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Fitness Guide - Muscular Strength
Fill in the FITT Principle for muscular strength
(Use PE Resource Book)
At least ____
times a week.
Work at _____% of
your 1 rep max
(for the muscle group
you are trying to
(low ______ /
heavy ________)
Each set should
consist of ___-___
heavy reps.
1. ______
2. ______
You should perform
___-___ sets.
Benefits of Muscular Strength
5 Benefits of Building Muscle That Most Women & Men Don’t Know About
○ link:
○ watch from the start to 6:00 min.
List the Muscle Benefits below-
What is Strength?
Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility
○ link:
○ just watch the first 15 seconds!
What is the definition of muscular strength?
Muscle Damage & Repair
What Makes Muscles Grow?
○ link:
○ watch from beginning to end.
As you expose your muscles to ________ (lifting weight) they experience microscopic
damage, which is a good thing. The greater the damage to the muscle tissue, the more
your body will need to repair itself. The cycle of damage & repair makes muscles bigger
and stronger. Without proper nutrition, hormones and _________, your body would
never be able to repair damaged muscle fibers.
● When the muscle is lengthening = _________________ contraction
Principles of Overload, Specificity, and Progression
● Principles of Fitness Training
start at the beginning and stop at 1:30
Principle of Overload =
Principle of Specificity =
What is the Principle of Progression?
What is the difference between a concentric contraction and an eccentric contraction?
Three types of Contractions
Isometric vs. Concentric vs. Eccentric, what’s the deal?
○ link:
○ this is a good one... Watch the whole thing.
He is explaining which contractions / movements are the “best” movements, which is
very interesting; but we want to understand the difference between each one.
Isometric contraction =
Isotonic contraction=
Concentric contraction =
Eccentric contraction =
Auxiliary Muscles are muscles that get worked out ___________________. They aren’t the
muscles you originally intended on working out but benefit anyway.
Auxiliary Muscles
Use the PE Resource Book in Google Classroom to find the information.
What are Auxiliary muscles?
Give an example.
Huhh…. Ok, let's break this down. Samantha is feeling really motivated today. She decided to
workout in the PERC after school. She decided to do a circuit of 10 back squats, 10 bench
press and 10 dumbbell bicep curls. For each exercise in Samantha’s workout, please indicate
the target muscle as well as the auxiliary muscle worked.
Intended Targeted muscles
Auxiliary Muscles worked
Back Squat
Bench Press
Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Strength Training: Muscle Recovery Time -- Meredith Rudh -- UHC TV
○ link:
○ watch the whole clip (1:41)
Now, check in your PE Resource Book in Google Classroom for the general rule of
thumb when lifting heavier weight in your workouts. What is the recovery time?
○ In between sets, the recovery time should be ___-___ seconds
○ In between workouts of the same muscle groups, the recovery time should be
___ hours (___ days)