does not give money to their people.
B. The rich individuals in an aristocracy would own the land that the people wanted.
C. Because the people want to believe in something more, a theocracy would gain the people’s
D. The aristocracy is similar to a democracy and the people had the power, not the leader.
28. Farming in ancient Mesopotamia resulted in an abundance of food, which
A. Often rotted, causing illness.
B. Enabled civilization to emerge.
C. Caused overpopulation, which created famine.
D. Produced inflation.
29. The Sumerians in the cities of Ur & Urek, dug extensive irrigation systems from what two rivers?
A. Euphrates & Tigris
B. Nile & Congo
C. Huang He & Yangtze
D. Indus and Ganges
30. A ziggurat’s main purpose can fall mostly under which of the following characteristic?
A. Art & cities
B. Technology & religion
C. Cities & writing
D. Politics & religion
31. Which was the first civilization to develop within Mesopotamia?
A. Babylon
B. Sumer
C. Assyria
32. Abraham was born in which current day country?
A. India
B. Iraq
C. Africa
D. Persia
D. Egypt
33. The purpose for The Epic of Gilgamesh and its impact on future people of Sumer fits under which
part of the “timeline?”
A. Dark Ages
B. Renaissance
C. Enlightenment
D. None
34. Why was Hammurabi’s Code important to the success of a civilization?
A. It helped unify his empire.
B. It helped keep Hammurabi honest.
C. It helped people to become knowledgeable.
D. All of the above
35. The Mesopotamians were most likely to trade with the following EXCEPT:
A. Aryans
B. Hararpa
C. Zhou
D. Egypt
36. Which of the following is an empire?
A. Babylon
B. Sumer
C. Israel
D. Mesopotamia
37. What did Hammurabi’s Code do to the political structure of Babylon?
A. It limited the power of kings.
B. It gave kings more power.
C. It gave the people more power.
D. It weakened the civilization.
38. What do Gilgamesh, Ramses and Hammurabi have in common?
A. Power is divine.
B. Each recorded their stories of leadership down.
C. They are all Pharaohs.
D. They all happened in Chinese civilizations.
39. What is similar about the social structure of both Babylon and the Zhou Dynasty?
A. Both are based on a system where the father is the dominant figure of the household.
B. Both allow woman to hold public office.
C. Both are centered on the community.
D. Both had a system of writing.
40. How was the Nile different from other early civilization rivers?
A. It was much smaller prohibiting trade.
B. It was predictable.
C. It left more silt therefore was more fertile.
D. It was in Iraq.
41. Which of the following is true regarding the three kingdoms of Egypt?
A. Most of the pyramids were created under the old kingdom, but expanded under the middle.
B. Pharaoh’s ruled and enslaved foreigners throughout each of the kingdoms
C. Expansion and public works happened during all three kingdoms
D. With each new kingdom, emerged a new religion.
42. What is the strongest argument why the Pharaohs were buried with all their possessions?
A. So no one would steal them
B. To have in the after life
C. They didn’t want to leave them behind
D. They wanted to take the goods to the Gods
43. If his people believed in dharma, how does this benefit the Pharaoh?
A. Dharma provides people with a set of rules to get to the after life, thus keeping them in line
B. Dharma gives people something to believe in and live for, so they will believe the Pharaoh.
C. By believing in Dharma the people will make him a fancy tomb
D. Dharma provides stories about the Pharaoh to pass down to children
44. What is a likely reason why the old kingdom lasted the longest?
A. The pharaohs ruled during this kingdom.
B. The Nile was stronger then.
C. They were not expanding to other areas.
D. They used slave labor.
45. The Mesopotamian story of Abraham and his dad’s idol shop, is evidence that a split in which
characteristic of civilization occurred over 4,000 years ago?
A. Government
B. Social structure
C. Religion
D. Technology
46. Where is the birthplace of monotheism?
A. Mesopotamia
B. Canaan
C. Egypt
D. India
47. What was happening in Canaan at the time of the invasion of the Hysoks in Egypt?
A. There was a serious drought & famine.
B. The Hebrews created an empire.
C. The Phoenicians expanded into Jerusalem.
D. There was a major population increase.
48. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and back into Canaan, crossing this body of water?
A. Red Sea
B. The Nile
C. Mediterranean
D. Arabian Sea
49. Regarding the same story, what purpose does a second son of Abraham serve in the future?
A. Descendents of both sons believe that they are the true inheritors of Canaan.
B. Descendents sons fight with one another over the land.
C. A split of monotheistic beliefs occurs.
D. All of the above
50. What might be the most likely reason why the Israelites were enslaved both under Ramses II, and in
India under the caste system?
