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Three key regimes of single pulse generation per
round trip of all-normal-dispersion fiber lasers
mode-locked with nonlinear polarization
Sergey Smirnov,1,* Sergey Kobtsev,1 Sergey Kukarin,1 and Aleksey Ivanenko1,2
Division of Laser Physics and Innovative Technologies, Novosibirsk State University, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK
[email protected]
Abstract: We show experimentally and numerically new transient lasing
regime between stable single-pulse generation and noise-like generation.
We characterize qualitatively all three regimes of single pulse generation
per round-trip of all-normal-dispersion fiber lasers mode-locked due to
effect of nonlinear polarization evolution. We study spectral and temporal
features of pulses produced in all three regimes as well as compressibility of
such pulses. Simple criteria are proposed to identify lasing regime in
©2012 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.4050) Mode-locked lasers; (140.3510) Lasers, fiber; (140.7090) Ultrafast
References and links
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#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27447
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1. Introduction
All-normal dispersion fiber lasers mode-locked due to effect of nonlinear polarization
evolution (NPE) are actively studied last year’s being simple and efficient tool for ultra-short
pulse generation. Compared to mode-lock lasers based on saturable absorbers this type of
lasers has more robust and reliable design and tolerance to power damage. Compared to
soliton generation in the anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD) regime, use of the
normal dispersion allows one to achieve higher pulse energies without wave breaking [1–3].
Further increase of pulse energy can be achieved due to cavity elongation. Since pulse
repetition rate for mode-lock lasers is inversely proportional to cavity length, pulse energy
grows linearly with cavity length if average generation power is fixed. Thus for example the
paper [4] reports for the first time lasing in a hybrid (consisting of both bulk elements and
fiber sections) 3.8-km-long mode-lock master oscillator with pulse energy as high as 3.9 μJ.
Recent experiments with all-normal-dispersion NPE mode-locked lasers both with short
and long cavities show a large variety of lasing regimes [5] which can be divided into two
types. The first is multi-pulse generation whith several pulses co-exist in laser cavity at each
moment [6,7]. The second regime which will be referred hereafter as single-pulse generation
implies generation of only one pulse (which however may also comprise a series of subpulses) during cavity round-trip. This work is aimed to investigate features of single-pulse
generation regimes of all-normal-dispersion NPE mode-locked lasers only. Let’s note that in
lasers of other types including oscillators mode-locked due to saturable absorbers (such as
SESAM, single-wall nanotubes) as well as NPE-lasers with net normal dispersion singlepulse generation regimes may differ from those of ANDi NPE mode locked lasers [8–10].
As it was shown earlier in the case of single-pulse generation the lasers under
consideration can generate pulses of different energy and duration and even qualitatively
different pulses at fixed pump power and different settings of polarization elements [11].
Classification and understanding of lasing regimes is therefore important for optimal laser
tuning. It was reported earlier single-pulse noise-like generation as well as stable bell-shaped
pulse generation [11–15]. In the paper [16] authors pointed out four experimentally found
generation regimes and proposed their classification based on super-continuum generation
efficiency. This work investigates experimentally and with the use of numerical simulations
three key single-pulse generation regimes of all-normal dispersion fiber lasers which differ
from each other in temporal structure and pulse-to-pulse stability. A novel generation regime
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27448
which takes intermediate place between stable single-pulse generation and single-pulse noiselike generation is demonstrated in such lasers. A correlation between pulse-to-pulse stability,
shape of spectrum and auto-correlation function (ACF) and pulse compressibility of laser
pulses are shown for different generation regimes.
