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ALPHA LIPOIC ACID--Alpha lipoic acid is a completely natural molecule that exists
deep inside every cell of our essential component of the energy-producing
part of a cell. It quickly enters the cell and protects it against free radicals. Alpha lipoic
acid is both water and fat-soluble, and so can fight free radicals in any part of a cell and
even in the space between cells and even protects the DNA.
The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid helps to block such damage and it may improve the
glucose lowering action of insulin. By improving the regulation of blood sugar glycation
is reduced and our protein structures maintained. Alpha lipoic acid increases blood flow
to the nerves and improves the transmission of nerve impulses. Many of the difficult
symptoms of kundalini can be improved by the use of Alpha lipoic acid, especially
during the acute phase to avoid nerve damage, fatigue, inflammation, numbness, tingling
by supporting nerve growth and liver function. This powerful antioxidant will help with
heart strength, liver toxicity, boost the immune system preserve brain cells, and help in
energy production. Alpha Lipoic Acid improves nerve blood flow, reduces oxidative
stress, and improves nerve conduction. It significantly lowers blood sugar levels while
increasing glycogen storage in muscles and liver.
The brain is especially susceptible to radical attack and crosslinking due to its high
phospholipid content, high energy metabolism and high oxygen usage. This is likely a
huge factor in all mental dysfunction including ADD, Alzheimers, senility, depression
and stress. For not only are the neurons impaired, their ability to produce
neurotransmitters and convey messages is diminished.
Alpha lipoic acid also regenerates the levels of vitamin C and E, glutathione and
coenzyme Q10. Alpha lipoic is vital for converting glutathione back and forth from its
oxidized to its reduced form. Besides its antioxidant function alpha lipoic acid is the first
coenzyme necessary in the conversion of glucose to ATP, and helps cells take up sugar
and use it for fuel much more efficiently. Since alpha lipoic acid is found naturally in the
mitochondria it can determine the rate of metabolism. A higher energy level allows the
cell to take in more nutrients, remove wastes, and replace damaged components. Thereby
Alpha lipoic counters aging by increasing energy production, allowing the cell to uptake,
detoxify and heal more efficiently.
The Acetyl L-carnitine combined with Alpha Lipoic Acid protects both the membranes
and DNA of the mitochondria, and this is extra important during kundalini. Considering
the breakdown and reconstitution of cells during metamorphosis one can assume that
heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and cadmium, are freed to roam and create untold
oxidative damage; taking alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine (NAC) will help chelate these
metals so they can be removed from the body.
Alpha Lipoic acid in loose powder form is unpalatable, however it is toned down by
mixing it into your herb mix and chugging it in a shot of apple juice. Otherwise
encapsulate it yourself or by it already encapsulated.
L-ARGININE Many people have done their research and realize that amino acids are an
important part of supplementation. Amino acids promote overall health and muscle
growth and development.* Individually, amino acids play specific and unique roles in the
human body.
BCAA (Branch Chain Amino Acids) supplements are great for anyone who works out
in the gym almost every day and wants to preserve lean muscle while preventing
Protein is what supplies the building blocks necessary to repair and build muscle tissue
after your workout is complete. These proteins will then be broken down and
disassembled into amino acids. There are 22 different amino acids in the body, all of
which have a unique function.
BCAAs are absorbed directly into the muscle tissues and are metabolized quickly.
Because of this, BCAAs commonly support:
Strength and power*
Quick recovery after workout sessions*
Muscle building potential*
Energy levels*
Taking them before and after the workout session is crucial for supporting optimum
results.* This is when the muscle tissues require amino acids the most, feed those hungry
muscles when they want it!*
You can also add them to your diet, which can be beneficial if you're on a strict fat-loss
plan.* Additionally, BCAAs can go a long way towards helping prevent the loss of
muscle mass.*
The most common way to take your amino acids will be in capsule form, but if you
struggle swallowing pills, there's something for you as well. BCAAs are available in
liquid, powder, or chewable forms. Find the one that works for you!
BIOFLAVONOIDS--Bioflavonoids might be one of the very best anti-oxidants to
reduce inflammation and free radical damage. Inflammation occurs when immune cells
such as neutorphils overproduce free radicals, causing damage to healthy cells in the
vicinity. Since the immune system during awakening is activated in a non-ordinary
fashion we need to modulate its aggression and promote balance. To temper the fire so to
speak. Bioflavonoids inhibit free radical creation by reducing the production of
leukotrienes--the chemical messengers that summon white blood cells. They also inhibit
histamine production and are potent antimicrobial and antiviral agents. Wolfberries,
blueberries, bilberries, cranberries, bluegreen algae and other colorful plant material such
as spinach should be ingested during awakening for this purpose. These bioflavonoid
foods enhance cognitive behavior, and improves signal transmission of neurotransmitters
and hormones, psychomotor performance, and acetylcholine on smooth muscles and
glands (i.e.: muscarinic receptor sensitivity.)
CAFFEINE -If you're looking for something to pick you up before you head to the gym
for a workout session or you just feel like you're dragging your feet during the day,
caffeine is a great choice for a fast burst of energy.*
Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in many things most people consume on a daily
basis: coffee, soda, tea, and more. Caffeine takes effect on the central nervous system and
different people may feel different levels of energy boost.
Caffeine is not only great for quick energy, but it's also becoming a popular fat loss
support supplement and workout performance booster.* Caffeine is included in many
thermogenic fat burners and pre-workout supplements.
CALCIUM-2 AEP--Ca-2-AEP is an essential factor for cell membrane integrity and
sensitivity, protecting the cell from penetration by toxins and pathogens. It binds fatty
acids and electrolytes to the cell membrane structure that generates the cells electrical
charge. Ca-2-AEP is essential for neurotransmission, nerve impulse generation, and
muscular contractions and increases the activity of various neurotransmitters, improves
cellular membrane signaling and receptor sensitivity.
