Download TKN Task Force Meeting Notes: October 1, 2009

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RAC TKN Task Force
October 1, 2009 8:00-10:00 am Pacific Time
Conference Call: (360) 709-8060 , access code 1072626
Attendees: Leni Oman, Laura Wilt, Lynn Matis, Barbara Post; Marie Manthe, John Cherney,
Kathy Szolomayer, Dale Steele, Sue Sillick, Rita Evans, Ron Curb, Arlene Mathison
For this meeting we extended an invitation to our individuals representing the data and
information services committees in TRB and AASHTO in order to discuss common interests,
potential collaborative projects, and outreach messaging.
Invited guests attending
 Frances Harrison, Spypond Partners and TRB Metadata Subcommittee Chair
 Kendra Levine, University of California –Berkeley, Harmer E. Davis Transportation
Library and WTKN Task Lead
 Johanna Zmud, NuStats, LLC, TRB Data Section Chair (a list of committees within the
section follows the meeting notes).
Meeting Notes
The Western Transportation Knowledge Network is seeking participants from the data
community to pilot the inclusion of data resources in the TKN. An invitation was distributed to
committees within the TRB Data Section at the TRB Joint Summer Meeting in Seattle.
The Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN), as part of the emerging National
Transportation Knowledge Network (NTKN), is looking at a number of issues pertaining to
transportation information and knowledge, including ways in which it can improve access to and
sharing of data. Currently there are limited established standards for data creation, collection, or
storage, which makes retrieval and manipulation difficult. WTKN proposes to:
Collaborate with data centers and engineers to improve access to transportation
Investigate options to improve the capture, storage, and access of information
resources, including metadata schema that may facilitate improved findability across
information sources.
Provide a venue and mechanism to network these different centers and data
We hope, with cooperation from the TRB Data and Information Systems section, that WTKN
can begin to work on this issue so that transportation engineers and researchers may have
access to richer data sets, enabling more accurate analysis and models.
Feed back on the invitation includes:
 Statement should be amended to reflect the standards that are available and clarify what
needs to change.
 Need more specific objectives for people to respond to: what type of data? What
activities? If it’s more specific, might be better able to visualize how to cooperate
All committees in the TRB Data Section have recently updated their strategic plans and
have various actions related to their specific areas of interests in terms of data. Within
that, we may be able to find a common interest among committees or a specific
connection with one or two committees.
Could this be framed in terms of cooperation across the members of WTKN (sponsor of
this initiative) for a pilot project?
Users’ information interests are so broad that it can be difficult to find common areas.
So providers of information may be easier to target:
o Portals for information access – so difficult to find information
o Data clearinghouses – has seen limited success beyond targeted communities –
can TKNs figure out a way to make this more visible and accessible
o Where are the information resources that the individual committess use – how
can access be broadened; don’t forget workforce issues and necessity to create
a better stream of information
Initial WTKN invite is a broad statement partly because they weren’t sure what Data
Section would want or respond to.
Researchers know, vaguely, that data sets are out there, but often can’t locate them
In terms of GIS, any response to how data is developed outside of specific transportation
GIS areas? Response: National GIS community had been working on developing
clearinghouses and developing metadata so they could identify datasets – would go
beyond transportation, but would certainly include transportation.
Johanna notes the Geospatial Committee has very strong, active co-chairs. They’ve
developed a Geospatial Roadmap and presentations to promote different ways to
accessing data. Have tried to reach out to other groups in GIS outside transportation,
reached out to private industry. Different data committees have different areas of
interest, different agendas and are moving at different speeds
The Data Section is working on trying to get various section committees to talk to each
other. Johanna recommends finding one committee and working with them to develop
the concept.
NCHRP 20-75 imagined that portals would be set up with searchable datasets, with
consistent tagging using taxonomy, with links pointing them to different data sources. As
researchers, encounters this problem herself, Frances could envision identifying top 50
datasets and fully cataloging and making them visible.
Effort in freight to do something similar; effort to make large travel survey datasets
Thinks there would be a good response to idea of archiving data as opposed to
Is this developing something new, or providing better access to what’s out there that we
can’t find?
