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The Diaspora was a difficult time for the Jewish people. The Diaspora had a cause, there
were steps taken to ensure Judaism survived, and there were some positive results that
occurred because of the Diaspora.The Diaspora was caused by the Rome. According to the text,
the "Jews…had…(an) unequal struggle with the mighty armies of Rome…". The Roman army was
much stronger than the Jewish soldiers. The Romans destroyed the Second Temple of Jerusalem
and Judea.
There were steps taken to ensure the survival of the Jewish religion. According to the
text, "Jochanan ben Zakkai…(believed that) Judaism should be a world- religion, not inseparably
associated with any one place…but should spread freely over the whole earth." Ben Zakkai
worked hard to make sure Judaism continued and spread farther around the world. Rabbi's and
synagogues became more important after the destruction of the temple. A synagogue is a place
of worship in a person's home. Many schools were founded to continue the teachings of the
Torah and Jewish law.
There were many results of the Diaspora. With the Jewish people being scattered they had
to find other ways to worship, that caused the idea of synagogues. The Torah was also
translated into other languages, like Greek, so all people could learn about Judaism. Translating
the Torah helped Judaism spread to Babylon and Egypt. According to the Map, Jewish
settlements were spread all around the Mediterranean Sea, in Asia, Africa, and Europe.
Although the Diaspora seemed to be an awful time for the Jewish people, the cause, steps taken
to ensure that Judaism survived, and the results, all show the strength and devotion the Jewish
people have for their religion.