L-CARNITINE--Carnitine appears to build up acetylcholine and possibly dopamine and
may reduce deposits of lipfuscin (AGE's), that is accumulations of crosslinked molecules
in the cells. It may be more effective that Piracetam in cognitive-enhancing and
rebuilding the brain. It's a natural antidepressant and increases energy and endurance. It
acts to increase energy by carrying fat across the cell membrane and into the
mitochondria. Energy is then stored as ATP. It reduces the metabolites of fats (ketones)
in the blood from incomplete fat metabolism and reduces hyperammonemia. Carnitine is
most concentrated in the heart, sperm, and brain, especially the cerebellum. L-Carnitine
may be equal to or better as a cognitive enhancer than ALC. Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)
has mitochondrial membrane normalizing effects, while L-Carnitine is usually used for
its cardiovascular, performance-enhancing, and lipid-normalizing benefits. ALC
resensitizes cholinergic, serotonergic, and GABA-ergic neurotransmitter systems, reduces
age-related loss of cortisol receptors normalizing the adaptive homeostat. Chronic stress
impairs the reproductive homeostat (hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis). ALC
normalized blood testosterone levels, as well as hypothalamic beta endorphin (BEP) and
gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) concentrations from the hypothalamus, thereby
restoring luteinizing hormone (LH). Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC) is a metabolite that
occurs naturally in the brain, liver, and kidney, and is a dietary supplement that can be
found in many animal products.
It is also produced during high-intensity exercise, and Acetyl L-Carnitine's role in the
synthesis of acetylcholine is important for the central nervous system.
Though Acetyl L-Carnitine is not considered an essential nutrient, the body's production
of this acetyl ester version of L-Carnitine can decrease with age, making it a great
supplement to use in your fitness protocol.
L-CARNOSINE--The antioxidant amino acid L-Carnosine is believed to inhibit the
formation of crosslinks between proteins which have been glycated and may even reverse
glycation. The Life Extension Foundation calls carnosine the most important antiaging
compound. Use in conjunction with alpha lipoic acid for maximum free radical protection
during awakening. Taking Carnosine as its precursors alanine and histidine is much
cheaper. During stress histidine is needed more than any other amino acid.
CHOLINE—Keeping up a rich supply of the B Vitamin Choline is especially important
during kundalini to maintain the inhibiting side of the nervous system and the myelin
surrounding the nerves. Choline in combination with another B vitamin Inositol form
Lecithin which mostly composes the myeline sheath—the protective coating for nerves.
Choline is found as phosphatidylcholine (or lecithin) in the phospholipids bilayer of cell
membranes. The brain is rich in lecithin, especially so in geniuses. Choline is a building
block for Acetylcholine which is the parasympathetic nervous systems primary
neurotransmitter, and remember that excessive on-switch activity will tend to burn out
the off-switch chemicals as well. Acetylcholine is a neuromuscular messenger which
enables nerves to communicate with muscle cells therefore facilitating muscle control
and tone as well as memory, long-term planning, mental focus, mood elevation, sexual
activity and other functions. Pantothenic acid, B5 is needed for acetylcholine production.
Lecithin plays an essential role in the body's fat chemistry; it dissolves cholesterol and
keeps the arteries from clogging. Lecithin is the main component of liver cells and helps
to eliminate fats from the liver. Lecithin is known to purge the cells of LDL. It is useful
for drug detoxification, cell membrane fluidity, viral infections and smoking withdrawal.
It is best taken in its natural form from corn, soybeans, egg yolks, yeast, wheat germ and
whole grains and seeds because according to Pritikin the refined product can actually
cause the same problems as other fats. Manganese conserves acetylcholine. The
adaptogenic herb Ashwagandha root inhibits acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme which
breaks down acetylcholine and even promotes the formation of dendrites. Choline is a
precursor to Betaine, an osmolyte used yb the kidney to control water balance. Symptoms
for deficiency of the B vitamin Choline include kidney failure, high cholesterol and high
blood pressure.
The omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oil also increases
choline and acetylcholine levels in the brain. The lecithin extract phosphatidyserine
supports acetylcholine and improves motivation, initative and socialization. Brain cell
survival is highly dependent on the availability of DHA to facilitate the incorporation of
phosphatidyserine into its membranes.
Another lecithin extract L-Alpha Glycerylphosphorylcholine (Alpha-GPC) sometimes
called GPC (glycerophosphocholine) is a naturally occurring phospholipid precursor and
metabolite. It increases in endogenous human Growth Hormone (hGH) secretion by the
anterior pituitary in conjunction with Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH.
Alpha-GPC contributes directly to improved mental focus and cognitive function through
stimulation of the enzymatic synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC) in nerves, muscle
cells and all cell membranes, counteracting the age-related decrease in phospholipid (PC)
GPC acts as a precursor of acetylcholine (ACh) thus activates cholinergic transmission
which permits the development of more strength from work-outs and training programs,
plus reducing levels of somatostatin in the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Elevations in
blood and tissue levels of the essential nutrient, choline, which supports improved
lipotrophic functions in the liver. The fatty liver condition normally associated with
degenerative disease can be prevented and possibly even eliminated with increased levels
of choline. Alpha-GPC also acts synergistically with endogenous or supplemental Sadenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe) and folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 to facilitate
methyl group transfers in the brain and liver. GPC improves balance and coordination as
a result of normalized nerve transmission in the brain, and in cardiac, skeletal and smooth
Di-Methyl-Amino-Ethanol (DMAE) is a naturally occurring compound that is present in
significant amounts in fish. DMAE promotes the formation of acetylcholine, an important
brain neurotransmitter, increasing memory, learning and intelligence. Acetylcholine and
its precusor choline are unable to cross the blood-brain barrier very well. The body makes
acetylcholine from choline as it is needed. DMAE is basically a choline molecule with
one methyl group missing from the nitrogen. DMAE is more able to cross the blood-brain
barrier than choline. Once inside the brain, an enzyme performs a methylation that
converts DMAE into choline. So, taking DMAE increases the brain's potential to make
CREATINE--Creatine is an amino acid made from glycine and arginine in the kidneys.
