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Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Per: _______ #:______
Etruscan and Greek Influences on Rome (Chapter 32)- Notes
DIRECTIONS: Using the PowerPoint from class, fill out the graphic organizer below with notes about each way the
Etruscans and Greeks influenced Rome.
As the city of Rome grew, their culture was influenced by their neighbors: The Etruscans and The Greeks
The Etruscans controlled much of northern Italy between 800-600BCE
The Greeks established cities in southern Italy and on Sicily
Etruscans’ Influence on ENGINEERING (building)
The Romans became great builders and owe their knowledge of engineering and
building science to the Etruscans
Etruscans’ Influence on SPORTS
The Romans adopted 2 bloody sports
SLAVE FIGHTING – slaves died fighting as Gladiators
CHARIOT RACING- also done by the Greeks
Greek Influence on ARCHITECHTURE
Greeks built marble temples as homes for their gods.
• The Romans used __________________________ and
__________________________ for their public
• Began using ________________________ to build
(1)Pantheon, the (2)Colosseum, and the (3)Circus
Greek Influence on WRITING
Greek alphabet Etruscan alphabet Roman alphabet
• (1) The _______________ alphabet was adopted by
the ___________________ and (2) the
__________________ changed it.
• Then (3) the _________________ borrowed the
Etruscan alphabet and changed it.
• Like the Greeks, Romans wrote in ________
___________________ letters.
• Romans carved into ________________ and
• Roman authors were inspired by ______________
Greek Influence on ART
• Greek pottery was admired by Etruscans and Romans
• Greek pottery was highly valued, used to
__________ _____________, and painted with
figures, ____________, gods, etc.
• Romans took Greek artists into their
_____________, and Romans imitated (sort of
copied) Greek styles but created their own lively
and realistic style
• Roman sculptors were skilled at creating
________--________ statues
Greek Influence on MYTHOLOGY
• The early religion in Rome was a mixture of many influences
• From the __________________, Romans would
celebrate religious rituals in founding their cities
• Romans had their own gods, but as they mixed with
Greek mythology, similar god’s from each culture
would be ___________________ to make a Roman god
• Romans simply __________________ some of the
Greek gods as their own, and gave them Roman Names
(Zeus = Jupiter; Aries = Mars)
• For Romans, mythology was less important than
_______________ ______________ for exact