* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
CUSTOMER_CODE SMUDE DIVISION_CODE SMUDE EVENT_CODE APR2016 ASSESSMENT_CODE MC0078_APR2016 QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 4905 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the different types of decision making and looping statements with example SCHEME OF EVALUATION Decision making * If else statement * Switch-case statement Looping statement * For loop * While loop * Do while loop Each statement should be explained with example, each carries 2 marks QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 4907 QUESTION_TEXT What is the use of Servlet Development Kit? Explain life cycle of a Servlet. SCHEME OF EVALUATION The Java Servlet Development Kit(JSDK) contains the class libraries that you will need to create Servlets. A utility known as the servletrunner is also included, which enables you to test some of the Servlets that you create. Servlet Life Cycle i.Server loads the Servlet when it is first requested by the client or if configured to do so, at server start – up. ii.The server create one or more instances of the Servlet class. iii.The server constructs a ServerConfig object that provides initialization information to the Servlet. iv.Server calls the init() method of each Servlet instance. v.The server constructs aServletRequest or HttpservletRequest object from the data included in the client’s request. vi.The server calls the servlet’s service() method passing the objects constructed vii.Servlet’s service() method processes the request and returns output to client viii.Servlet waits until next request is received. ix.Server unloads the Servlet after calling it’s destroy() method. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 4908 QUESTION_TEXT What is Bean Property? List and explain Java beans properties SCHEME OF EVALUATION A bean property is a named attribute of a bean that can affect its behavior or appearance. Examples of bean properties include color, label, font, display size etc. The JavaBeans specification defines the following types of bean properties. i.Simple: a bean property with a single value whose changes are independent of changes in any other property. ii.Indexed: a bean property that support a range of values instead of a single value. iii.Bound: a bean property for which a change to the property results in a notification being sent to some other bean. iv.Constraint: a bean property for which a change top the property results in validation by another bean. The other bean may reject the change if it is not appropriate. Bean properties can also be classified as follows *Writable : A bean property that can be changed *Standard *Expert *Preferred. *Read only: A bean property that cannot be changed *Hidden : a bean property that can be changed. However, these properties are not disclosed with the BeanInfo class QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 72816 QUESTION_TEXT Explain the package and CLASSPATH variable in java. SCHEME OF EVALUATION Package (2 marks) To create a package is simply include a package command as the first statement in a java source file. (2 marks) Java users file system directories to store packages. (2 marks) CLASSPATH (2 marks) Consider as the root of any package hierarchy is controlled by CLASSPATH. (2 marks). QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 72819 QUESTION_TEXT What do you mean by CORBA? Explain its architecture? SCHEME OF EVALUATION The Common Object Request Broker Architecture is a standard architecture for distributed object systems. The services that an object provides are given by its interface. Interfaces are defined in OMG’s interface definition language (IDL). The figure graphically depicts a request. A client holds an object reference to a distributed object. The object reference is typed by an interface. In the figure, the object reference is typed by the Rabbit interface. The Object Request Broker, or ORB, delivers the request to the object and returns any results to the client. In the figure, a jump request returns an object reference typed by the AnotherObject Interface. The ORB is the distributed service that implements the request to the remote object. The ORB implements location transparency. The ORB implements programming language independence for the request. The client using the request can be written in a different programming language from the implementation of the CORBA object. QUESTION_TYPE DESCRIPTIVE_QUESTION QUESTION_ID 109007 QUESTION_TEXT What do you mean by AJAX? How does AJAX works? Explain with an example. Definition (1 mark) SCHEME OF EVALUATION Working principles (5 marks) Explanation with examples (4 marks)