2. Laser scheme and numerical simulations
In our experiments we used the same Yb-doped fiber ring-cavity laser as in our previous
paper (see [11] and Fig. 1). We used 7-m long active ytterbium fiber with a 7-µm core as the
laser active medium and 1.5W pumping at 980 nm. For control of the polarisation state in the
layout, two fiber-based polarisation controllers PC1 and PC2 were employed. For elongation
of the laser cavity and boosting of the output pulse energy a stretch of passive SMF-28 fiber
Fig. 1. Experimental laser scheme: PC - polarization controller, PIFI - polarization-independent
fiber isolator, FPBS - fiber polarization beam splitter, LD - pump laser diode
was inserted, so that the full resonator length came to 11.2 m (round trip time τ = 54 ns). All
optical fibers in this layout had normal dispersion within the working spectral range of the
laser. The average output power of the laser was limited by the power rating of fiber
polarization beam splitter (FPBS) and did not exceed 150 mW. In order to have a deeper
insight into experimental observations we simulate our laser using a standard approach based
on the system of modified non-linear Schrödinger Eqs. (1), (2) [17]:
g0 / 2
∂2 A
 2
= iγ  Ax Ax + Ay Ax + Ay2 Ax*  +
Ax − β 2 ⋅ 2 x
 1 + E / ( Psat ⋅τ )
∂ 2 Ay
g0 / 2
 2
= iγ  Ay Ay + Ax Ay + Ax2 A*y  +
Ay − β 2 ⋅ 2
 1 + E / ( Psat ⋅τ )
where Ax, Ay are the orthogonal components of the field envelope, z is a longitudinal coordinate, t – time, γ = 4.7 × 10−5 (cm·W)−1 – non-linear coefficient, g0 – unsaturated gain
coefficient, β2 = 23 ps2/km– dispersion coefficient, Psat – saturation power for the active fiber,
τ – time of cavity round trip. In our calculations we neglected the higher-order dispersion and
linear bi-refringence of the fiber. For simplification of the analysis and reduction of the
required computation resources we shortened the laser cavity to 10 m in our calculations. The
amplifier parameters were estimated from experimental measurements and taken equal to g0 =
540 dB/km, Psat = 52 mW. Since our goal here is a qualitative analysis of different lasing
regimes rather than seeking exact match between experiment and simulations, some possible
inaccuracy of laser parameters does not affect the main results. In particular we checked that
qualitatively the same regimes can be found in simulation with considerably different values
of cavity length, dispersion, gain and saturation power.
To improve convergence of the solution to the limiting cycle, the numerical modelling
included a spectral filter with a 30-nm band-width, which exceeds considerably the typical
width of generated laser pulses. In experiments implicit spectral filtering is performed by
wavelength-dependent gain of the active fiber as well as effective Lyot filter action of optical
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27449
fiber and FPBS [18,19]. The effect of polarisation controllers was taken into account by
introduction of corresponding unitary matrices (see e.g [11,20].).
Equations (1), (2) were integrated numerically using step-split Fourier method. White
noise 1 photon per each mode with random phases) was used as initial conditions. In the most
cases the laser needs less than 500 round-trips to enter the regime. As a rule we simulated
pulse propagation over 5 × 103 successive cavity round-trips but in order to confirm stability
of selected regimes we inspect pulse evolution over 105 round-trips. We also checked that
changing neither mesh width nor integration step affected the results of our simulations. The
most of stable lasing regimes could be reproduced after any reasonable change of those
parameters and initial conditions. As for noise-like and intermediate regimes they could be
reproduced only qualitatively and by means of their averaged characteristics due to their
stochastic nature. Note that for some PC settings both stable and noise-like generation could
be obtained depending on random realization of initial noise similar to reported in [21].
3. Results and discussion
The results of our experiments and numerical simulations show that ANDi lasers support a
large variety of generation regimes which can be hot-switched by changing PC settings. Laser
pulses generated at different PC settings may have different energy, duration, shape and width
of spectrum. Another important difference between generation regimes is a pulse-to-pulse
stability. The latter affects significantly pulse compressibility what is critical for many
applications of ultra-fast lasers with large normal cavity dispersion. Moreover pulse-to-pulse
stability determines lasing spectrum which can be either frequency comb or smooth
continuum spectrum what is essential for metrological applications of such lasers and supercontinuum generators on their basis.
Our numerical study shows that a whole series of generation regimes are extremely stable
and have parameters fluctuations as small as 10−6…10−4. Bell-shaped ACF and Π-shaped
spectrum with steep edges are distinctive features of stable generation regime, see left graphs
in Fig. 2. Note that spectral edges are steep even in logarithmic scale of spectral power what is
corroborated both with numerical simulations and experiments.
A principally different generation regime from the point of view of pulse-to-pulse stability
which also can be easily realized in ANDi NPE mode-locked lasers at different settings of PC
or/and different pump power is a single-pulse noise-like generation [12–15]. In this regime
laser generates wave packets with complex temporal structure comprising a set of sub-pulses
[11]. Integral characteristics of whole wave packet such as energy and duration fluctuate
slightly around their average exhibiting typical alteration of several percent. At the same time
the inner temporal structure of the wave packet changes dramatically demonstrating noise-like
behavior what makes them somewhat similar to chaotic solitons [21]. However, in contrast to
chaotic solitons, noise-like pulses have complex temporal structure being a set of sub-pulses
what relates it to exploding solitons in the stage of “lava” [21]. In contrast to exploding
solitons noise-like pulses demonstrate neither pulsations nor returns to bell-shaped pulses.