It increases blood sugar and Growth Hormone. Creatine in the form of phosphocreatine
(creatine phosphate) is an important store of energy in muscle cells. During intense
exercise lasting around half a minute, phosphocreatine is broken down to creatine and
phosphate, and the energy released is used to regenerate the primary source of energy,
adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Output power drops as phosphocreatine becomes
depleted, because ATP cannot be regenerated fast enough to meet the demand of the
exercise. It follows that a bigger store of phosphocreatine in muscle should reduce fatigue
during sprinting. Extra creatine in the muscle may also increase the rate of regeneration
of phosphocreatine following sprints, which should mean less fatigue with repeated
bursts of activity in training or in many sport competitions.
CREATINE ETHYL ESTER (CEE) is creatine but with an organic compound called
an ester attached. If you don't already know the seriously great benefits of supplementing
with creatine, then you best get educated. Most importantly, creatine helps fuel your
muscles during high intensity exercise.*
Does that mean weight lifting? Yes - that means vein-bulging, heart-pumping, iron
smashing workouts. Creatine is a workout performance supplement that supports
strength, power, explosive muscular energy and lean muscle gains.*
Your supplement foundation should start with protein, a multivitamin and creatine.
Creatine is not only used for workout performance, but it also supports fast recovery and
muscle building.*
Muscle growth is a function of how hard you're working in the gym. So if you can push
out a few more reps and boost recovery, you're on the right track to results.
Creatine Ethyl Ester helps you push out more reps in the gym, and it's a form of creatine
that holds less water next to the muscle tissue.* With smaller doses of Creatine Ethyl
Ester, you'll still get the benefits of creatine with less in your system.*
Your supplement foundation should start with protein, a multivitamin and creatine.
Creatine is not only used for workout performance, but it also supports fast recovery and
muscle building.*
Muscle growth is a function of how hard you're working in the gym. So if you can push
out a few more reps and boost recovery, you're on the right track to results.
Creatine Ethyl Ester helps you push out more reps in the gym, and it's a form of creatine
that holds less water next to the muscle tissue.* With smaller doses of Creatine Ethyl
Ester, you'll still get the benefits of creatine with less in your system.*
To see the best results from your creatine ethyl ester, take it 2x a day with one dose about
30 minutes before you train and one dose immediately after. Try pairing creatine with
fast acting carbohydrates, amino acids, or protein powder for added benefits. You can
buy Creatine Ethyl Ester as a standalone product or in many pre-workout and postworkout products. Just check the ingredient label for Creatine Ethyl Ester or CEE.
Most people do well with a loading phase of 20 grams per day for 5 days. From there,
bump it down to 5 grams per day. Depending on your weight and muscle mass, you may
take around 10 grams a day to load your muscles. Remember to follow usage
recommendations on the package for best results.
CLA (CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID )- CLA is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in
meat as well as some dairy sources. In supplement form, you can skip all the extra
calories and get right to the CLA.
CLA is not a stimulant like other popular fat burners, but it is an all around great product
to support weight loss.* If you've already got a well-balanced fat loss diet in place and an
action-packed workout program, supplements are the next step to success.
The two most important parts of shedding fat and managing your weight are diet and
exercise, but supplements can provide additional support.* While primarily encouraging
fat balance and protein metabolism in the body, CLA may help your body burn up
calories and improve the way your body utilizes the food/fuel you eat.* Benefits may
Support for lean muscle development*
Use of stored body fat as fuel*
Promotes recovery from intense exercise*
Immune system health*
Anti-catabolic (anti-muscle-breakdown) effects*
Anti-oxidant benefits*
To answer the question of who should use CLA, simply ask yourself if you want to lose
fat and see the best results from your efforts. If you answered yes, CLA is for you.
Because CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid, it's safe for men and women of all ages.
The primary fitness goal that CLA promotes is fat loss or weight management.*
However, CLA is a healthy fat, so if you are looking to add healthy fats to your diet
without the extra calories CLA is a great choice!
The actual serving sizes will vary for CLA depending on the product you purchase. But
you'll see the best intended results by taking anywhere between 600 and 1000 mg per
day. Be sure to read the package directions for the particular product you pick up and
follow them accordingly.
You can take CLA as a standalone product or look for it in a combination fat loss support
supplement. CLA is commonly combined with L-Carnitine and Green Tea Extract in
non-stimulant fat burners.
Because CLA is not a stimulant, you can take it practically any time of the day to support
your fat loss goal.*
CHONDROITIN - If you want to start supplementing your diet with joint support
products, Chondroitin should be part of your supplement protocol. Chondroitin is part of
cartilage tissue. Supplemental Chondroitin is made from animal cartilage - shark and cow
cartilage are examples. As part of cartilage it helps support the structure of joints.*
Chondroitin holds water and encourages nutrient flow around joints, which is important
for overall joint health.*
Since cartilage does not receive any blood flow from the body, maintaining optimum
cartilage health with Chondroitin can help you see benefits for your joints.* Chondroitin
is a superstar supplement for joint support.*
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS--Getting plenty of the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and
Omega 6 is essential during metamorphosis to help protect the nerve sheaths and cell
membranes from free radical damage.