We have cataloging rules for defining information, do we need to set up something
different. Dale has good point, can we standardize what’s out there
There’s a big difference between cataloging datasets and adoption of common
standards for data sharing. Metadata Committee has compiled existing metadata and
data standards. Frances suggests picking your battles, find something where you have a
prayer of getting something done.
DC’s local government has made some great strides
Need to start on small scale, demonstrate value to agencies of putting data out there
Access is a really big issue – some agencies and MPOs make it easy to access their
data, while others don’t – could raising visibility of those who do to motivate others to do
the same.
Leni asked Johanna if a more directly worded request would generate response, and
she said it would; Johanna suggested a discussion with interested parties at the annual
meeting and is willing to distribute requests in advance of the annual meeting.
Two ideas emerging, one for capturing and making more visible what’s out there (top 50,
or top 3 you can’t find) and on the other side, the whole issue of how to make data more
accessible/manipulatable, to get agencies to make sure data is out there and in a format
that can be reused
Identifying a few possible areas for more specific projects where we could work with
committee or committees in Data Section. Recognize that there’s more metadata and
related work that needs to be done
If TRT populated with definitions, could that promote common system for data definitions
– could that become industry standard within transportation – Frances noted difficulty
since data may have been collected using a specific definition.
Barbara notes definitions being added, but TRT doesn’t include system names, those
are Identifier Terms. Difficult to reach consensus on definitions. Systems would not be
defined with TRT.
Concerned about lack of standards, multiple data sources, and roadblocks to doing
mashups. Tags could make this process much easier, but with multiple people doing
the tagging, having a controlled vocabulary can help impose some consistencies
API for Google Maps – many people are familiar with it and are using it. TRT is being
looked at as more things are taxonomy-based.
Definitions and metadata provide information to users, but standardization is probably an
objective beyond what we can do. Start by drafting a statement of what task force is
trying to do (e.g., build resource base accessible from NTL website) and first step in
effort will be to identify key needs and what resources are available. Then we could ask
for list of top five datasets used, and top five datasets needed.
Concerned about effort needed, and goes back to the initial request for more specific
projects – really need the data community’s help in defining what is needed and what will
resonate with the data consumers. Noted the Climate Change Clearinghouse – since it
already exists, would it be a good place for a defined project for adding datasets? Could
help shape the definition of what data is needed.
Asked if there’s any data on use of the climate change website – Amanda was supposed
to provide quarterly reports, so LO will ask her for them.
How about if we solicit suggestions from TKN members and Data Section committees
about datasets that could enhance content of Climate Change site
Look at who’s using the Climate Change site… agree but noted that the site is still fairly
new and hasn’t been heavily marketed so this isn’t fully representative.
How about if we go back to TKNs and ask them “what are the datasets you’re asked for
most often,” and if climate shows up as a priority, then pursuing the Climate Change site
enhancements would make sense. Concern that making it so broad that people won’t
want to respond.
Need to decide what we’re going to do next – how about asking TKNs for their top three
in climate change and noting that we want to enhance site content.
We should review the statement of the objective for the website and modify it if
necessary to encompass data as part of the content
Concern raised that climate change isn’t real important to Data committees, would it turn
off those committees if it looks like we’re calling this a priority when they don’t see it that
way – would that make them less likely to want to cooperate with us
Will continue discussion via email to try to define what we’ll ask the TKNs and Data
Section committee for.
Identifying the data clearinghouses and archives that are needed within the areas of
Access is a big issue – knowing where information is, is different than adding them to
catalogs and making them more findable is another layer of need.
We don’t want to reinvent cataloging for the data community – what do we have to build
Do want cooperative platforms and want these to help build trust so more people are
willing to make their data available through the platform.
TRB Metadata Subcommittee
Specific resources and thoughts related to the Metadata Committee:
The Metadata Subcommittee is a joint subcommittee with the majority of Data Section
committees represented and does have common interest with us on information standards.
Serves as a resource for bridging across areas of interest within section. Can serve as a point
of contact in that regard.
White Paper outlined importance of metadata and role of committee.
Email Frances Harrison ([email protected]) if you’d like to be on Metadata
Committee’s email list.
Committee will meet Tuesday at noon at 2010 TRB Annual meeting. Any interested parties are
invited to participate as a Friend of the committee
No formal connection between it and TRT Subcommittee which is chaired by Sandy Tucker and
Frances will talk to her (Barbara Post noted that Sandy probably knows more about TRT than
anyone else).