Noise-like pulses have two different scales of time coherence: the duration of whole wave
packet and duration of constituent sub-pulses. The presence of two time scales can be readily
seen in ACF obtained both in experiments and numerical simulations, see Fig. 2, right graphs.
Smooth spectrum and ACF pedestal appear as a result of time average over consequent pulses
whereas both spectrum and ACF of a single wave packet are indented [11].
A detailed study performed in this work shows that novel intermediate regimes do exist
between the aforementioned two types of lasing. Laser pulses generated in this regime are
hybrid between stable and chaotic pulses that combines complex chaotic dynamics with selforganization at each moment what differs it from e.g. soliton explosion regime [5]. Spectra
generated in such regimes have steep edges with smooth slope at the bottom. ACF of such
pulses has typical double-scale structure with tiny peak on a high pedestal. In other words
both spectrum and ACF registered in such intermediate regime have transitional shape
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27450
between those observed in stable and noise-like single-pulse generation regimes, see Fig. 2 in
the middle. Let’s note that ACF pedestal may have different shapes depending on PC settings.
In particular we observed in numerical modeling ACFs with quasi-triangular profile [16]
however such ACFs contained a femtosecond peak on the triangular pedestal indicating
stochastic nature of generation regime.
Good qualitative agreement between numerical simulations and experiments in ACF and
spectra for all three types of lasing shown in Fig. 2 allows us to use numerical modeling to get
a deeper insight into features of generation regimes. Thus Fig. 3 shows simulated temporal
dependences of pulse phase φ(t) and frequency shift Δν = –(dφ/dt)/(2π). Experimental
measurement of optical phase is quite complex especially in the case of stochastic generation
where single-pulse measurement techniques must be used.
experimental spectra
Spectral energy density, a.u.
stable regime
Spectral Energy Density, a.u.
Wavelength, mcm
Auto-correlation signal, a.u.
Wavelength, mcm
Wavelength, mcm
Wavelength, mcm
Time delay, ps
Time delay, ps
Auto-correlation signal, a.u.
Wavelength, mcm
experimental ACF
Wavelength, mcm
simulated ACF
noise-like regime
simulated spectra
intermediate regime
Time delay, ps
Time delay, ps
Time delay, ps
Time delay, ps
Fig. 2. Experimentally measured (red) and simulated (blue) spectra and ACFs for three
different lasing regimes: stable single-pulse (left column), intermediate (middle column) and
noise-like generation (right column).
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27451
stable regime
intermediate regime
noise-like regime
Power, a.u.
Phase ϕ, rad
Time, ps
Time, ps
Time, ps
Freq. shift Δν, THz
Freq. shift Δν, THz
Time, ps
Time, ps
Time, ps
Fig. 3. Simulated time dependences of pulse power and phase (upper graphs) and frequency
shifts (lower graphs) for three different lasing regimes.
It can be seen in Fig. 3 that optical pulse generated in stable single-pulse regime has
smooth bell-shaped temporal profile shown with grey and red lines in the top-left graph in
Fig. 3. Phase profile of such pulse is parabolic at pulse center (black line) what corresponds to
nearly linear chirp (see bottom-left graph in Fig. 3). This makes possible highly efficient
temporal compression virtually down to Fourier limit what agrees well with experimental
observations made by us and other authors [22,23]. Temporal intensity profile I(t) in the
intermediate generation regime shown in grey on the middle-top graph in Fig. 3 looks like a
“noisy” pulse, i.e. stochastic intensity oscillation about bell-shaped envelope shown in red.
Let’s note that the amplitude of these oscillations is much less than its average value so that
I(t) doesn’t fall to zero at the pulse center. Similar to stable single-pulse generation, temporal
phase dependence φ(t) in the intermediate generation regime has parabolic form with a tiny
high-frequency fluctuations that are almost invisible. However after derivation the fluctuation
grow considerably so that linear chirp in the intermediate regime is noticeably disturbed, see
black line on the middle-bottom graph in Fig. 3. The blue line shows smoothed frequency
shift Δν(t) which is nearly linear at the pulse center. These frequency fluctuations limits pulse
compressibility which can be estimated as follows. Let’s express frequency shift Δν(t) as αν +
δν(t), where δν(t) is stochastic fluctuations and α denotes average slope proportional to
average pulse chirp and can be estimated as Δν/T0, where Δν is the width of spectrum and T0
stands for pulse duration. A prism or grating compressor performs transformation t → t′ = t –
ν/α, after that pulse duration can be estimated as T′ = Tsp.lim. + 2T0|δν| /Δν, where Tsp.lim.
denotes duration of Fourier-limited pulse. In the presence of considerable chirp fluctuations
the second term prevails so that resulting compression ratio can be estimated as simple as k =
T0/T′ ~Δν/|2δν|. Substituting intermediate generation regime parameters (see Fig. 3): spectral
width Δν ~3.8 THz (Δλ ~15 nm), frequency fluctuations |2δν| ~1 THz we obtain k ~3.8.