Omega 3 or EPA, (alpha linolenic acid)--is found in fish oils. The fish with the highest
content of EPA are anchovy, salmon, herring then mackerel. Research has shown that
EPA has reduced triglycerides by 64% and cholesterol by 24% after only one month on a
diet high in fish oil. Omega 3 stimulates endothelial-derived nitric oxide and enhances the
production of prostacyclin, a prostaglandin that produces vasodilation and less sticky
Omega 6 or GLA, (gamma linolenic acid)--is found in Borage and Evening Primrose oil.
Cis-linolenic acid is converted to GLA in the body and is found in safflower, sunflower
and corn oils in the greatest quantity.
Essential fatty acids (EFA) are necessary for all metabolic functions and must be
included in the diet as the body cannot manufacture them. In the body essential fatty
acids are converted into prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are cell regulators that modify
pituitary responses to hypothalamic hormones, including thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Prostaglandins are short lived
hormone-like substances that act in the regulation of all cellular metabolic processes in
the reproductive, cardiovascular, immune, digestive and central nervous systems. They
also act in the body's thermoregulation, calorie loss and restoring insulin sensitivity.
EFA's stimulate the release of Growth Hormone and alters the response of the thyroid
gland to thyroid hormones. GLA and EPA reduce appetite, reduce blood platelet
stickiness, relax blood vessels, lower blood pressure, lower triglyceride levels, relieve
diabetes, improve immunity, protect from cancer, suppress inflammation, reduces eczema
and allergy symptoms, help arthritis, skin hair and nail conditions.
One of the main functions of essential fatty acids are that they are the main component of
cell membranes, governing membrane fluidity and cell receptor sensitivity. Researchers
have found that exchanges of materials between the inside and the outside of the cell are
more effective if there are sufficient EFA's in the cell membranes by promoting
membrane fluidity. Gastrointestinal complaints including irritable bowel syndrome can
be improved with adequate EFA's because certain prostaglandins govern the secretion of
the protective stomach coating that prevents digestive acids from damaging stomach
Getting your Omega oils from plant sources is best these days with the fish situation
being the way it is...hemp is particularly good. Because EFAs make up a large portion of
the brain, hemp is especially beneficial for brain health and memory. Hemp also contains
phytosterols, which have been shown to reduce total blood cholesterol by an average of
10 per cent and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol by an average of 13 per cent.
Find a good source of fresh hemp seeds with the hulls still intact and grind with up with
water to make a milk, then sieve. Or get them hulled to put on salads or in stirfries
etc…A mixture of flaxseed and hemp seed will supply Omegas 3 &6.
Ideally, one third of the fat consumed should be Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs): Omega-6
Linoleic acid (LA) and Omega-3 linolenic acid (LNA). These EFAs are precursors to the
prostaglandins, short-lived hormone-like substances that regulate many functions in all
tissue. At least 10% of daily calories should be Omega-6 and at least 2% Omega-3. A
higher ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 is more advantageous in stemming fatty
degeneration diseases. Flax seed oil is 58% Omega-3, but it contains only 14% Omega-6.
Hemp seed oil is 55% Omega-6 and 25% Omega-3, making it the best seed oil for
optimal health and prevention of fatty degeneration.
A diet overly high in Omega 6 and poor in Omega 3 increases insulin resistance and Type
2 diabetes, Hyperglycemia is a source of free radicals when the glucose rise above 120
mg% in the blood. Free radicals created by chronic hyperglycemia assault beta cells of
pancreas worsening glycemic control.
The omega-3 fatty acid Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), constitutes 30-50% of the total
fatty acid content of the brain, especially prominent in the cell membranes. Most fish oil
supplements contain 12% DHA—cod liver oil contains large amounts of DHA and EPA.
Most of the DHA in fish and other more complex organisms originates in microalgae of
the genus Schizochytrium, and concentrates in organisms as it moves up the food chain.
Most animals make very little DHA metabolically. The inclusion of plentiful DHA in the
diet improves learning ability, whereas deficiencies of DHA are associated with deficits
in learning. DHA is a major fatty acid in sperm and brain phospholipids, especially in the
retina. DHA is taken up by the brain in preference to other fatty acids and the turnover of
DHA in the brain is very fast.
Dietary DHA can reduce the level of blood triglycerides in humans, which may reduce
the risk of heart disease. Studies show a reduced blood level of omega-3 fatty acids in
people with depression. It controls inflammation and decreases free radical induced levels
of lipid peroxide in the hippocampus (learning and memory). DHA also increases choline
and acetylcholine levels in the brain. The lecithin extract phosphatidyserine supports
acetylcholine and improves motivation, initative and socialization. Brain cell survival is
highly dependent on the availability of DHA to facilitate the incorporation of
phosphatidyserine into its membranes.
GREEN TEA is a supplement that offers many known health benefits and it's said more
and more are being discovered every day - Making it a wonder supplement! Green tea
originated in China and has been used for thousands of years, because of its huge
antioxidant complex that can be utilized by the body in many different ways.
Green tea is a remarkable substance that can optimize your calorie burn rate (metabolism)
for fat loss.* By increasing your overall metabolic rate, green tea can be used in
combination with exercise to promote optimal calorie burn so you can move closer to
your fat loss goals.*
Green tea may also help to support a healthy immune system, so if want to shed body fat
and support overall health, you should consider a green tea supplement.*
Regardless of your goals, green tea can help you move in the right direction. Some green
tea's biggest benefits include:
Antioxidant protection for optimal overall health*
Healthy energy levels*
Enhanced focus and concentration*
Optimal metabolic rate*
Green tea has naturally occurring caffeine within it, so it can be used to help promote
energy levels just like any other caffeine source.* However, the great thing about green
tea is that in addition to the caffeine it also provides antioxidant protection, making it an
absolutely stellar choice for fighting off body fat during exercise.*
Because of green tea's numerous health benefits, literally everyone will benefit from
using it. It doesn't matter if you're looking to lose weight or not, green tea can help
promote a healthy lifestyle through its antioxidant qualities.
