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Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Pd:_________
Protein Review/Study Guide Questions
Proteins are used to build cells, & they act as enzymes!
What are the 4 main elements making up proteins? How many covalent bonds
does each of these elements form?
Sketch these two amino acids --- glycine & alanine. Circle the center carbon,
place a triangle around the amino group, and put a box around the carboxyl
What are the monomers of proteins called? How many are there? Name the 4
things bonded to the center carbon of this monomer.
The main difference among amino acids is their ___________ group. What is the
R-group on glycine? on alanine?
Differences in R-groups give different proteins different ______________.
How does a dipeptide form? Sketch the dipeptide formed from glycine and
alanine. What molecule had to be removed to join these 2 amino acids?
What do you call the covalent bonds that hold amino acids together? Put a box
around these bond in the sketch you did on question 32.
Long chains of amino acids are called ___________________ and these join
together to make a ________________.
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Pd:_________
Hydrogen bonding among individual amino acids in a chain cause what effect
on the protein's shape?
10. What is the effect of temperature on protein shape? Give an example of this.
11. Most proteins act as catalysts or __________________ inside of cells.
12. The substance an enzyme is acting upon is called the _____________ and it must
______ into a place called the active site on the enzyme.
13. When a substrate joins with an enzyme, what effect does this have on chemical
bonding of that substrate? Is the enzyme affected temporarily or permanently?
How is it affected?
14. When chemical bonds in a substrate are weakened, what effect does this have
on activation energy needed to start the reaction?
15. After the reaction, what happens to the products? Can the enzyme be re-used
& why?
16. Besides temperature, what else can effect how an enzyme works by changing
the enzyme's shape? Can the reaction still take place?