Kendra noted that we could use some user input on how TRT can be used beyond TRIS which
would make it a more powerful tool – metadata based on the TRT could be readily harvested.
Frances – if TRT Subcommittee would like to invite Metadata Committee or other Data Section
committees to discuss common issues at annual meeting, could be useful discussion; several
people noted logistical problems at annual meeting and said web conference might be better
Wisconsin DOT’s Library and Data partnership - John Cherney
John’s PowerPoint file accompanies these notes.
 Agency employees were frustrated at their inability to find data resources. Researchers
unable to access internal WisDOT information, wanted to address remnants of Data
Integration efforts – data stewards often unavailable, time delays
During Data Integration efforts, invited academics and private industry to express needs,
and access
Some specific databases used at WisDOT – State Highway Programs Attributes Catalog
(HPMS, photo logs, pavement, local roads information) – Librarian named Data Broker for
this information – John’s found it very useful to have a “metadata database” where you can
find definitions – John doesn’t do any number crunching or statistical analysis, but uses
catalog to identify and direct users to datasets, e.g., someone looking for information about
shoulders would find all the dbs that have shoulder data. Highway bridge information on
user-unfriendly Oracle db on extranet which John has learned to use, great for drilling down
but requires some patience to use, has integrated Google, MS Virutal Earth and Mapquest
Recognize the role their library provides in organizing information and improving access
Library named as Data Broker. Provides direct access to some documents, including tif files
of drawings
Database of WisDOT data sources. Worked with IT, Data Mngt Section, Public Affairs,
Scenic Byways to develop web-based db for traffic counts and rustic roads which would be
updated on a regular basis, considered a great success with public able to easily access
Library can query to answer simple questions and know who to contact for deeper queries
Employees can better find resources
There is external access for some information. Uers have to authenticate to get to site and
first screen is not very user friendly so it’s thought many don’t proceed.
Missouri DOT – data conduit developed on MTKN site, AJ Million working to identify and
post state performance measures for a number of states. MTKN installed Druple.
o Enterprise metadata repositories help crosswalk databases.
Sandy Tucker and Frances Harrison will discuss joint needs/activities of the TRT and
Metadata Subcommittees (for our purposes, as it relates to supporting TKN activities – such
as findability and sharing)
Draft a more specific invitation:
o Send request to TRB committees to identify the 50 top data sources
o Ask the regional TKNs about the 3 most common data requests – mention at the
October meetings and come finalize a specific request to
o Ask for data sources to feed into the Climate Change site. ?
Draft a one pager on the TKN TF to accompany the request to the Data committees. Such
as… embarking to develop a resource through the NTL that identifies key resources,
including data, and… Share this at committee meetings at the TRB Annual Meeting.
o ) Ask RAC Leadership about interest in a webinar about the National Agriculture
Library and National Library of Medicine (given by representatives from their
organization). Leni will ask.
o Send note to Regional TKN Chairs and Library Connectivity PFS about survey on
current practice. Leni will do. DONE – WAITING FOR FEEDBACK
Gap analysis of information outreach needs: a) compare what we have to our goals and
priorities – what’s missing; b) consider what we need to reach out to the states and
transportation organizations not currently participating in the library/TKN/information sharing
communities . ALL
 TKN TF request to AASHTO Subcommittee on Information Systems - Leni
 CUTC meeting update - Arlene
 Meeting on International Information Sharing: Update from Barbara Post
 Feedback from TKNs and PFS regarding the survey - TKN Chairs & Maggie
 Use of Climate Change website and contributions - Amanda
 Homework status
2) Outreach materials
Review economic benefits of information sharing paper
3) RAC business
SCOR Strategic Plan
January Meeting prep
Committee Title
Section - Data and Information Systems
National Transportation Data Requirements and Programs
Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems
Task Force on the Traffic Monitoring Conferences
Urban Transportation Data and Information Systems
Highway Traffic Monitoring
Travel Survey Methods
Information Systems and Technology
Geographic Information Science and Applications
Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications
Statistical Methodology and Statistical Computer Software in Transportation
ABJ90 Freight Transportation Data
ABJ95 Visualization in Transportation