Green tea also works well for those who are trying lean out for a bodybuilding show or
photo shoot, because of its natural diuretic attributes.* Taking green tea while dieting
may promote the excretion of urine, which can aid the body in releasing excess water
weight for a leaner, more toned looked.*
Green tea is a complete supplement and can definitely be taken by itself in extract form,
generally ranging from 250 to 500mg per day.
However, green tea also works well when combined with other fat burning ingredients.
Many fat burning supplements utilize green tea as a critical component to the product,
and in combination they may take your results to a whole new level of success!
GUARANA is a Brazilian herb, and is a popular natural source of caffeine and other
energizers - Guarana fruit is small, bright-red, and contains black seeds. It has been
suggested that guarana contains more caffeine than other sources such as coffee.
While the Guarani tribe of Brazil has used the guarana berry for centuries, it has only
recently been used commercially in many sodas and energy drinks. It is suggested that
guarana is useful for multiple goals, including:
Promoting energy and mental alertness*
Supporting endurance*
Optimizing performance*
Supporting fat loss*
GLUTAMINE--As well as cysteine it is recommended to take the other two aminos that
make up glutathione as supplemental glycine and glutamine. Both glutamate and
glutamine are forms of glutamic acid, the body easily converts the glutamine to glutamic
acid. Glutamic acid readily passes the blood brain barrier and is considered a "brain fuel.
In the brain, glutamine is a substrate for the production of both excitatory and inhibitory
neurotransmitters (glutamate and GABA). Glutamine is also an important source of
energy for the nervous system. Glutamic acid and cysteine are necessary for glucose
regulation, and can decrease cravings for alcohol and sugar. If the brain is not receiving
enough glucose, it compensates by increasing glutamine metabolism for energy.
Glutamine users often report more energy, less fatigue and better mood. Taking
glutamine during kundalini does not appear to enflame kundalini fire, however any
carbohydrate or sugar appears to do so. Hence gluatmine might be a "safe" brain fuel
during kundalini while on a ketogenic or low sugar diet.
Glutamine is the most abundant single amino acid in the blood and in the muscle tissue
comprising up to 60% of the amino acid pool in skeletal muscle; and is manufactured and
released primarily by the skeletal muscle. Because it is important in the rapid growth of
cells more is needed during stress or illness. Glutamine is utilized as a source of energy
and for nucleotide synthesis by all rapidly dividing cells, such as the cells of the intestinal
lining and certain immune cells thus without sufficient glutamine, the intestines atrophy
and the immune function breaks down. Glutamine therapy was found to improve
intestinal permeability in AIDS patients.
Glutamine serves as a nitrogen donor and a carbon donor, and is thus an important
muscle-building amino acid. Glutamine's unique structure, containing two nitrogen side
chains makes it responsible for 35% of the nitrogen that gets into the muscle cell. It is
anticatabolic, meaning it regulates protein synthesis in muscles, sparing muscle tissue and
helps replenish muscle glycogen after exercise. It is also involved in glycogen synthesis
in the liver and is a building block of many other amino acids. Glutamine can increase
growth hormone levels by 43% thereby slowing aging. It also improves lymphocyte
proliferation. Further more it reduces insulin resistance and high blood sugar which also
counteracts aging.
The amino acid glutamine strengthens the cell lining of both the small and large
intestines, provides metabolic fuel for gut cells, brain cells, immune macrophages and
lymphocytes. Glutamine has been reported to be helpful in reducing "leaky gut" and
"brain fog". Glutamine is important as an energy source for our bodies, and is the primary
fuel for the upper intestinal tract. It aids the immune system by increasing the integrity of
the intestinal lining preventing toxins and pathogens from entering the bloodstream.
Glutamine is also a component of folic acid. There is an association between folic acid
deficiency and seizure. Disruptions of the intestinal lining may cause folate deficiency,
and consequently lead to seizures.
The small intestine uses 40% of the glutamine in the body, it being the primary amino
acid for the cells that line the small intestine; it nourishes and repairs them. Insufficient
glutamine increases the permeability of the gut leading to leaky gut syndrome. This lets
in toxins, pathogens and partially digested molecules into the blood increasing the load
on the liver. The large molecules entering the bloodstream stimulate antibody production,
and then the liver subsequently has to cope with the waste products of antibodies. Which
again increases the demands made on glutathione and other antioxidants.
During kundalini the body's demand for glutathione goes up to cope with the free radicals
and detoxification process, which robs more glutamine from the small intestine making
the leaky gut syndrome worse. The extra demand for antioxidants during a kundalini
awakening and the subsequent utilization of glutamine from the small intestine could be
one of the main reasons for digestive upset during metamorphosis. This situation is
remedied by taking glutamine and its cofactors. Glutamine protects the brain and body
from ammonia toxicity. Excess ammonia interferes with the oxidative metabolism of
neurons and reduces the production of ATP, the "energy molecule." In addition, ammonia
gives rise to very harmful nitrogen-based free radicals.
GABA--GABA is made from the amino acid Glutamic acid (Glutamine or Glucose). It
reduces anxiety, elevates the pain threshold reduces the blood pressure and heart rate and
reduces compulsive behavior. GABA promotes fat loss and stimulates the production of
Human Growth Hormone (HGH). GABA can be taken as a supplement (L-Glutamine),
produces a calming effect on people who struggle with temporal lobe symptoms like
temper, irritability, and anxiety.
GLYCINE--Glycine and glucose are the two most common amino acids in the body.
