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What causes sound?
Take a tuning fork and strike
it against a block of wood.
What do you observe?
The tuning fork vibrates
and you hear a sound.
Sounds are made when
an object vibrates.
Sound travels because the vibrating
object makes nearby particles vibrate.
Sound needs a medium to travel through
– it cannot pass through a vacuum.
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Module 2.2 Topic 1:
Objectives: Describe waves and
Understand the movement of waves.
• BELL TASK: Draw a star diagram (mind map) with the
word WAVE at the centre and suggest 4 other
EXAMPLES of WAVE with the names and pictures.
e.g. Mexican Wave
e.g. Wave
for surfing
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Describing Wave
2•nd Write
Task of the
and Complete
the sentences:
the- Copy
that we
can use
to describe waves:
1. Waves happen when something is
pushed and then pulled, or back and then
one after the other as well.
•Block Energy
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Simulation of a transverse wave
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What do transverse waves look like?
•A Slinky can be used to model transverse waves, by
moving one end of the Slinky up and down.
•coils vibrate
•up and down
•source moves
•up and down
•direction of wave
•The wave travels away from the source. The direction of
the wave is at right angles to the movement of the source.
•In a transverse wave, the coils do not travel
horizontally, each coil of the Slinky just vibrates up and
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•The high points of a transverse wave are called peaks and the
low points of a transverse wave are called troughs.
amplitude ofofany
the lowest
points from
the rest
on neighbouring
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3rd Task of the lesson – Match the keywords Waves
1. The high points of a transverse wave
2. The low points of a transverse wave
3. Between the crests to the mid-point, or between
the troughs to the mid-points
4. Distance between two matching points
Distance between the crests to the
troughs is………………
Twice the Amplitude
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Label the picture with the keywords
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4th Task of the lesson – Watch the simulations and answer
the questions:
1. What happened when a pulse of wave is
sent to a fixed end?
It gets reflected back on the opposite side.
2. What happened when a pulse of wave is
sent to a loose end?
It gets reflected back on the same side.
3. GOLD Challenge! What is different when
we send a many waves to a loose and
then a fixed end?
The waves get reflected stronger!
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Summary: show Mr. Tsui your answers
for VIVO’s!
• Describe transvers waves.
• What happens to transvers waves when
they hit an end?
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Wavelength of a transverse wave
•The wavelength of any wave is the distance between two
matching points on neighbouring waves.
•The wavelength is the same whichever two matching
points are used to measure this distance.
•The symbol used to represent wavelength is
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Amplitude of a transverse wave
•The amplitude of any wave is the maximum distance a point
moves from its rest position.
•The amplitude of a transverse wave is the height of a
peak or trough from the wave’s rest position of the wave.
•The larger the amplitude, greater the energy of the
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How do Sound Wave Travel?
Saturday, 13 May 2017
BRONZE: Describe longitudinal waves?
SILVER: Explain how sound wave changes?
BELL TASK:Match and copy the meanings of the NEW keywords
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Watch the Video and Match the Boxes
Good vibrations!
What vibrates so that each of these objects makes sound?
drum skin
harp strings
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mouth blowing
lute strings
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How does sound travel through the air?
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Copy and complete
• Something vibrates
• Object’s vibration pushes air particles
• Air particles push each other along and
make a longitudinal wave
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‘Seeing’ sound waves
If we connect an mp3 player to a speaker, we can all
hear the sound produced.
If we also connect an oscilloscope to the mp3 player then
we can ‘see’ the sound waves.
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Loudness and amplitude
A sound can be quiet or loud.
quiet sound
loud sound
On an oscilloscope trace, the loudness of a sound is shown
by the height of the wave. This is called the amplitude.
Which word should be crossed out in this sentence:
The larger the amplitude of the wave on
the trace, the louder/quieter the sound.
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Pitch and frequency
A sound can be high or low – this is the pitch of the sound.
low pitch
high pitch
On an oscilloscope trace, the pitch of a sound is shown by
how many waves there are. This is called the frequency.
Which word should be crossed out in this sentence:
The greater the frequency of the waves
on the trace, the lower/higher the pitch.
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Which wave is the loudest and highest?
Which trace represents the loudest sound?
Sound A has the largest
amplitude (i.e. the tallest
waves), so it is the loudest
of these two sounds.
Which trace represents the sound with the highest pitch?
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Sound B has the greater
number of waves across
the oscilloscope – it has
the highest frequency and
so has the highest pitch.
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Amplitude and wavelength
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Describing sound waves
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Sound waves summary
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Speed of sound – experiment
This investigation for calculating the speed of sound should
be carried out in a quiet open space.
One student should hold a stopwatch, whilst another should
be holding some cymbals 100 metres away.
100 m
1. When you see the cymbals crash, press start.
2. When you hear the cymbals crash, press stop.
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Speed of sound – results
Record the results of the sound experiment in a table like this:
Distance (m)
Time (s)
Speed (m/s)
How are these values used to estimate the speed of sound?
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294 m/s
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Speed of sound – analysis
The first cymbal experiment gives an estimate for the
speed of sound as 294 m/s.
Use the average of your results to calculate another
estimate for the speed of sound.
1. How does this calculation for the
average speed of sound compare
with the real speed?
2. What errors could have affected the
results of the cymbals experiment?
3. Do you think the speed of sound in
water is the same as the speed of
sound in air?
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Energy transfer
How many different energy transfers do you think take place
during this experiment?
When the cymbals crash there is a transfer of kinetic energy
from the cymbals to the air particles.
When the sound waves reach the ear, there is a transfer of
kinetic energy from the air particles to the eardrum.
kinetic energy
of cymbals
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kinetic energy
of air particles
kinetic energy
in eardrum
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Sound in different materials
Sound needs a substance through which to travel because it
travels by making particles vibrate.
Which state of matter does sound travel fastest through?
Sound waves travel fastest through solids.
The particles in a solid are closer together than in a gas,
and more tightly bound than in a liquid. This means
vibrations are more easily passed from particle to particle,
and so sound travels faster.
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Sound waves in different materials
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Speed of sound in different materials
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Breaking the sound barrier
Which of these travel faster than the speed of sound in air?
Distance (m) Time (s) Speed (m/s)
small aeroplane
jet fighter
The jet fighter and the
meteorite travel faster than
the speed of sound in air.
This is called breaking the
sound barrier.
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Reflected sound
What happens when a sound wave meets a hard flat surface?
The sound wave is reflected back from the surface.
This is called an echo.
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Investigating echoes
Plan an investigation to measure the speed of sound using
You may use any of the following equipment:
clapper board
starting pistol
hard, flat surface
Remember to make sure it is a fair test.
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Analysing your results
Calculate the speed of sound for each of your distances
using the formula below.
1. How do your calculations compare with the actual speed
of sound in air?
2. Which of your distances gave the most accurate answer?
3. Were there any errors in your experiment?
4. Could you improve the experiment in any way to make it
even more accurate?
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How do we hear?
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How does the ear work?
1. Sound waves
are collected
by the outer
ear (or
6.The auditory nerve
takes the signals
to the brain.
2. The waves
travel along
the ear canal.
3. The waves reach
the eardrum and
make it vibrate.
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5. The cochlea
4. The small bones
turns these
(ossicles) amplify
into electrical
the vibrations.
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The ear and hearing summary
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What range of frequencies can you hear?
Humans can only hear sounds of certain frequencies.
The range of frequencies a person can hear is called
their hearing range.
Hearing range can be tested using a pitch sweep, in which
the frequency of a sound wave is gradually increased.
This can be created using a signal generator and loudspeaker.
What is the hearing range of a healthy young person?
20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
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Hearing ranges and hearing loss
Does everyone have the same hearing range?
We all have slightly different hearing
People lose the ability to hear sounds
of high frequency as they get older.
Almost 1 in 5 people suffer some sort
of hearing loss.
 Temporary hearing loss may be caused by ear
infections and colds, after which hearing recovers.
 Permanent hearing loss and deafness can be present
at birth or occur if the ear is damaged or diseased.
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Hearing ranges
As we get older, our ability to hear high pitched sounds
deteriorates. Some shopkeepers use this to their advantage.
A device has been developed called a ‘Mosquito’ which
emits sounds of around 20,000 Hz.
This is audible, and potentially
quite annoying, for teenagers
who may be loitering around
the shop, but is not noticeable
to older customers.
Some human rights groups have claimed that the devices
demonise young people indiscriminately. Others claim they
are a cheap, non-violent way to deal with troublesome yobs.
What do you think?
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Should ‘Mosquitoes’ be banned?
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Animals’ hearing ranges
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Ordering volumes
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Reducing noise
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Multiple-choice quiz
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