Numerical modeling yields compression ratio k = 4.75 what has the same order of magnitude.
(Let’s note for comparison that maximum pulse compression ratio would be two orders of
magnitude greater if there were no frequency fluctuations since T0/Tsp.lim ~300 … 400
depending on pulse shape.) This result is also in a reasonable agreement with our
experimental observations. Thus compression ratio about 3..5 is achieved experimentally for
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27452
laser pulses which have double-scaled ACF with a tiny femtosecond peak on a picosecond
pedestal. In other words temporally compressed pulses generated in the intermediate lasing
regime are far from Fourier limited.
Finally, in the third (stochastic) generation regime the pulse looks like a noise-like wavepacket consisting of a series of femtosecond sub-pulses. The intensity of this wave-packet
falls down to zero throughout the pulse. Temporal phase profile φ(t) is close to parabolic with
clearly seen high-frequency fluctuations. Frequency Δν(t) demonstrates strong fluctuations
with amplitude comparable or even greater than spectral width what corresponds to
experimentally measured random chirp [24]. Using estimation for maximum pulse
compression ratio obtained above we obtain k ~Δν/|2δν| ~1 what means that noise-like pulses
are not compressible and agrees with results of our experiments and modeling.
Up to the present there’s a lack of simple qualitative explanation of physical mechanisms
involved in noise-like and intermediate generation regimes. Earlier it was supposed that noiselike generation is caused by polarization-dependent delay effect [12], however in our work
there’s no linear birefringence. Based on a similar model as we used, Tang et al [14] arrived
at a conclusion that the key physical reason of noise-like generation is the soliton collapse
effect [25]. However it’s not apparent even when number of noise-like sub-pulses is quite
moderate. Moreover we observed also some other patterns of pulse behavior e.g. one similar
to reported in [21] when chaotic sub-pulses are formed at pulse center and then move towards
pulse edges and disappear there most likely due to self-amplitude modulation resulted from
combined action of PBS and NPE. However we confirm the previously observed fact [11,14]
that when the laser switches to noise-like generation regime in the course of adiabatic change
of cavity settings (such as PC settings or pump power) the laser cavity feedback becomes
positive due to specific transmission function of NPE-based laser cavity. The pulse amplitude
starts to grow at that moment and the pulse decays shortly into a series of sub-pulses. Another
conclusion that can be made on the basis of our observations is that in relatively long cavities
the laser tend to stochastic regimes rather than to stable ones. The latter fact is usually referred
as NPE overdriving and resulted from non-monotonic power dependence of NPE-based
artificial saturable absorber. That’s why extremely long NPE-based lasers show multi-pulse
operation or produce noise-like pulses with smooth bell-shaped spectra [4]. Since NPE
overdriving is a quite general effect one can expect noise-like or intermediate (semi-chaotic)
generation also for ultra-long NPE-based lasers with anomalous dispersion and dispersionmapped cavities [26,27].
4. Conclusion
Thus both experimentally and with the use of numerical simulations this work demonstrates
novel single-pulse generation regimes that take intermediate place between well-known stable
single-pulse generation and noise-like single-pulse generation in all-normal-dispersion NPE
mode-locked fiber lasers. The unique features of novel regime which make it possible to
identify this regime in experiments are double-scaled ACF with a tiny femtosecond peak on a
picosecond pedestal and optical spectrum with steep edges with smooth slope at the bottom.
Pulse intensity contains high-frequency jitter however it generally doesn’t fall to zero within
optical pulse in contrast to noise-like generation regime. Optical phase also fluctuates what
results in temporal jitter of instantaneous frequency and limits considerably compression ratio
of such pulses.
This work was partially supported by the Council of the President of the Russian Federation
for the Leading Research Groups of Russia, project No. NSh-2979.2012.2; Marie-Curie
International Exchange Scheme, Research Executive Agency Grant “TelaSens” No 269271;
Grants of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (agreement No.
14.B37.21.0452; project No. 01200907579)
#175541 - $15.00 USD
(C) 2012 OSA
Received 5 Sep 2012; revised 14 Oct 2012; accepted 18 Oct 2012; published 19 Nov 2012
19 November 2012 / Vol. 20, No. 24 / OPTICS EXPRESS 27453