Glycine is the simplest amino acid and is the only protein forming amino acid without a
center of chirality, that is it is nonpolar. Because glycine has such a small side chain it
can fit into many places where no other amino acid can. Hence it is the internal amino
acid of a collagen helix, thus collagen is about one-third glycine. Most proteins however
only contain a small quantity of glycine.
Like GABA, Glycine activates Cl- ion conductance resulting in a hyperpolarization of the
neuronal membrane and an antagonism of other depolarizing stimuli. This membrane
hyperpolarization makes glycine the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brainstem
and spinal cord, where it participates in a variety of motor and sensory functions.
However in the forebrain it functions in an excitatory way by promoting the actions of
the major excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate at the NMDA receptors. Other amino
acids, including alanine and taurine, also activate glycine receptors, but with lower
Glycine may increase acetylcholine neurotransmission in the hippocampus, the memory
center of the brain. This factor could be involved in having "ones life pass before ones
eyes" during near death experiences. Increases blood sugar and Growth Hormone.
Vitamin B6, magnesium and dimethylglycine are antiseizure and have increased speech
in autistic children. Found in many foods, glycine is also synthesized in the human body
where, among other functions it helps improve glycogen storage. It is utilized in the
synthesis of hemoglobin, collagen and glutathione, and facilitates the amelioration of
high blood fat and uric acid levels.
GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE is perfect for helping with joint health since Glucosamine
is part of joint fluid and cushioning in our bodies.* The main source of Glucosamine is
shellfish. Glucosamine sulfate may help to increase the uptake of sulfur by the cartilage
tissue and helping to keep your joint tissue healthy.*
Glucosamine is an important ingredient in many joint support products. Get optimal joint
health and integrity with Glucosamine Sulfate.*
Active people - from athletes to busy mothers - usually want to maintain their health and
active lifestyle well into old age. Getting extra joint support from Glucosamine
supplements may help promote that overall health and wellness.*
Glucosamine sulfate is a natural supplement that you can take on a daily basis regardless
of whether or not you think about your joints. By supporting the production of synovial
fluid within the bone tissues and promoting joint and connective tissue integrity, you can
build a strong foundation for healthy joints with Glucosamine.*
Anyone who is currently maintaining an active lifestyle could benefit from using
Glucosamine Sulfate. If you're an athlete or just trying to build lean muscle or manage
your weight, the stress that joints receive could be a concern. Any type of high intensity
exercise such as running, cycling, or weight lifting puts stress on your joints - and
Glucosamine Sulfate would be a good supplement choice to support your joint health.*
Glucosamine is safe for men and women of all ages. However, if you are allergic to
shellfish, you want to look for a form of Glucosamine that is vegetarian friendly - such as
made from the fermented glucose in corn.
In order to get the best intended benefits from using Glucosamine Sulfate, aim to take
500mg three times per day. To make it easy, remember to take it with breakfast, lunch
and dinner.
You can find Glucosamine Sulfate by itself or in Joint Support products with other
ingredients like MSM and Chondroitin. Remember to read the package directions on the
product you buy and follow the instructions on how to take it.
Other vitamins that work with Glucosamine to promote bone health are Calcium and
Vitamin D.* So be sure you are getting adequate amounts of those vitamins.
Hydroxycitric acid is otherwise known as garcinia cambogia and is derived from the
dried rind of the garcinia cambogia fruit. Hydroxycitric acid has been used for centuries
as a food condiment in Southeast Asia to make food more filling and satisfying.
HYDROXYCITRIC ACID (HCA) is a popular ingredient in commercial weight-loss
preparations and research suggests that HCA is effective at triggering safe weight-loss.*
Some studies suggest that HCA supports healthy serotonin levels to support a positive
mood and may shift the fuel usage in the body from carbohydrates to fats.*
In athletes, HCA supports fat burning and may improve athletic performance by
increasing exercise endurance.
HISTIDINE-- The amino acid Histidine is a precursor for histamine and carnosine. It is
needed for growth and for the repair of tissue, as well as the maintenance of the myelin
sheaths. It is also required for the manufacture of both red and white blood cells, and is
also aids in the production of gastric juices. It helps remove heavy metals from the body
and to protect the body from damage caused by radiation. Schizophrenics have been
found to have high levels of histidine, so they nor those suffering from bipolar (manic)
depression should take histidine. Dairy, meat, poultry and fish are good sources of
histidine as well as rice, wheat and rye.
KRE-ALKALYN is a patented form of creatine that supports workout performance,
strength, power, intensity and muscular endurance!*
How is Kre-Alkalyn different from Creatine Monohydrate or Micronized Creatine?
Ph buffered - Kre-Alkalyn is formulated with a higher Ph than other forms of
Kre-Alkalyn produces less waste product when digested*
Take a smaller amount of Kre-Alkalyn per serving with the same results as other
forms of creatine*
No loading phase
Better absorption by muscle tissue*
Less chance of holding water or bloating*
Creatine is a tried and true muscle building supplement and workout performance
supplement.* Supplementing with creatine may replenish your energy reserves during
resistance training.* Creatine works by fully saturating your muscles with a high-energy
compound known as creatine phosphate. This can be used by the body as an immediate
energy supply when you want to push out those last few reps in the gym - the ones that
count the most for muscle building.* Creatine also hydrates muscle cells with water,
promoting muscle fiber growth.*
Kre-Alkalyn is one of the newest forms of creatine to be developed. With no loading
phase, a lower serving size, and a ph buffered formula - Kre-Alkalyn is a highly efficient
form of creatine that will help you see all the great benefits of creatine!*
Practically anyone can take Kre-Alkalyn to support workout performance, muscular
endurance, and muscle recovery.* Kre-Alkalyn is safe for men and women of all ages to
If you want to build muscle, lose fat, improve at your sport, or improve your workout
performance - Kre-Alkalyn would be a great supplement choice for you!*
The recommended, general Kre-Alkalyn serving size is 1.5-3 grams a day. Usually, you'll
want to take half of your daily amount in the morning and the other half about 30 minutes
before your workout. Remember to stay hydrated throughout the day to see the best
results from your exercise, nutrition, and supplement plan.
