Download Chapter 19 Hinduism Test Review Sheet

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Chapter 19 Hinduism Test Review Sheet
1) Much of what we know about the Aryans comes from their
religious texts called the ____________.
2) Siva the destroyers and Vishnu the Preserver are examples of
Hindu __________.
a. For a bonus throw in Brahma and those three gods make
up the __________ (think of 3)
3) According to Hindu tradition, after a person dies they are
______________, or reborn into a new physical form.
4) Hinduism taught that each person has a duty to __________
his or her place in the world.
5) A person’s __________ determined his or her place in society.
6) Give one action that would violate the caste system
7) What is a consequence for violating the caste system rules?
8) The highest ranking varna was _____________
9) The lowest ranking varna was _______________
10) What people originally memorized their poems and hymns
before developing the written language Sanskrit?
11) Tell one way that the caste system was changeable
12) Aryan Brahmans put together down their thoughts on the
Vedas and these became known as the _________ texts
12)What is the name of the Main God of Hinduism that is
comprised of all of the other gods?
13) Adhering to the strict rules of the caste system was of
_____________ importance in Aryan society.
14) In Hinduism the form one is born into depends on one’s
___________, or good or bad actions that they have done over
their lives
15) Give one example of how good karma can affect ones life?
16) Give one example of how bad karma can affect ones life?
17) Where did the Harrapan Civilization begin (what region of
18) Why did Hinduism teach to be vegetarian?
a. Extra point to explain why the cow is so regarded
19) What is salvation according to Hindu beliefs?
20) What does one’s atman (soul) contain
a. What happens to this once you die?
21)Short answer question * know this *
Explain how the caste system and Hinduism are related?
(how did Hinduism preserve the caste system)