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Corn Tissue Sampling
After the grower, farm, field and plant tissue work order have been
created within the Nutra-Links® Crop Intelligence software;
1. Print the field’s work order and take it to the field.
2. Select plants that are themselves representative of the field and
are from representative areas of the field itself.
3. Be sure to use a clean tissue sampling bag to prevent skewing
the sample results.
a. A plastic pail or a paper bag work best. Never use a
metal container to gather the sample as the metal may
contaminate the sample.
4. Clean your hands before taking a sample to make sure you are
not transferring contaminates to the plant.
5. Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
A pair of scissors is helpful for the process. Do not include roots.
6. Clean the sample to remove soil, fertilizer, dust, or spray residue.
A dry brush works well. For stubborn residues, wipe the samples
with a damp cloth or wash the samples with distilled or deionized
water. Do not prolong the washing. Air-dry the samples if wet.
7. Place the cleaned plant tissue collected from one plant into one
clean paper sampling bag.
8. At the office, update the work order. Make sure Sample ID and
crop development stage have been accurately recorded and
updated in the online software. Once completed,
submit sample work order to lab, and print the
submittal form.
9. Pack and ship samples and their corresponding
submittal forms to the lab as early in the day as
possible. Multiple sample bags can be packed
in a shipping box. All samples must have the
submittal form included when shipped.
• Choose representative plants to sample.
• Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
• Prevent contamination by cleaning your hands before taking tissue
samples and ensuring the plant tissue is clean before packing.
• Do not include roots with samples.
• Never place fresh samples in a plastic bag as they will mold.
• Pack and ship with the submittal form to lab as early in the
day as possible.
• Seedling stage less than 12” high. Sample whole plant
from 1/2” above soil surface. Collect 15 plants.
• Prior to tasseling. Sample the most recently unfurled leaf
below the whorl. Collect 15 leaves.
• Silking. Sample the leaf below the dominate ear.
Collect 15 leaves.
Seedling stage
less than 12” high
Prior to tasseling
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051115 Nutra-Links is a registered trademark of United Suppliers, Inc.
Soybean Tissue Sampling
After the grower, farm, field and plant tissue work order have been
created within the Nutra-Links® Crop Intelligence software;
1. Print the field’s work order and take it to the field.
2. Select plants that are themselves representative of the field and
are from representative areas of the field itself.
3. Be sure to use a clean tissue sampling bag to prevent skewing
the sample results.
a. A plastic pail or a paper bag work best. Never use a
metal container to gather the sample as the metal may
contaminate the sample.
4. Clean your hands before taking a sample to make sure you are
not transferring contaminates to the plant.
5. Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
A pair of scissors is helpful for the process. Do not include roots.
6. Clean the sample to remove soil, fertilizer, dust, or spray residue.
A dry brush works well. For stubborn residues, wipe the samples
with a damp cloth or wash the samples with distilled or deionized
water. Do not prolong the washing. Air-dry the samples if wet.
7. Place the cleaned plant tissue collected from one plant into one
clean paper sampling bag.
8. At the office, update the work order. Make sure Sample ID and
crop development stage have been accurately
recorded and updated in the online software.
Once completed, submit sample work order
to lab, and print the submittal form.
9. Pack and ship samples and their
corresponding submittal forms to the lab as
early in the day as possible. Multiple sample
bags can be packed in a shipping box. All
samples must have the submittal form
included when shipped.
• Choose representative plants to sample.
• Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
• Prevent contamination by cleaning your hands before taking tissue
samples and ensuring the plant tissue is clean before packing.
• Do not include roots with samples.
• Never place fresh samples in a plastic bag as they will mold.
• Pack and ship with the submittal form to lab as early in the
day as possible.
Plant tissue from soybeans can be taken at three growth stages:
• Prior to flowering. Collect 25 leaves.
• Early bloom. Collect 25 leaves.
• Prior to pod set. Collect 25 leaves.
At all three growth stages, sample the most recently fully
developed trifoliate leaf. Do not include the petiole.
Prior to flowering
Early bloom
Prior to pod set
For more information please
051115 Nutra-Links is a registered trademark of United Suppliers, Inc.
Wheat Tissue Sampling
After the grower, farm, field and plant tissue work order have been
created within the Nutra-Links® Crop Intelligence software;
1. Print the field’s work order and take it to the field.
2. Select plants that are themselves representative of the field and
are from representative areas of the field itself.
3. Be sure to use a clean tissue sampling bag to prevent skewing
the sample results.
a. A plastic pail or a paper bag work best. Never use a
metal container to gather the sample as the metal may
contaminate the sample.
4. Clean your hands before taking a sample to make sure you are
not transferring contaminates to the plant.
5. Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
A pair of scissors is helpful for the process. Do not include roots.
6. Clean the sample to remove soil, fertilizer, dust, or spray residue.
A dry brush works well. For stubborn residues, wipe the samples
with a damp cloth or wash the samples with distilled or deionized
water. Do not prolong the washing. Air-dry the samples if wet.
7. Place the cleaned plant tissue collected from one plant into one
clean paper sampling bag.
8. At the office, update the work order. Make sure Sample ID and
crop development stage have been accurately
recorded and updated in the online software.
Once completed, submit sample work order
to lab, and print the submittal form.
9. Pack and ship samples and their
corresponding submittal forms to the lab as
early in the day as possible. Multiple sample
bags can be packed in a shipping box. All
samples must have the submittal form
included when shipped.
• Choose representative plants to sample.
• Collect approximately one pint of lightly packed plant tissue.
• Prevent contamination by cleaning your hands before taking tissue
samples and ensuring the plant tissue is clean before packing.
• Do not include roots with samples.
• Never place fresh samples in a plastic bag as they will mold.
• Pack and ship with the submittal form to lab as early in the
day as possible.
Plant tissue from wheat can be taken at four growth stages:
• Early spring. Sample whole plant from 1/2” above soil
surface. Collect 25 plants.
• Bloom. Sample the most recently fully developed leaf with a
collar. Collect 50 leaves.
• Prior to head. Sample the most recently fully developed leaf
with a collar. Collect 50 leaves.
• Head to mature. Sample the flag leaf. Collect 50 leaves.
Prior to
Head to
For more information please
051115 Nutra-Links is a registered trademark of United Suppliers, Inc.