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DEPARTMENT OF STATIS TICS COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES, ROOM 118 330.972.6886 (TELEPHONE) 330.972.2028 (FAX) Course Description 3470:452/552 Theoretical Statistics II 3 credits Prerequisite: Sequential. 3470:451/551 Theoretical Statistics I or equivalent Course Description: Elementary combinatorial probability theory, probability distributions, mathematical expectation, functions of random variables, sampling distributions, point and interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, regression and correlation, introduction to experimental designs. Course Topics: Properties of point estimators Maximum Likelihood Lehmann-Scheffe Theorem Interval estimation Test of Hypotheses Type-I and Type-II Error Probabilities; P-values Neyman-Pearson Lemma Likelihood ratio tests Linear Models and least squares Regression Correlation: Practical Examples ANOVA 12/98