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The difference between adjectives and adverbs
 An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun
o Adjectives usually come before the nouns they modify.
He works in a SMALL flower shop.
o Adjectives sometimes follow a linking verb and describe the subject.
Linking verbs= forms of the verb be (am, are, is , was, were)
 These words also act as linking verbs so adjectives sometimes
follow them too: become, seem, appear, look, sound, feel, taste,
grow, smell
The new employee, Teruo, seems UNSUITABLE for the job, but he
soon becomes GOOD at it.
 An adverb describes a verb, an adjective, or another verb
o Adverbs tell how, when, where, or to what extent. Many adverbs end in –
He is fired EVENTUALLY because he is TOO generous to customers.
 Know whether you need to use an adverb or an adjective!
Adjectives can make comparisons
 The comparative form compares two things.
This painting is LARGER than that one.
 The superlative form compares three or more things.
Of the three, this painting is the largest.
 There are several ways to form the comparative and superlative forms
o Comparative (two things compared)
 Add –er to most one-syllable adjectives: highhigher,
 Add –er to many two-syllable adjectives: lovelylovelier,
happy happier
 Place more or less before many two-syllable adjectives:
partial more partial, loyalless loyal
 Some adjectives totally change form: goodbetter,
o Superlative (three or more things compared)
 Add –est to most one-syllable adjectives: highhighest,
 Add –est to many two-syllable adjectives: lovelyloveliest,
 Place most or least before many two-syllable adjectives:
partialmost partial, loyalleast loyal
Hint: use your dictionary to figure out whether you can add est to
an adjective or whether you need to use most or least. If the
dictionary doesn’t list the est form, then you know that you need to
use most or least.
Place most or least before many three-syllable adjectives:
wonderfulmost wonderful, beautiful most beautiful,
expensiveleast expensive
Some adjectives totally change form goodbest, badworst