You can buy Kre-Alkalyn as a stand-alone supplement where it comes in capsules and
powdered form. You can also find Kre-Alkalyn as an ingredient in some workout
performance supplements like pre-workouts and post-workout recovery products.
Carefully read the instructions on the product that you buy and always follow
manufacturer's guidelines.
MSM - In order for your body to function, it has to have a variety of raw materials
present perform a variety of functions. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), also known as
sulfonyl sulfur, is a pure, non-toxic, non-metallic, and naturally occurring element. Its
primary use has been for supporting healthy cartilage in the body but can also support*:
Proper hormone levels *
Antioxidant use*
Stomach function*
Healthy skin and hair*
Sulfur is one of the most abundant elements in the body and is found in many bodily
compounds, which means that MSM could play a role in a variety of bodily functions.
MAGNESIUM--Magnesium supplementation during kundalini awakenings is imperative
due to the long periods of HPA-axis hyperactivation and increased lipolysis. Magnesium
is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and is essential to good health.
Approximately 50% of total body magnesium is found in bone. The other half is found
predominantly inside cells of body tissues and organs, while only 1% of magnesium is
found in blood. The mineral magnesium (Mg) is used in building bones, manufacturing
proteins, releasing energy from muscle storage, and regulating body temperature.
Calcium (Ca) causes muscles to contract, while magnesium helps them relax.
Stress, both physical and emotional, evokes the release of the stress hormones:
catecholamines and corticosteroids. These stress hormones can induce magnesium loss,
and high ratios of Ca/Mg stimulate of their secretion, constituting a self-reinforcing loop.
The result being that Mg deficiency and catecholamines each cause tissue Ca overload.
Adrenergic stimulation of lipolysis can intensify Mg deficiency by complexing Mg with
the liberated fatty acids (FA). Short and long-term fasting has caused Mg loss for this
reason. Kundalini also, because of the increased stress hormones, lipolysis and autolysis
of tissues will increase the demand for Magnesium.
A low Mg/Ca ratio increases stress hormone (catecholamine) secretion, which in turn
lowers tissue Mg levels. It also favors excess release or formation of factors (derived both
from Fatty Acid metabolism and the endothelium: prostaglandins and fibronectin), that
are vasoconstrictive and platelet aggregating. High Ca/Mg ratios lead to increased blood
coagulation, which is also favored by excess fat and its mobilization during adrenergic
lipolysis. Epinephrine, but not norepinephrine, significantly reduced plasma Mg in
healthy men; and elevated blood catecholamines interfere with absorption of Mg in the
intestinal tract.
Mg modulates smooth muscle contraction through its Ca-blockage or competition. High
altitude intensive training resulted in a negative Mg balance sufficient to cause
convulsions. Since the energy generation of the body goes up in kundalini there is an
increase in ATP synthesis and ATP synthesis is Mg-dependent, as is phosphorylation;
while cAMP levels are low in Mg deficiency.
Mg deficiencies can be caused by diuretics, stress, and dietary imbalances such as high
fat, sugar, alcohol or calcium. A magnesium-rich diet consists of nuts, whole grains such
as brown rice, millet, buckwheat (kasha), quinoa, whole wheat, and rye, and legumes
including lentils, and beans. Chocolate is IN as far as Magnesium is concerned, cocoa
powder has the most Magnesium of any food. Though try mixing the cocoa powder with
dried fruit and nuts to make your own chocolaté concoctions, with the addition of some
spirulina. Magnesium is lost in cooking some foods even under the best conditions.
Green vegetables such as spinach are good sources of magnesium because the center of
the chlorophyll molecule (which gives green vegetables their color) contains magnesium.
Also high in magnesium are peanuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, brazil nuts, dried figs,
dried apricots, yeast, parsley, spinach and tofu. Recommended daily allowance is
400mg/day—with kundalini it might be somewhat higher.
NITRIC OXIDE (NO) products can help you prepare for your workout and promote fast
recovery during and after your workouts.* More and more people are starting to take note
of the benefits of this product and make good use of it within their supplement protocol.
L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide production in the body, and is commonly found
in most NO products, so keep an eye out! If you're tired of feeling flat at the gym, use an
NO product to boost your pumps so you don't let your workout fall short.*
Read on to learn about supplementing nitric oxide products into your fitness regimen.
PROTEIN Whether you're new to working out or are a seasoned pro, a quality protein
powder is a necessity! Simply put, protein is the single most important thing you must
consume daily to build new muscle tissue. Muscle wouldn't exist without it!
While you can get your protein from food sources - and it's recommended that you do protein powder is a great addition to ensure you get enough on a daily basis. Not to
mention protein supplements are convenient and fast absorbing for before and after your
workouts, so you can really take your results to the next level.
Protein shakes also act as the perfect solution for when you get busy and need to get
your protein in right away.
If you want to improve your health and fitness – protein can help!* Protein provides the
body with the building blocks to produce amino acids that are used for building muscle.
While both carbohydrates and fats can vary from diet to diet, protein is one nutrient that
should remain constant. The benefits are vast! Protein may help promote:
Muscle growth*
Enhanced recovery *
Optimal immune response*
A normal, healthy appetite*
Getting the right protein is important, and there are a number of different types that you'll
need to choose from to accomplish your goals.