A. They were nomadic
B. They were monotheistic
C. They were ruthless warriors
D. Abraham was being punished
51. What influential city in the Indus River Valley first used a system of plumbing?
A. Shang
B. Mohenjo-Daro
C. Hararpa
D. Mumbai
Answer the following question using the map below:
52. Which letter represents where the Hindu
Kush mountain range is?
53. Which letter represents where Buddhism
54. Which letter represents where the Himalayan
Mountains are located?
55. Which characteristic of civilization did the Aryans change in India?
A. Religion
B. Art
C. Advanced Cities
D. Technology
56. Which of the following writing systems was used to write the Vedas?
A. Hieroglyphics
B. Ideographs
C. Sanskrit
57. India’s ____ was created by the Aryans.
A. Sewer system
B. Educational system
C. Music
58. What purpose did karma and dharma, specifically, serve the Hindu leaders?
A. It gave them something to look forward to in their next life.
B. They could use this to scare the people in working hard and behaving.
C. It made people happy.
D. It gave them super powers.
59. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are the three main gods of
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Cuneiform
D. caste system
D. Confucianism
60. Which of the following is a logical reason for Buddhism not only to develop, but also to spread so
quickly to people on the bottom of the varnas?
A. Under Hinduism, the people were enslaved, but under Buddhism they were freed.
B. The Sudras could never become anything greater under the caste system
C. Under Hinduism the people were not encouraged to ask questions.
D. Siddhartha Guatama forced the people to believe him
61. Siddhartha Gautama is this religions major leader.
A. Buddhism
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Judaism
62. Siddhartha Guatama believed that suffering is caused by:
A. Not living according to the will and laws of God.
B. Spending money foolishly.
C. Demons.
D. Our attachment to things in this world.
63. According to Buddhist, how does one reach Nirvana?
A. Following The Golden Rule
B. Following The 8-Fold Path
C. Following The Trinity
D. Having positive karma
64. Buddhism and Confucianism are similar in that
A. Each emphasizes worship of only one god.
B. Each teaches detachment from earthly desires.
C. Each is led by monks and nuns.
D. Neither tradition is centered on a god figure.
65. Who of the following would most likely have similar belief systems?
A. Herodotus & Siddhartha Guatama
B. Confucius & Hammurabi
C. Gilgamesh and Zhou
D. Siddhartha Guatama & Confucius
66. Aristocrats under the Shang Dynasty under ancient China used _____________ to make decisions.
A. Prayer
B. Oracle bones
C. Blessings
D. songs
67. Which Confucian principle best fits the Chinese social structure?
A. Duty is often expressed in the form of work ethic, and each individual works to fulfill his duties
B. Each person has a duty to one another, and should be respectful
C. There is an order to the universe, and everyone is a part
D. All of the above demonstrate the social structure of China.
68. Which of the following best describes the dynasties of China?
A. Confucian ideals remained an important influence in all dynasties.
B. Rulers were able to completely eliminate corruption.
C. China was still mainly an agricultural nation with growing cities due to trade.
D. Emperors were largely harsh and rarely made any improvements for citizens.
69. The Zhou dynasty claimed it ruled China because
A. They had the Mandate of Heaven.
B. They had an army of artists.
C. Zhou ancestors had chosen it.
D. The Mongols feared it.
70. How is Legalism different than Confucianism?
A. Legalism is considered a religion and Confucianism is a philosophy in China
B. Both encourage people not ask questions, thus giving more power to the leader
C. Confucius is considered a king with divine power where as there is no theocracy in Daoism.
D. Legalists believe that people are not trustworthy and need leadership, whereas Confucius believes
in self.
71. What is the strongest support for the purpose of believing in the following in a civilization: Mandate of
Heaven, Reincarnation, Ka,
A. People generally live in fear and fear is a way to keep people in order in a society.
B. The pharaoh told them to do so
C. People generally want to do what is best for all people and understand that it leads to a higher
D. People generally like to feel like they belong to a society, so by believing in one idea it helps
people stay connected.
72. Overall, which of the following BEST describes the purpose why we study Early Civilizations in a
World History Course?
A. To not repeat our mistakes.
B. To gain perspective and thus learn more about ourselves.
C. Hey, we live in the Dark Ages and Mrs. Acker says so.
D. To earn points on this test.
Part II of the Early Civilization Test
Please answer the following prompt using as many specific details as you can in order to receive full credit.
Based on your notes from Unit 1, write a short essay detailing which civilization you believe was the most successful?
Support your opinion using specific examples from the 6 characteristics of a civilization.
Which Civilization was the most successful __________________________________________________
Write Short Essay Here:
Part II of the Early Civilization Test
Please answer the following prompt using as many specific details as you can in order to receive full credit.
Based on your notes from Unit 1, write a short essay detailing which civilization you believe was the most successful?
Support your opinion using specific examples from the 6 characteristics of a civilization.
Which Civilization was the most successful __________________________________________________
Write Short Essay Here: