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Earth Science
Chapter 8: Rocks
Lesson 4: Metamorphic Rocks
• Learning Targets
• By the end of the lesson, I will be able to:
1. Explain how metamorphic rocks form
2. Identify samples of foliated and non foliated metamorphic rocks
• Pg 192 Textbook
How metamorphic rocks form
• Deep in the earth, heat and pressure from all sides squeeze,
bend and twist rock
• Heat and pressure change the appearance and texture of rock
• Can also form when liquids and gases escape from magma
Foliated rocks
• Foliated rocks form when heat and pressure have flatted the
minerals into bands
• Slate, schist, and gneiss are examples
• Slate has very thin bands and contains mica
• Lots of cleavage so many cracks (good for tile)
Non foliated rocks
• Rocks that are made largely of only one material, such as
limestone and sandstone, result in metamorphic rocks without
bands, called non foliated rocks
• Much harder
• Marble is formed from limestone (small amounts of mineral form
• Learning Targets
• By the end of the lesson, I will be able to:
1. Explain how metamorphic rocks form
2. Identify samples of foliated and no foliated metamorphic rocks
• Assignment