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14 November 2008
1) Name this noxious weed…
A) Field Bindweed
B) St. John’s Wort
C) Penny Cress
D) Spotted Knapweed
E) Leafy Spurge
Euphorbia esula
2) Name this noxious weed
A) Spotted knapweed
B) Hoary cress
C) Field bindweed
D) Canada thistle
E) St. John’s Wort
Cirsium arvense
3) Name this noxious weed
A) Field bindweed
B) Spotted Knapweed
C) St. John’s Wort
D) Common Tansy
E) Ox-eye Daisy
Tanacetum vulgare
4) Name this noxious weed
A) Canada thistle
B) Sulfur cinquefoil
C) Dalmatian toadflax
D) Ox-eye daisy
E) Houndstongue
Cynoglossum officinale
5) Name this noxious weed
A) Canada thistle
B) Spotted knapweed
C) St. John’s Wort
D) Purple loosestrife
E) Hoary cress whitetop
Centaurea maculosa
6) A Category One noxious weed is
best defined as:
A) a weed not detected in the state or found
only in small, scattered, localized
B) a weed recently introduced into the state
or rapidly spreading from its current
infestation sites.
C) a weed that is currently
established and generally widespread in
many counties of the state.
7) Russian olive may soon be put on a
Category Four noxious weed list. This
listing means:
A) that, if listed, Russian olive cannot be sold
in the state but existing plants do not have to
be destroyed.
B) the state of Montana will be forced to
remove all existing Russian olives growing in
the state.
C) it will be illegal for a homeowner to have
Russian olives growing on his/her property
8) The Family Rubiaceae is:
A) Well represented in our state but only by
herbaceous perennials.
B) One of the largest angiosperm families on
the planet.
C) Represented by the cola and cacao
D) the family of Kentucky Coffee Tree
(Gymnocladus dioica).
9) The Family Apocynaceae is:
A) A family capable of only tropical existence.
B) Second only to the cereal grains as a
human food source.
C) Known for its highly toxic, yet important
medicinal contributions.
D) One of the largest plant families in
10) The Tamaricaceae family:
A) grows in saline environments in Montana.
B) is a huge family with many genera.
C) is unable to reproduce in Montana but
does grow here.
D) is threatened with extinction due to habitat
11) The Family Gesneriaceae:
A) Occurs primarily in alpine regions
B) Propagates by adventitious rooting of
C) is represented by Viola adunca.
D) Grows natively in western Montana forest
12) Droseraceae:
A) Occurs in aridisol soils only
B) Occurs in tropical, flooded forests
C) Has one genus documented in Montana.
D) Includes the species Cynoglossum
13) Yes or No
Since it is a fact that botanical nomenclature
is totally independent of zoological
nomenclature, is it possible that a plant and
animal may have exactly the same binomial
or ‘scientific’ name?
14) The permanent reference specimen of a named
plant deposited in a designated herbarium by the
naming botanist is a (an):
A) Isotype
B) Holotype
C) Syntype
D) Neotype
15) An example of a legitimately accepted tautonym
(the epithet for the species is the same as that of
the genus) is:
A) Viola viola (aka Viola’s violet)
B) Bison bison (aka American bison)
C) Viola tautonymii (aka Tauton’s violet)
D) Viola purpluus (aka Violet violet)
16) *, K4-6, C4-6, A4-6• + 4-∞, G1, Berry
Pick the best description below:
A) Flowers radial; sepals usually 6
sometimes 4, distinct; petals 6 sometimes 4,
distinct; stamens 4 to numerous but most
often 6, carpel one with unspecified ovary
position; berry fruit.
B) Flowers bilateral; sepals 4 to 6, adnate;
petals 4 to 6, distinct; stamens never more
than six; four to many carpels or only 1
fused carpel with inferior ovary; berry fruit.
17) This inflorescence is a (an):
A) Spike
B) Raceme
C) Umbel
D) Scorpiod spike
18) Strawberries asexually reproduce
A) Taproots
B) Fibrous roots
C) Rhizomes
D) Stolons
19) The following is an example of a:
A) Simple leaf
B) Palmately compound leaf
C) Pinnately compound leaf
D) Simple leaf with pinnate venation
20) This corolla type is:
A) Irregular (bilabiate)
B) Tubular
C) Campanulate
D) Salverform
21)Schrophulariaceae or
There are two main flower shapes in this
family. Some species (e.g. Veronica), have
four petals, but many have irregular shaped
flowers with five petals, often joined to form a
bell or tube, sometimes with two lips. In some
species (e.g. Linaria), there is a long hollow
spur with honey to attract pollinators. There
are two long and two short stamens attached
to the petals.
22) Lamiaceae or Brassicaceae?
The stems of this family are very often
square. The leaves are simple and not
divided, in pairs up the stem, each pair at
right angles to the last, and they are
frequently hairy or with scent glands.
It includes many well-known herbs (Mint,
Sage, Thyme, Basil).
23) Caprifoliaceae or Solanaceae?
There are several poisonous species in this
family including Deadly Nightshade (Atropa
belladonna), Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
and Thorn Apple (Datura stramonium), and
the family also contains the important
economic plant, Tobacco (Nicotiana
tabacum), which contains the highly toxic
alkaloid nicotine.
24) The photo portrays the Family:
A) Caprifoliaceae
B) Ranunculaceae
C) Brassicaceae
D) Solanaceae
25) We are all siliques and we are only
from what family?
A) Lamiaceae
B) Leguminosae
C) Brassicaceae
D) Ranunculaceae
And as Porky Pig said: