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IB1090938 Insects and art
April 28, 2010, Pages 321-327
1. How old are the oldest artistic depictions of insects?
a. 800 years old b. 8,000 years old c. 80,000 years old d. 800,000 years old
2. What arthropod appears in the oldest known example of true writing (3250 BC)?
a. locust
b. hornet
c. butterfly
d. scorpion
3. For what reasons do insects appeal to artists?
a. aesthetic value
b. symbolic value
c. technical challenge d. all of the above
4. Provide an exception to the pattern that the small size of arthropods presents a technical
challenge to artists.
a. Egyptian gold fly pendants
b. illuminated manuscripts
c. Nazca spider biomorph
d. Greek finger rings
5. Images of butterfly collecting first appear in paintings from what century?
a. 14th
b. 16th
c. 18th
d. 19th
6. Aposematic insects appear more often in illuminated manuscript than do cryptic insects.
a. True
b. False
7. What arthropod most commonly appeared in secular art of the 14th and 15th century for
a trompe l’oeil effect?
a. butterfly
b. dung beetle
c. house fly
d. spider
8. The use of insect-like anthropomorphic figures by Jean Grandville was typical of his
status as a
a. fauvist
b. surrealist
c. caricaturist
d. pre-Raphaelite
9. Which artist was the first to depict insects, flowers and fruit in horizontal arrangement,
allowing for a more precise and scientific rendition?
a. Jacob Hofnagel
b. Jan van Kessel
c. Maria Sibylla Merian
d. Pierre
Which artist was the first to depict a magnified image of an insect?
a. Jacob Hofnagel
b. Jan van Kessel
c. Maria Sibylla Merian
d. Pierre
10. The drawings upon which the engravings appearing in the 1719 work Metamorphosis
Insectorum Surinamensis were done by
a. Jacob Hofnagel
b. Jan van Kessel
c. Maria Sibylla Merian
d. Pierre
11. Although Art Nouveau decorative artist E. A. Seguy invented designs based on a
broad diversity of insects, to what order did he devote an entire volume of prints?
a. Coleoptera
b. Lepidoptera
c. Odonata
d. Orthoptera
12. Christopher Dresser, so-called “father of industrial design” looked to nature as a
source of inspiration for integrated design; before he was a designer he was a(n);:
a. entomologist
b. botanist
c. exterminator
d. nature photographer
13. The “death’s head moth” depicted in a painting by impressionist artist Vincent van
a. is an imaginary creature invented by van Gogh to depict the inevitability of death
b. is a real sphingid species that is common in Europe
c. is a real species restricted to Asia that would likely have been unfamiliar to van Gogh’s
14. The work of Surrealist artist Salvador Dali frequently features
a. ants
b. flies
c. grasshoppers
d. all of the above
15. Louise Bourgeoise is known for her oversize sculptures of what arthropods?
a. butterflies
b. praying mantids
c. spiders
d. all of the above
16. In Japan, to what insect activity is the festival hotaru gari dedicated?
a. listening to crickets b. catching crickets c. watching fireflies d. catching butterflies
17. Cicadas are often featured on netsuke because
a. they are popular in Asian cuisine
b. they are Asian symbols for rebirth
c. they symbolize royalty
d. their body shape makes them easy to carve
18. The brilliant blue butterflies whose scales are often used to create works of art belong
to the genus
a. Papilio
b. Lycaena
c. Morpho
d. Nymphalis
19. Yanomamo nose ornaments are made from what insect body parts?
a. dragonfly wings
b. damselfly wings
c. buprestid beetle elytra
d staghorn beetle mandibles.
20. What is the most popular arthropod featured in tattoo art?
a. Spider
b. Scorpion c. Scarab beetle
d. Butterfly