Whey protein powder is a top quality and fast acting protein that's perfect immediately
after your workout for optimal absorption.* Whey Isolates would be one of the fastest
absorbing form of whey protein
Casein protein powder is a slowly digesting protein which can help provide a steady
stream of amino acids to the muscles for longer durations.* Casein is perfect to take right
before bed, for all night recovery.*
Egg and Soy protein powders are a fantastic option for anyone who's a vegetarian or who
is lactose intolerant – if either of those are a concern for you it's definitely something
you'll want to consider.
Once you know what type of protein you want to use, the next step is to identify the
nutritional values within that specific protein.
First, you should always check the calories per serving. Both weight loss and muscle
gains boil down to your calorie intake, so you'll want to be sure the protein you choose
aligns with your goals. Generally protein powders are divided into lean, meal
replacement and weight gainers.
Next, make sure the grams of protein per serving are adequate for your goal. A good
general rule of thumb is to consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight.
Be sure to consume your daily allotment in small amounts throughout the day to prevent
overconsumption and to maximize your results.
Another important thing to look at when picking your protein supplement is the
carbohydrate and fat content. In addition to calories and protein, these should also be
accounted for in your daily nutrition plan.
Finally, consider taste. Since you should definitely enjoy the healthy foods you eat, make
sure to choose a flavor that you think will appeal to your taste buds. Read our customer
reviews if you're still unsure.
By taking all of these into consideration, you should have no problem picking out the
perfect product.
Once you've selected your protein powder, you'll want to make sure you're doing
everything right to get the most out of it. To recap, ideally you should be consuming a
fast acting protein (whey) immediately before and after your workout, as well as a
supplement in between meals. To keep your energy levels up, combine this protein with a
good source of complex carbohydrates.
Then throughout the rest of the day continue consuming your food and protein
supplements at regular intervals. Lastly, take a slow digesting protein (casein) right
before you go to bed.
If you follow this simple guideline, your muscles will have everything they need to
recovery from your workouts and you'll get the results you're looking for!
TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS is a vine plant that has a long history of uses. People around
the world have turned to Tribulus to promote overall health and encourage muscle
When taken on a regular basis tribulus may be an excellent source for promoting the
muscle gains competitors look for.* Tribulus is suggested to support healthy levels of the
body's main muscle building hormone, testosterone.* Some of the main benefits of taking
tribulus may include:
Support energy levels*
Promote hormonal balance*
Support testosterone release*
Promote recovery time*
Enhanced muscle mass and definition*
TAURINE--The amino acid Taurine comprises of more than 50% of the free amino
acids in the heart. Taurine differs from other amino acids in that it doesn't become
incorporated into proteins. It exists as a free amino acid and is one of the most abundant
amino acids in muscle, blood platelets, and the developing nervous system. Taurine
promotes the pumping action of the heart. Evidently taurine serves as a neurotransmitter,
a regulator of salt and water balance and a stabilizer of cell membranes, a detoxifier, and
regulates cell membrane excitability. Taurine is involved in calcium metabolism in the
heart and may affect the entry of calcium into the heart muscle cells where it is essential
to the generation and transmission of nerve impulses. It can also prevent heart beat
irregularities caused by adrenalin. Taurine in combination with other cardio-protective
nutrients may be good to take during the heart expansion period of the peak: coenzyme
Q10, L-Carnitine and Magnesium.
It protects and stabilizes the brains fragile tissues and is the second most plentiful amino
acid in the brain after glutamic acid. Taurine facilitates Na, P, Ca and Mg in and out of
cells, and electrically stabilizes cell membranes. Taurine is a component of bile and fat
digestion, it plays a role in cellular defense against light damage to the eye and may
prevent epileptic seizures in some cases. Under the stressful and hyper-activation
conditions of kundalini taurine supplementation will help with the seizure-like
hypertension and heart inflation. Taurine supplementation during kundalini maybe an
advisable precaution especially for vegetarians. Cysteine (NAC) and B6 increases taurine
levels, whereas taking taurine directly may irritate the gut. Zinc enhances taurine's effect.
Since stress can deplete the body of zinc and B6 it may also lower taurine levels.
Through its role in calcium metabolism in the brain, it plays a major part in the release of
neurotransmitters. Taurine may inhibit the release of excitatory neurotransmitter such as
norepinephrine and acetylycholine and suppress adrenaline release. Thus is a safe
tranquilizer. As inhibitory neurotransmitters taurine appears metabolically and
structurally similar to GABA and glycine.
TRYPTOPHAN (5-HTP)--The neurotransmitter serotonin is made from the amino acid
Tryptophan. Serotonin neural circuits help counterbalance the tendency of brain
dopamine and noradrenaline circuits to encourage over-arousal. It calms, elevates pain
threshold, promotes relaxation, sleep and feeling of well being, reduces aggression and
compulsive behavior and increases confidence and concentration.
Taking tryptophan while under elevated cortisol-stress conditions might supply little
extra serotonin to the brain, because of cortisol's activation of an enzyme in the liver that
breaks down tryptophan (tryptophan pyrrolase). Vitamin B3 inhibits liver tryptophan
pyrrolase and B3 also activates the enzyme that converts tryptophan to 5HTP. Thus
taking 100mg B3 several times daily with meals will also serve to enhance the
effectiveness of low-moderate tryptophan doses. Taking 50mg vitamin B6 once or twice
daily with meals will also augment tryptophan-serotonin conversion, since B6 activates
the decarboxylase enzyme that converts 5HTP to serotonin. Melatonin actually promotes
increased brain serotonin through its ability to reduce cortisol levels, and reduced cortisol
levels will lessen the activity of liver pyrrolase, the enzyme that degrades tryptophan.
Magnesium also helps lower cortisol. And St John's Wort is a mild MAO inhibitor which
reduces the reuptake of serotonin in the brain increasing synaptic levels and it is also a
cortisol inhibitor. James South MA has a fabulous article on L-Tryptophan