Download galaxy large group of stars, dust, and gas held together by

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gametophyte stage
gamma ray
Geiger counter
genetic engineering
geologic time scale
geothermal energy
gestation period
large group of stars, dust, and gas held
together by gravity; can be elliptical,
spiral, or irregular.
a device that uses an electromagnet to
measure electric current.
plant life cycle stage that begins when
cells in reproductive organs undergo
meiosis and produce haploid cells
electromagnetic wave with no mass and no
charge that travels at the speed of light
and is usually emitted with alpha or beta
particles from a decaying atomic nucleus;
has a wavelength less than about ten
radiation detector that produces a click
or a flash of light when a charged
particle is detected.
beautiful, rare, highly prized mineral
that can be worn in jewelry.
section of DNA on a chromosome that
contains instructions for making specific
device that uses electromagnetic
induction to convert mechanical energy to
electrical energy.
biological and chemical methods to change
the arrangement of a gene’s DNA to
improve crop production, produce large
volumes of medicine, and change how cells
perform their normal functions.
the study of how traits are inherited
through the actions of alleles.
the genetic makeup of an organism.
first word of the two-word scientific
name used to identify a group of similar
division of Earth’s history into time
units based largely on the types of lifeforms that lived only during certain
thermal energy in hot magma; can be
converted by a power plant into
electrical energy.
series of events that results in the
growth of a plant from a seed.
period during which an embryo develops in
the uterus; the length of time varies
among species.
hot spring that erupts periodically and
Global Positioning
System (GPS)
global warming
Golgi bodies
potential energy
Great Red Spot
shoots water and steam into the air—for
example, Old Faithful in Yellowstone
National Park.
late stage in the life of comparatively
low-mass main sequence star in which
hydrogen in the core is deleted, the core
contracts and temperatures inside the
star increase, causing its outer layers
to expand and cool.
organs that exchange carbon dioxide for
oxygen in the water.
muscular digestive system structure in
which earthworms grind soil and organic
large, moving masses of ice and snow that
change large areas of Earth’s surface
through erosion and deposition.
a system of satellites and ground
monitoring stations that enable a
receiver to determine its location at or
above Earth’s surface.
increase in the average global
temperature of Earth.
organelles that package cellular
materials and transport them within the
cell or out of the cell.
model describing evolution as a slow
process by which one species changes into
a new species through a continuing series
of mutations and variations over time.
describes generally light-colored,
silica-rich igneous rock that is less
dense than basaltic rock.
visual display of information or data
that can provide a quick way to
communicate a lot of information and
allow scientists to observe patterns.
temperate and tropical regions with 25 cm
to 75 cm of precipitation each year that
are dominated by climax communities of
grasses; ideal for growing crops and
raising cattle and sheep.
energy stored by objects due to their
position above Earth’s surface; depends
on the distance above Earth’s surface and
the object’s mass.
attractive force between two objects that
depends on the masses of the objects and
the distance between them.
giant, high-pressure storm in Jupiter’s
greenhouse effect
guard cells
natural heating that occurs when certain
gases in Earth’s atmosphere, such as
methane, CO2, and water vapor, trap heat.
water that soaks into the ground and
collects in pores and empty spaces and is
an important source of drinking water.
vertical column in the periodic table.
pairs of cells that surround stomata and
control their opening and closing.
vascular plants that do not flower,
generally have needlelike or scalelike
leaves, and produce seeds that are not
protected by fruit; conifers, cycads,
ginkgoes, and gnetophytes.